How to Filet a Halibut

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[Music] alright here we are with Dez from vicious fish charters who's gonna show us about filleting a halibut okay first of all you want to have a sharp knife give a couple rubs on a whetstone rubs with the steel clean the knife off kind of scrape some of the lice away and I do make a couple little puncture holes about an inch and a half long on the tail one right there one right there and those are gonna be your finger holes for handling the fill it with okay we start up here right around the back of the head and you come down around the back of the head following the gill plate and once you clear the gill plate you get to the spin and you just follow you the lateral line which is this line right here you can faintly see it on the fish follow that all the way back to the tail like so nice a little clean and then you just take your knife and just basically like that but along against the spine gently pulling the flesh back as you go along like so and like that lifting the flash as you're going running the life along the backbone and get to the end like this run right through the skin like so I know when you're Philippine always go from the forward to back never go like this it's always from the head to the tail with the knife like that finger hole here snip that off there's your fella nice and clean and boneless find a nice clean to be able to put it on now for the lower part you want to start somewhere right around here this this area here is prone for worms and and whatnot so you want to kind of cut right around there to where the fins start here just form a the same shape as a gill but back around the belly cavity like so and then again start up here pressing the knife against the spine coming all the way to the back and again lifting the flesh up as you go all the way to the back and then this little bit of belly cavity here you just want to trim that away because in the belly cavity there's a lot of worms and stuff you can find in halibut so that was from the belly cavity right there so this is where these little things live and you want to cut that away all the way to the back again use your finger hole and there's your bottom part just like so she's a beauty she's a beauty thanks Dez that's a great Lhasa oh and we can't forget about oh yeah all right you got to do the cheek so if you put your hand on the top of the halibut and you can feel where it's hard and where it's soft so I usually start up about here just kind of guide your knife around - it doesn't cut and then turn it back out following the shape of the skull going around up around the eye socket so what you're doing is you're holding the knife like this and just going like pivot the knife over and just basically right around like that so nice back in that go right around to the back of the eye socket around like so filling it up off trim some of the stuff and then instead of using your knife to take the skin off this skin on the cheeks just peels right off just like so and there's your cheek meat right there trim a little bit of the blood off and there's your cheek good eating all right that's awesome thanks dad happy all deficient [Music] bring me back up
Channel: juandesooka
Views: 3,398,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halibut fishing, filet, fillet, fileting halibut, filleting halibut, port renfrew, bc, vancouver island, fishing charter, fishing charters, fishing guide, fishing guides, vicious fish, desmond hatchard, Halibut (Food), Outdoor Recreation (Interest)
Id: rUngm3hd1bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2012
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