How To File A Statement of Information Online

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[Music] as the world's fifth largest economy and the headquarters to some of the world's greatest companies business in California moves fast the California Secretary of State's new portal Biz file online speeds filings and orders up to the speed of California's business culture large and small corporations family businesses limited liability companies non-profits any organization formed with the purpose to conduct business must regularly file documents as a business entity in California business entities have legal rights and legal obligations and the state of California needs to know some Vital Information this information needs to be regularly updated to ensure a legal business environment with this file online the California Secretary of State's office has put business filings in one easy to use portal that can update and verify all your information in minutes with built-in intelligence this file online helps you file the correct information The First Time The Biz file online portal is a digital transformation we're forming a new business in California is easy and so is staying up to date on all your regular business filings good morning everybody Cherry Stacy division virtual workshop on how to file a statement of information I'm Betsy Bogart I'm chief of the business programs Division and excited that and that you are all here with us today to learn more about our new Biz file online system as well as specifically how to file a statement of information this uh Workshop is being recorded and will be available on the Secretary of State's YouTube page shortly after the conclusion of the workshop with that without further Ado I would like to introduce you to Secretary of State Dr Shirley Weber Madam Secretary thank you Betsy and many thanks to the business program divisions team and the Outreach team for this very important event uh I want to thank all of you for joining this first and of what we hope will be one of many virtual webinars to support small businesses and non-profits we strive daily to make sure that it is easier to do business in California than anywhere else small businesses are the backbone of California and and we are the fifth largest economy in the world so clearly our businesses are very important to us and we're very successful in the business efforts that we make in California all of you make a difference uh whether you are a business owner whether you are starting a business or simply want to better educate yourself in order to assist others with their business in April of 2022 we assisted the then 2 million active Californian registered businesses the yet to be formed businesses and those that support businesses we added a new online business business application to our Biz file online website in just a year we went from 2 million to 2.9 Million businesses in California uh this file online allows most of our business uh forms to be filled out online providing the um the user with the step-by-step instructions and built-in business mules to understand uh rules to understand a significantly reduced filing errors today the team is going to provide you with helpful insights into our most uh filed business formed by corporations and limited liability companies this form is called the statement of information I'm excited to see we're excited to share this with you this information to make sure it is easier for you or those you uh to share information with you concerning businesses and the work that's done in California providing the best customer service continues to be a goal of mine in our team be on the lookout for future trainings to small businesses and non profits once again thank you again to all of you for attending and thanks to you our team our key presenters and our our subject matter expert Katie Connors for sharing this knowledge with all of us so I know you will enjoy it have a wonderful time in the first of our webinar on for small business on filing the statement of information thank you very much Madam Secretary um with that we will get right into it it is my pleasure to introduce to you our assistant chief Daryl Jennings he will be our MC for the day and Daryl take it away thank you Betsy good morning all and thank you again for taking the time to join us this morning as Betsy mentioned my name is Joe Jennings and I have the privilege of working with the statement of information team as part of today's Workshop we'll be presenting you a statement of information overview and a demonstration of bispha online which will include both how to create an online account and filing a statement of information electronically at the end of the presentation we'll have a question and answer period where you'll be able to ask our presenter as well as another member of our Secretary of State team questions relating to today's presentation all questions will be asked using zoom's question and answer feature found in the bottom middle of your screen if at any time during the workshop you have a question surrounding the information being shared type your question in zoom's question and answer feature one of our co-hosts or hosts will do their best to respond to your question timely or ask the presenter to address your question during the Q a portion of the workshop any questions that we're not able to answer during the workshop due to time will be responding to via email in a timely manner after the workshop so without further Ado please allow me to introduce Katie Connors our statement of information subject matter expert with some very helpful information to share with you all this morning thank you very much Daryl good morning everyone thank you for joining us my name is Katie Connors and I of course work in the statement of information unit here at Secretary of State today I'm going to be sharing with you all what a statement of information is why it is filed when it is filed and I will also show you how to create an online account and file a statement with our online Biz file platform so bear with me one moment okay so what is a statement of information a statement of information is a business document filed with Secretary of State listing a corporation or limited liability companies addresses officers directors agent for service of process managers and members and type of business it's filed periodically to update the state and the general public with this information pertaining to the entity the statement is filed either every year or every other year depending on the entity type it looks like we've got our first poll question if you wouldn't mind answering that it's a yes or no hey why do I need to file a statement of information so statements of information are filed for a handful of reasons the simplest of these reasons is that California corporations code requires it the statement is also filed to update the state and the general public with information pertaining to the entity other state agencies as well as entities such as financial institutions reference our website when processing their own filings an example would be that many banks asked to see a copy of a filed statement of information when opening a business bank account examples of state agencies that regularly reference our records are the contractor State License Board who wants to see a statement of information to issue a new license the California Department of tax and fee Administration and the Employment Development Department failure to file a statement of information may result in a penalty being assessed or the entity falling under suspension or forfeiture when an entity becomes suspended or forfeited it loses its rights powers and privileges in the state of California which includes the use of its entity name okay when do I need to file a statement of information statements of information are required to be filed either every year or every other year depending on the entity type California stock and foreign corporations foreign corporations formed outside of California including foreign non-profits file every year in the month of formation or registration and the filing fee is 25 limited liability companies and California non-profit corporations file every year in the month of formation or registration and the filing fee is twenty dollars any entity May file a statement of information in between filing periods for free just to update our records and the initial statement of information for every entity is due within 90 days of formation or registration and it looks like we've got another poll question and I want to talk a little bit about one of our most useful online functions our Eureka chatbot on the right hand side of your screen right above chat with Eureka you see this handsome little bear with a bow tie his name is Eureka he is a Microsoft based artificial intelligence chatbot which we have configured to answer hundreds of frequently asked questions while our phone staff is very knowledgeable and responsive we always recommend you start with Eureka because he's available in two languages right now English and Spanish he's also available 24 7 and he you know like we said he can answer a lot of your questions without having to uh wait on the line to speak with a representative and as you can see in the example on your screen the user has asked how to file a statement of information and Eureka not only provides the direct link but he provides step-by-step instructions on how to do so okay I do want to talk briefly about some of the benefits of filing your statement of your secretary of state documents online it's fast convenient and it actually gives you more control over what you're filing it also helps ensure that you're using the correct form by selecting the correct form for you when filing on paper VIA mail you're entrusting a third party to get that document to us in a timely fashion and you generally don't know when we will receive the document or that we will receive it at all when filing online you can track the status of your document within your online account including the date it was submitted and the current up to the moment status of that document so to file our statement of information we're going to log into the website if we don't have an account yet we're going to go ahead and create one you can create that account by clicking login then clicking sign up and I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate how to create an online account gain access to your entity and file a statement of information the tutorial is being recorded and will be posted to the Secretary of State's YouTube page so you definitely have the opportunity to view it later if you forget any of the steps that I'm going to go over so to start out we're going to go you can see we're here at Biz file online and we're going to click that login button and then under the sign in bar you'll see don't have an account sign up we're going to click sign up just enter some basic information okay then we're going to register and it says verification email sent so we're gonna go check our email sometimes it does take a moment to show up and as you can see some email servers like Gmail that I'm using have different folders and sometimes it doesn't always go into your inbox sometimes it goes to junk or spam in this case it's gone to my promotions folder you see this email from OCTA we're going to click on that and then we're going to click activate account and that's going to take us back to the website and now we're going to go ahead and get logged in and as you can see I've got my name up here and my email address you can see that I am logged in so now we're going to search for The Entity that we want to file the statement for I'm going to search for my Corporation we've got it right here and you'll see this little side panel open up this is a very helpful little window you can see right here the status is active we can see the initial filing date and then if you go down a little bit under this basic information you've got the statement of information due date so as you can see this Corporation is not due to file the statement but I want to update some information so I'm going to go ahead and file one I won't be charged and then the request access button so in order to file certain documents online with Secretary of State it does require that you have access to the entity so uh basically to file almost anything listed in this file Amendment icon file statement of information currently does not require access but it is coming so I always recommend you try to gain access to your entity just so you have it in the future when you need it so we're going to click request access and you'll see there's already an authorized user here in the case when there's already an authorized user we're just going to click request access and it's going to send an email to that person and let them know someone is requesting access and would like you to requ to approve or deny that request if nobody currently has access the button is going to say request pin you'll click request pin and then we're going to mail a PIN number to the entities mailing address of record so I'm going to go ahead and click request access you've successfully requested access to this record word so now that has been sent over to the record holders account and now I've got to switch accounts for with me one moment foreign bear with me I've got to get my cell phone involved okay so now we're logged in as you can see we're logged in again now we're going to go back to search and search for the corporation again and then you'll notice towards the bottom of this screen the button doesn't say request access it says manage user access that's because I already have access to this Corporation so when I click manage user access you'll see all of these people Katie Connors has access in a few accounts this is the top one the most recently requested it shows I requested access today and then I have the opportunity to Grant full access which gives that user the ability to approve or deny requests from other people or I can grant basic access which allows that person to file documents but they cannot approve or reject other people's requests for Access so I'm going to go ahead and give basic access and now that access has been granted and that other account has access to the entity as well so what we're going to do up top here you'll see we've got three buttons file Amendment that's where you file pretty much anything other than a statement of information so you want to change the name of the entity or you want to terminate your entity you'll go to file Amendment request certificate on the right here is where you will order certified copies of file documents as well as certificates of status where we're going to go is right in the center here at about file statement of information button and that's going to take us right into the wizard and then we're going to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Privacy warning there's a little box we need to check we're going to click Next Step and then the submitter information is optional but it can be very helpful we don't use it very often but in those cases that we might need to get a hold of you for some reason it's always helpful to have just in case we need to use it and get in touch with you for some reason okay next step and then you'll see the MD Details page you'll see everything's grayed out and I can't make any adjustments this is your last chance to just triple check make sure we're filing the statement of information on the appropriate entity as you can see you can double check the name of the entity the entity number the jurisdiction as well as the type of entity so if something here looks off might be looking at the wrong entity record and want to go back to the search and just make sure we're filing a statement on the appropriate entity now we're going to go ahead and get into the address portion and you'll see we've got a street address a mailing address and or the principal office address sorry street address and then the California address these are all okay I'm going to go to the next step and you'll see most of the information is pre-populated if you have filed a statement of information in our system before most of the informational be pre-populated usually you're only entering all new information if you've never filed a statement of information before and I want to show a little bit of functionality here so you'll see we've got the officers listed I've got a secretary and a CFO title added to my name and if I try to save that and go forward you'll see I've got a big red box on officers and directors and a big X if I go back there it's going to tell me something's going on with this we need to make a correction under here you'll say it says You must have at least one chief executive officer okay so I'm going to go ahead and add that chief executive officer and very handy feature here you can copy an address from anywhere else on the statement and then we're going to select that position of Chief Financial Officer and Save then we want to make sure we've got a director we've got to have at least one director and then we'll go to the next section and now you'll see that little red box has been removed we've got a check mark now that means good job move forward and now we're on the agent for service to process I've selected a 1505 corporate agent so I've got to check this little box to certify they are aware that they are my agent we're going to go next step type of business and these email notifications So currently a lot of you may be aware that you receive a reminder postcard about 90 days prior to your statement of information due date now if you would prefer to receive an email rather than a mailed postcard you can certainly opt in and provide us an email address so I've done that then we've got the labor judgment question I've answered no here we've got a review and signature page we're going to go just review it make sure everything's correct and then at the very bottom we're going to add our electronic signature so we're going to click the box and then we're going to click that add button we're going to type in our name that's our electronic signature and we've got this little cheat sheet button a little today button will populate today's date and then we'll save then we're gonna go next step and you'll see the processing fee is zero dollars because as we saw in that little side panel with the statement of information due date we're not due currently the certified copy does give you the opportunity to receive a certified copy back for an additional five dollars I'm gonna skip it for now I don't need a certified copy so we're going to go next step and then we're going to click file online and then we've got the submission successful it's going to link us over to my work queue we can go to the link here or you see on the left hand sidebar we've also got my work queue I'm going to link over from our little receipt image and then my business work queue is where the statement of information is going to live for the next two months we give you 60 days so you'll see the statements in here that I've filed recently the one that I just submitted is pending review I will tell you that most statements of information go through immediately they don't require manual review but there's a small percentage that'll get flagged for manual review it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong it just means that we need to take a second look at it and approve it manually so you'll see this one's pending review I filed one yesterday that you see it is approved and right here you see you've got a little view downloads button so this is where your free plane copy is going to be right here under form and here's what the statement of information looks like now as you can see we've got our filed stamp here and the date it was filed and this is what the statement of information looks when it's all said and done and if you did pay either a five dollar certified copy fee or the actual filing fee you would also have a receipt in this box so my recommendation with those documents would be to print them or save them to a computer before that 60-day timeline is up and they go away um so that's my work queue okay and as you can see on this screen we've got a couple of logos here at the bottom Biz file online and Biz file California this file online is our online portal I just walked you through where you can search for your entity viewfile documents file new documents and Order copies or certificates Biz file California is the business programs extension of our main website and is also where you will find Eureka and above those logos of course you're going to see some contact information for the statement of information unit if you prefer to call us please note that our phone lines are open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 45 pm and of course you can email us or chat with Eureka 24 hours a day and that's going to be it for our demonstration I'm going to hand it back over to Daryl to host our question and answer session thank you Katie for that help for information as well as the demonstrations as Katie mentioned we're now at the point of our workshop for questions and answers so in addition to Katie we'll have Jennifer Garcia manager over Automation and support team please note if you have specific questions regarding your entity please email us at statement of information at or call us at 916-657-5448 and someone will respond to your inquiry so with that if you have questions please list your question within the question and answer proportion assume all right we have a question when I hit submit payment it popped up a message asking if I'm sure I wanted to leave this page I clicked yes now what take that so it does sound like you're exiting from the online form uh typically when you click payment it should uh give you a pop out a drawer on the right side of your screen where you can then enter your payment information so it does sound like it you may have um exited from from your form here but if you have any questions or encountering any any additional issues we can certainly Reach Out directly and assist you thank you Jennifer thank you all right next question how do I know if we file before Katie you want to take that one absolutely you can go to Biz file online and search for The Entity you can then a couple of indicators will be you can see your statement of information due date if it's not due that means you're current you can also click on the view history button which is at the bottom next to that request access button and that'll show you the initial filing which is the Articles or the registration document as well as the last two statements of information so if you have a current statement of information on the file it's going to be listed in that entities history on the website thank you Katie all right next the question is why would someone need a certified copy does it have a stamp so there are multiple reasons you might want a certified copy they're really not something you necessarily have to have lying around so every time you file a statement of information you won't necessarily be ordering a certified copy usually when you're going to get one is if somebody asks you for one say your bank asks you for when to open an account some banks prefer a certified copy to a plain copy if you're entering into a business contract with someone they might want to see a certified copy it just depends on these other entities you're working with what their policies and procedures are but if you don't order the certified copy at the time you file it you can always go back and order that certified copy for the same five dollar price using that request certificates button towards the top of that little side panel that pops open educating all right next question are shareholders considered directors that would be more of a legal question I think it really varies depending you know entity to entity so we don't request a list of shareholders just directors as far as corporations are concerned and that's California corporations only actually foreign corporations are not required to list directors so we're just looking for a list of those directors some of them might you know do some crossover you might have shareholders that are shareholders and directors but we're just asking for those directors awesome thank you Katie Jen this one I think it's more of a statement kind of looking for next steps but I'll go ahead and read it for the benefit of the attendees that requested an access number a few months back from the website but never received it in the mail so what are we suggesting you for next steps on that gym yeah so if you've requested a pin and you didn't receive it especially a few months ago the first thing I would do is confirm that the mailing address on file is your current mailing address for the entity and um since it has been a few months I would recommend uh requesting a pin again if you do have any further questions about your specific scenario you can always reach out to us as well thank you Jim Katie a question can I still receive a copy on the statement of information even without paying the five dollars for a certified copy absolutely you will get a free copy we're going to post it actually in two places it's going to be in your my work queue under that view downloads button it's going to be the one that was titled form that's your plain copy we're also going to post a PDF to the view history uh section of when you look up The Entity on the website you hit that view history button there's going to be a plain copy there as well the copy on the website in the view history section is going to stay there basically until the statement is superseded whereas the form that is in your work queue will be gone after 60 days thank you Candy all right Jen question why does the system cut off when I try to make the payment yeah so it sounds like maybe there was some sort of error I I don't know this one I would say if you can provide us um with your contact information we can reach out directly and troubleshoot why why something is happening with your payment thank you Jim okay Katie very good question so uh we got a question I already have an FTB login now where to go sorry I already have an FTB login do I need a separate registration and login for Secretary of State yes you will need to create a brand new account for that is specific to Biz file thank you next question is it possible to alert the applicant slash user that the confirmation email will be coming from OCTA or associate SOS or bispha in the notifications so we recognize the sender yeah we can definitely look into whether it's possible to add some sort of notification um on that on the screen after you create an account um so that is something we can take back as feedback and look into making that clear all right so next uh Haley are we able to order the certified copy with the Secretary of State golden seal we actually are not we have not used those raised gold seals for quite a number of years so it is going to have a state seal on it but it's not going to be that raised gold sticker that you may have seen in the past it's just going to be if you order it online it's just going to be a PDF it will contain the state seal as well as a certificate number that can be verified on the website thanks does a corporation have to have bylaws does an LLC have to have an operating agreement so generally corporations do have bylaws and llc's have operating agreements whether or not that is a legal requirement would actually be a question for an attorney or prob maybe a business consultant we don't have control over that we don't we're not allowed to tell you what you can and cannot do we don't have regulatory Authority in that way so that would be a question more suited for an attorney Katie we do have a question that's asking and go back to a portion of the presentation asking can we go over again how to add users um on the account okay so we're gonna make sure we're logged in and then we search for whatever entity we want to request access for we're gonna go to that request access button and if there's already a user an authorized user it's going to send that person a request to approve or deny if there's not already an authorized user we're going to mail a pin letter or a PIN number I should say to the mailing address of record so if you are requesting access and somebody already has that access it's not a bad idea to give them a call and let them know you know hey heads up I'm sending a request for access over so they know who it's coming from and they don't just deny it thinking oh you know some person I don't know is requesting access so good idea to be in communication with them just so it gets done as smoothly as possible thank you Katie okay next question can you use a care of I believe address for the principal address we shouldn't be using a care of address but what I can tell you is that we're not Regulatory and we're not going to go knocking on that door um to make sure that you are at that address so legally I can't really answer whether that's legally acceptable or not but like I said we're not regulatory we're not going to go knock on that door and make sure you're there is there a maximum number of officers and positions for filing online do you have an answer for that Jennifer I don't think there is it's a really high number if there is yeah I don't believe that there is a maximum uh online yeah well the website indicate a yearly payment schedule so I take that to mean we'll indicate when the payment is due for statement of information uh so I don't know if the website will say that necessarily as far as the payment the fee due for statement of information um but when you go through if you're filing during your filing period um it will charge you accordingly so you won't have to guess that the system does um does that calculation for you thank you if someone is filed an LLC with your address what can you do so in these cases we are seeing this happen here and there so my recommendation if this happens to you would be to send an email to statement of information at please include the information on the entity who is using your address The Entity name and entity number as well as your contact information and we're going to get that forwarded to our legal department who will get back to you within a couple of days and let you know um you know what your next steps are going to be in that case you where do you find the due date to renew or file your statement of information so the due date is going to be the end of the month in which the Articles or registration document were filed so if your Articles of Incorporation were filed on January 1st for a corporation you're going to be due to file that statement of information by the end of January of every year the other place that the next due date is going to show up is also in the business search on Biz file online when you search for The Entity click on the name of it that little side panel on the right hand side is going to open up you'll have a statement of information due date right there if we're past your due date that date is going to turn red so it'll be very apparent hey we need to get a statement filed thank you Katie next question if a corporation is more than six months past due again so many questions coming in lost sight of that one I believe the rest of it there it is does the company risk losing its company name so it's small if generally the way it works if the statement of information is not filed on time within 30 days we're going to send out a reminder notice then you've got 60 days from the date on that notice to file a statement of information if it doesn't get filed we're going to assess a penalty and we're going to give you a couple another 30 days to file the statement if it still doesn't get filed at that point we're going to suspend or put a forfeiture on the entity that is when your entity name is up for grabs thank you so mainly clarification on the next next question that I'm going to read but I'll read and make this best assumption as I can in my part in the individual that's typed the question if I didn't get it please add another question to the chat but if I do not follow an entity so I take that to me if I do not register with the secretary of state does it make it not a valid company well if it's a domestic a California entity the only way to have a corporation or an LLC in California would be to create that entity by filing the appropriate articles with the secretary of state so you can't just say I have a corporation and you have a corporation you have to file Articles of Incorporation to create that entity there are certain entity types that are not registered with Secretary of State though um the biggest example in most popular example would be a sole proprietorship those are smaller businesses people doing business themselves they don't really need a corporation or an LLC at this point they're going to be registered with their County clerk's office but if you would like to have a corporation or an LLC registered in the state of California it's got to go through Secretary of State thank you Katie all right can we request a rave waiver excuse me waiver on a late penalty for filing a statement of information you absolutely can request a waiver of that penalty the first step is going to be to make sure that we get a current statement of information filed then you're going to send us an email requesting a waiver of that penalty and I don't have a slide for it but that email address is it's pretty easy to remember it's penalty waivers at and Eureka can also help you find it if you just go to Eureka and ask him you know can I get a penalty waiver he should give you a link to a form you can fill out thank you Katie all right next question who can be the agent for service or process we have no employees in California and our foreign corporation so in those cases where there is no individual in California that can act as a agent these are the situations where you would be hiring what we call a 1505 corporate agent for service of process there are corporations who have filed the appropriate documentation with our office to be able to act as an agent for service and process so going just going to Google and probably typing California corporate agent for service and process can help you you know find different companies that might be able to uh take on that role for you are you getting next question are statements of information signed under penalty or Purge of perjury what penalties are there for submitting false information on a statement of information and who enforces those penalties that would be more of a question for an attorney um we are not regulatory so we don't have legal authority to act in these cases but they are definitely legal documents that are being signed under penalty of perjury but if you would like to know if it happens to you if somebody files a statement fraudulently on your entity what can be done about it I would definitely recommend speaking to an attorney to get a better understanding of that part of the process next question I get a few spam emails or mail excuse me which look official to file statement of information is for over a hundred dollars how do I stop this so we haven't figured out a way to stop these companies unfortunately there are a handful of companies out there who send very official looking uh mailers talking about your statement of information information you have to provide to Secretary of State they mention that there's a big penalty if you don't file it they really want you to think you have to file it through them um one thing I can tell you to look out for on those notices if you get something and you think I don't think this is legitimately from a government agency legally on those notices these companies are required to put something along the lines of we are not a government agency or this product or service is not being offered on the part of any government agency that's going to be red flag number one that this is an advertisement we very politely refer to it as a misleading solicitation because these companies will most of the time they will file the statement of information for you if you pay them to but why pay 200 dollars to file something you can file yourself for 20 or 25. thank you if an entity changes its name is their current account updated with the new name or is the new account created if a new account is created it's the old one removed or does the entity have to do something to remove the old one now if by account you mean they're listing in the Secretary of State's records then that is automatically going to update the name of the entity is going to be changed you'll also see the name change Amendment document in the history um of the entity a PDF will be there as far as your Biz file online account that does not need to change I'm working to file an updated statement of information what is the quote street address of California office of Corporation we are an out-of-state Corporation so out of state foreign corporations are not required to provide a California office address so if you do not have one just go ahead and leave that section blank move on to the next section so nice question is the Secretary of State still working on a complete listing of entities represented by a particular registered agent I believe so yes any additional questions we have a bit over 10 minutes left in our Workshop so feel free so we have a suggested Justin for the misleading ads people get are they checking the email address they would not be able to use California or correct so maybe that could help definitely that's definitely something to look out for um a lot of them send their ads by mail but they are starting to send them by email too so definitely that's another indicator check those email addresses if they're coming from a weird or wonky email address it's probably not a real request if it's from us it's always going to come from Dot all right why doesn't a reset of access password happen immediately a password reset requested 10 minutes ago it could just be our system that's used um sometimes these things run um or updated every few minutes so I would say that's likely the issue so my LLC is currently registered and I live in California what do I do what do I need to do when I move out of state well we can't really tell you what you need to do you do have a couple of options say you moved to Nevada and you want to take your LLC with you you don't want to be a California LLC you want to be a Nevada LLC so if Nevada allows it you would be able to convert the LLC from California into Nevada you would want to talk to that new States Secretary of State to see what your options are the other option would be to terminate the California LLC and create a new Nevada LLC in that state and the registered agent be the sign door or does it need to be a manager member or officer so generally the statement of information is signed by the person completing it it doesn't necessarily have to be an officer but you are affirming under penalty of perjury that you have authority to file the statement you have been given that Authority and that you are telling the truth okay if I dissolve and cancel my LLC with California next year would that information be shared with statements of information office or do I need to notify you nope you are good to go because we are all part of the Secretary of State we it is going to be entered into our system that the entity is terminated and a statement of information is no longer due so we're going to stop bugging you about that statement of information as well we won't send you any more notifications once an entity is terminated okay I see my company listed three times on bispha online two under previous names and the old ones indicating suspended SOS can I have the old ones removed all right so go ahead Jennifer and said so we do not remove the records um if those old ones are no longer active entities I would recommend um I mean legally of course you might want to look into it but determining if those entities should be terminated um and once that is done by filing termination um then it would be reflected as terminated on our records but we do not delete records thank you Jen question how do we request to recover an email address and password for the Secretary of State account that is being created [Music] uh so for a Biz file online account um you would need the email address to then be able to recover the uh the password because that information is required if you don't have that information um you can reach out to us and we can can look into it a little further but typically that at least the email address that was used to create the account is needed thank you Jim what else do we need to file other than a statement of information every year or every other year will we be notified of all needed filings how much earlier can we file a statement of information for example 30 days okay so as far as secretary of state is concerned moving forward your only required filings are going to be those periodical statements of information and you've got a six-month filing window to file that statement of information so using let's say December as an example if you filed your articles in December you're going to be due to file your statement of information on December 31st you can file it as early as July 1st July 1st through the end of December is your six-month filing window so you yeah you want to make sure you don't file too early you know don't file in January if you're due in December just make sure you're within that six month window you the question what is the YouTube channel that the recording will be shared on to believe that's California SOS there you're going to just type that into YouTube and you'll see the California Secretary of State's YouTube channel right okay Where'd I go can you explain the differences between full access and basic access how many access levels are there so um there are two levels of access uh to an entity's record and so the first level is full access which means that you have the ability to Grant access to other users so typically the first person obtaining access to the entity online will have full access and from that point anyone else you have the option to to provide full or basic um basic uh it's pretty much the same they just don't have the ability to Grant access to others so but they can still file any filing any Amendment filings that require uh access to the entity thank you Jim the next question is seeking clarification on a filing period so the articles of organization are followed on July 1st 2023 the first statement of information should be filed before September 29th and the second should be filed by December 30th 2025 is that correct that's half correct so if the articles of organization are filed on July 1st of 2023 the initial statement is going to be due within 90 days so you have that September that was correct and then moving forward it's going to be due in July of every odd year so it's actually going to be July of 2025 and the filing period you've got that six months so it's going to be six months prior so it's going to be February 1st through July 30th of 2025. okay if I'm the only person in my loc when I file am I the director CEO and other heads of control so is that how I would file so for an LLC the information you're providing to us is the managers or members so if you are the only manager or member for that I will see you of course we'll list yourself you can also be your own agent for service to process so those are going to be the two individuals listed for an LLC so you can certainly hold both roles yeah in addition to the annual filing requirements it filed particulars such as name of directors and CEO are changed are there any requirements to file additionally to report the changes so we don't have as I stated before we're not regulatory so we don't know that something within your organization changes unless you report that to us so if you have a change up in the CEO it's not like we're going to find out about it and come after you and say hey why didn't you file that statement we appreciate if you update our records anytime something changes but you are only statutorily required to file once a year or once every other year but again we really appreciate if you update our records in between filing periods just to make sure we can maintain the most correct information possible yes and I would say especially for any address changes um it's definitely recommended that you file um an amended statement of information as soon as possible with those changes so that you don't miss out on any notifications that are being sent out via mail thank you both so to be respectful for everyone's time and additional commitments or are going to end the question and answer session there just having a couple additional minutes for our Workshop so again thank you all for your questions we want to make sure everyone leaves here today with a better understanding of statements of information than what you started the day with with that we do have one last poll question more and more all right well we have a few individuals still answering that this morning sure we hope you found today's workshop on statements of information beneficial as part of the business program's vision and the Secretary of State's efforts to continue to make it easier to do business in California as a reminder if at any point you have questions or need assistance surrounding statements of information or any other business families please utilize our Eureka chat bot or reach out to us via the statement of information email statement of information at or at a phone number 916-657-5448 with that please be on the lookout for future workshops through the Secretary of State's Parish communication channels and if you're interested please share specific feedback on the workshop to that email as well thank you again for joining us today I hope you enjoy the rest of your day foreign
Channel: CaliforniaSOS
Views: 91,396
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Id: f0hFn9kfGV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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