How to File Your LLC For FREE in 2023

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hello guys my name is Akira and welcome back to my Channel today I'm going to be recreating one of my most popular videos and that's how you can get an LLC for free I'm going to be showing you a brand new company that I think is much better and how you can do this for yourself very easily I'm going to take you through the process and show you how you get your LLC for free so without further Ado let's get into the video okay guys like I said today's video is about how you can get your LLC for free first things first check the link down below that'll take you directly to the site that I'm using is going to be Zen business where you can follow me step by step on how you can do your LLC and you can do it with me while watching this video so like I said check the link down below let's get into this process and let's show you how you can do this for free first things first in order to make this a smooth process you want to go ahead and get your EIN for free from the IRS website which you can do that same day and it takes about 10 to 15 minutes to do that so I'll leave the link down below for the Ein once you get that or if you already have one now we can go ahead and start the LLC process like I said I will be doing this through Zen business um what you all require is your own information and your business name now let me go ahead and take you through the process of how you can file your LLC for free through Zen business foreign so now you've clicked on my link and we are at the Zen business home page so I'm just going to do a Cara D um as the business so we can get started and I can show you step by step how this works this is their home page and once you enter your company name you're just going to hit start now now what I love about this is it gives you an explanation and step-by-step process on how to get your LLC Journey started um it just says glad you're here and you're about to do something life-changing here's how it works we'll ask you a few questions and we'll get your business started um so once you read through everything you're gonna click yes I'm ready to start my LLC and it's almost like a chat conversation or a text conversation between you and Zen business and this is how you're going to get your LLC filed for state of formation I am going to go ahead and do New York and hit send and you just will put in the state that you are going to be working in um in that bubble next is you're going to enter the county of New York State and what you want the um the LLC to be in I'm just going to select Albany County um just because it's the first letter of the thing but that doesn't matter I'm taking you through the LLC process please and and now we're going to check to see if the desired name of the business is available and it says awesome akara did appears to be available and now they'll do a more comprehensive check on formation just to make sure that nobody else out there is using the name for your business um so that you don't have any issues with that um also the next question is are do you have any prior experience with running a business if you're here doing a free LLC for the first time I'm going to put none just so it gives you the maximum amount of information and doesn't skip over things that you may not know um especially you know because it's the first time they're saying thank you for joining us um and then you go from there so what's this if you want if you have any questions you hit what's this and it'll give you a brief explanation of the question that they're asking so right now they're asking if they have any employees for this example I'm going to choose no entrepreneurs are the PowerHouse of the economy right now is so good for you going out there alone well Cara D have a physical location other than your home for this option I'm going to choose no because it's not going to be a brick and mortar business for this example so from here I selected working from home again if you don't know or you have any questions about this it will give you an explanation of what the question is or the term is and it'll give you a breakdown so you can understand fully um so for this the launch status uh it's just that some people are already doing the thing and once they want to create an LLC for um or if you're just starting a business so what they're asking here is this are you already making money are you preparing to launch your business or you're planning for the future for this option I'm going to choose already making money just so that it gives the most in-depth option so that you guys can follow along for your businesses uh for this is also going to be asking what are your goals for a care D this is why I love Zen business over other formation Services because it really ask the questions that you need to have answered in order to provide you with the correct services for what you actually need for your business because if it's a side hustle you choose that if it's a primary income you choose that or the next best next best thing your next big thing meaning that you're not there just yet but you're planning on something big for this option I'm going to choose a side hustle um because I think that a lot of people who are starting your LLC is not necessarily their primary income just yet so I think choosing a side hustle is a good option now this is just explaining to you about what the extra income is it's a great idea um and they've given you they're going to provide you steps after you file your LLC on how you can build it out and where your business could lead to um finally they're asking you to pick a category for your business you would just type out what your business category is if nothing comes up you can just describe your business category on your own or put in other if you're not sure how to describe it uh for me I'm going to put content creation because there's not going to be oh they do have content creation so great um the industry I'm going to be choosing is content creating again if they don't have your industry there you can put a brief explanation for it and that will be perfectly fine for your LLC um it says they're they're proficient in forming content creation businesses and they've helped them achieve great success we want to change well let's move in a little fast so um okay let's go back here alrighty so um they want to help us achieve great success and this is all we need so now they're working on the recommendations for what they feel like is going to be the best options for you and your LLC so this is when they come ahead and recommend Services again you can do this for free um there are upgrades that you can add along the way and that's something that's needed for your state or for your business um the state of New York requires all us LLCs to announce their business in two newspapers in a country where they're the counting where they form over six consecutive weeks let our team handle your required uh newspaper Publications and notoriety letters of proof um now for this you do not have to do this why I'm going to be choosing no I'll do this on my own because I want to show you how you can get this a hundred percent for free and that's just to double check if you're going to do the publishing on your own um and why is this recommended now I've never done this for any of my llc's and I've never had any problems for New York but again I'm not an expert but this is something for you to research on your own so again to get this for free I'm going to choose no I'll do this on my own and again it's going to recommend services for you again for to get this for free I'm showing you how to get this for free if you feel like you need any of these upgraded Services definitely go for it um but I'm showing you how to get this for free um so register agent is a place where you will receive all your official business um and as someone who'll be present during business hours to receive important legal or government documents you can always be your own registered agent um it's not a huge deal to be at your own registered agent um but again you can look into this they also will give you why they recommend using Zen business as their register agent for this I'm going to choose I'll appoint my own registered agent which you can appoint yourself which is not a big deal and again they kind of explain to you why most people choose Zen business as a registered agent it is 199 um and then after that point it renews for 199 a year um and again that's completely up to you and I said um at this point I'm gonna choose yes I want to appoint someone else in order to keep this as a free LLC now in order to have an EIN I mentioned to you at the beginning of this video how to get your EIN for free this here just explains to you what an EIN is in this official registration with the IRS which is needed to identify your business and is required for a host of things as opening business like business bank accounts are hiring employees pretty much your EIN is your social security number for your business you can get this 100 for free do not do this dozen business the link to get the your um Ein through the IRS website will be in the description and you can get it same day if you choose the email option once you get your EIN so do not pay for this service do not do this don't pay for EA in anywhere because you can get it absolutely free same day and it takes about 15 minutes to do um so for this option I'm going to go ahead and say I handle my own documents um and again get your EIN set up and all that good stuff prior to doing this I think that's the best way but it's going to completely up to you now they are going to get you over to the actual packages so for the starter LLC that is zero dollars per that zero dollars for filing um and they do offer three packages so the starter again is zero dollars for um filing but New York state does have a 205 dollar filing fee which is a state fee um New York is on the higher end and like I said there's almost 50 there's 20 states that is less than fifty dollars to register LLC there's some states like California which charge almost 500 um so with this we're gonna go ahead and look at the package details so you guys can see everything that's included with the free version um you'll get the standard loc filing and the usual speed of filing it takes about two to three weeks in my experience I got mine in about 48 hours um and then you know tax deduction and taxing name search availability prepared LLC phone and email support online document Access Data statement organized organizer free tax constellation and a virtual business guide so those are all the things that come with the free package um which is what I'm showing you how to do so again they'll show you the other options for the LLC Pro expedited loc filing again I went with the free and got mine within 48 Hours um operating agreement worry free compliance automatic tax ex tracking and tax deduction tagging so if that's something that you're interested in great um but again we're showing you how to do this for free it's going to take you through all of the options just so you're making an educated decision based on what your actual needs are um from here we are going to go with the starter LLC which is zero dollars per month um and again it's so great so now they're going to continue to try to upsell you for a few different items like Zen business money Pro um it's something that you may be interested in it's 30 a month um but it is going to help you at the end of the year save a lot of money on your taxes I did give it a try I think it's really great um but that's pretty much up to you and it will you know it explains to you all what you're gonna get when you're filing your LLC again for this I'm going to choose no thanks because we are trying to do this 100 for free and again to kind of go through and um also offer you expedited or Rush filing I don't know why you would need to rush and file your LLC I mean depending on your situation I don't I don't know a situation in which you would need to rush file uh but if you do four to six business days is 49 and rush it one to two business days is 99 again I got mine within 48 Hours was doing the completely free service so I think that you should just select no thanks and up here I know you'll see that it's 205 dollars again that is the state fee and there's no way around that fee um they're also going to offer you again up sales for their online services domains you know for your domain if you're gonna get a website um and tons of other things um which you don't need and again if you have questions on like where to operate an agreement is you just hit what's this and it tells you exactly what it is and the operating agreement um it's just your business like rules they you stay stated as a business Constitution it sends out fundamental things about your business about this purpose and his managers again that's something that you can absolutely handle on your own um so we're gonna go ahead and just say no thanks now the annual compliance again something that you can handle 100 on your own um annual compliance is a service to cover your mandatory annual report in an amendment filing um they'll work with you on this um again this is something that you will get it even if you don't go with their service they will still email you about it because it's a part of the process within like the government that they have to it's something that they have to do so you'll get an email about this anyway and I'll still try to upsell you upsell it to you when your um compliance is due um you don't have to do it compliance you've been doing your own you do have to pay for it I think for New York State mine was like 39 and it's every two years um so it's completely up to you but I would not pay 199 for this and again we're trying to do this LLC for free it's going to say no thanks I'm gonna sort that out myself and then they're going to give you some more information about taxes we're going to skip over that because we're here to just follow our LLC so we have my company name as Akira d The Entity type is LLC the filing jurisdiction is New York and the county that I chose was Albany now you want to make sure that all this information is accurate before you move to the next step if you need to go back and edit this it's very simple to do you see that here I'm just going to hit cancel because I'm not editing anything but you want to make sure that your information is accurate all right now here we are we are at the final step of filing for your LLC that gives you the rundown of everything that you have have or have not included it also will allow you to add anything at the end if you decide that you want to change your mind from this point you would continue to the payment and make your payment for your state fees again New York state is 205 dollars and from there you will go ahead and you'll be able to go to their home page which will give you updates on your LLC filing and I'll show you all that good stuff um on for my LLC that I filed through Zen business and what that will look like and what you can look for once your LLC is filed so guys this is a hundred percent free outside of your state fees which is you cannot get those waves anywhere in the United States um so after this point you would just go ahead and continue to payment I'm going to blank that out because that's my payment information and then you go ahead and place your order for your free LLC through Zen business so from here you have your home screen for your LLC on Zen business so it gives you options about checking your expenses getting a business bank account and applying for a business credit card definitely recommend a business credit card because it worked for me now in order to get your LLC and that's what you're here for is very easy you'll go once it's available again it takes mine took about 48 hours I can't tell you how long yours is going to take but you go to your business records and right there you will have your formation of your LLC that's my LLC that I filed with them um there's tons of different things that are available um they like have business templates and like loan agreement templates and all types of stuff that you can access but for your LLC you're going to find that under your business records and from here you just be able to go ahead and view it download it whatever you need to do save it to your computer print it out whatever you prefer um again they have so many different options available to you um from the home page and again if you want to do anything that you skipped over on your LLC if you want to get a DBA you know we said no free eins all the way don't pay for one um but it gives tons of options for your LLC now if you anything by any chance or any reason you put incorrect information on your LLC you can go here and go to an amendment now you do have to um you do have to pay for an amendment so that is there is a cost of a hundred dollars for that that's why I stress to make sure that everything is accurate when you're filing for your LLC um so everything here is great um it's very easy very simple to navigate and once your information is completed or you receive your LLC once it's filed Zen business will send you an email with it will link you back to the site so you can download it through your documents super easy super easy process to get your LLC for free and I enjoy all the follow-up services that a lot of other loc formation companies do not offer trust me I know I filed LLC through two other services and I think Zen business is the best to actually help you with services to follow up in your small business Journey without trying to squeeze you for every dimes all right guys so I hope that was an easy process of helping you get your LLC file for free now I do also want to answer any of your questions Down Below in the comments so if you have a question if I can answer it I definitely will try to sometimes it becomes a lot of you guys so I can't get to every question but I will try to answer them as much as I can let me know what you think about this process and how filing this LLC for free works for you I'd like to thank you for watching this video don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more great business content and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Akkera Dorsey
Views: 26,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: limited liability company, llc, how to form an llc, free llc, free llc registration, how to file a free llc
Id: oEKCtsw9Ncs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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