How to fight allergies naturally, histamine and antihistamine food

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are you suffering from any kind of allergy from seasonal to certain food while you come to the right place in this video we'll take a look at different types of nutrients and food ingredients studied by researchers that are known to help against allergies we'll also look at which food stimulates histamine release and which food can be used as a natural antihistamine before we begin please subscribe to our channel for helpful tips on health nutrition and lifestyle trends we'll begin with looking at nutrients and food that can help against allergies number one vitamin D our body can absorb vitamin D through photosynthesis but if you lack the exposure to the sunlight and thus do not get the sufficient amount it is reported that it can cause inception and severity of allergic reactions asthma eczema and food allergies vitamin D is a nutrient that is closely related to supporting our immune system and is known to be essential for the development of natural killer cells in 2012 medical researchers investigated correlation in vitamin D and it's deficiency as a risk factor for childhood allergic disease and asthma the study found that low vitamin D levels in the body increased the risk for asthma and allergies and that would just a short term by the mindy supplementation it can reduce the severity of eczema and decrease the risk of asthma exacerbations number two turmeric from turmeric juice latte smoothies to tumeric shots it seems that this superfood is a popular ingredient to many health enthusiasts across the globe there have been many studies done on tumeric in various topics we'll take a look at the role it plays in our body and its anti allergic responses according to a clinical study in 2008 the study found that turmeric contains a photochemical polyphenolic substance called curcumin which is known for its anti-inflammatory antimicrobial and anti oxidative properties the researchers were also able to discover that curcumin can have a histamine release Probation effects to counter allergic inception from a trial study on animals will tell you more about what histamine and antistick mean substances are later in this video so please stay tuned number three probiotics probiotics are studied of a variety of topics mostly related to immune system and atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis are being studied with specific lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium however although it has been reported that certain bacterial strains are correlated to prevention of allergies studies concerning other than atopic dermatitis or eczema are yet inconclusive a world allergy organization without to explain that further evidence is needed to determine probiotics efficacy optimal dosing and strains needed for anti allergic treatment number four flavonoid reach foods flavonoid his note for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties quercetin a substance found in flavonoid is being studied in a variety of topics regarding allergies quercetin is known for its anti allergic properties and considered as a natural and histamine and it can easily be found in apples and various berries which all serve excellently as a natural attest amine and antioxidants number five butterbur if you're suffering from a seasonal allergic rhinitis like I am you might want to take a note on this one butterbur is a shrub that grows in Europe and parts of Asia in North America typically in washing out in 2002 a clinical study with 125 participants with seasoned allergic rhinitis were randomly given either barber or cetirizine to compare barbers efficacy and tolerability the studies showed that butterbur exhibited similar beneficial effects of cetirizine for patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and can be used as an alternative if one must or wishes to restrict taking and testament medications number six spirulina if you're into superfoods you've already probably heard or taken spirulina this blue-green algae is a freshwater plant and in fact it is loved by many health enthusiasts around the world but did you know that spirulina was also studied for treatments of allergic rhinitis according to the studies in Europe the effects of spirulina on allergic rhinitis was found to be beneficial along the symptoms including runny nose sneezing and stuffy sinuses so what is histamine histamine is an organic nitrogenous compound involved in local immune responses as well as regulating physiological function in the gut acting as a neurotransmitter for the brain spinal cord and uterus although substances like fine dust pollen pet first dandruff and etc are usually harmless to humans the immune system in some people will recognize these substances as a threat releasing histamine to protect themselves causing the host to experience various symptoms allergic reactions there up so what foods are known to trigger histamine release in the body according to the reports from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition high concentrations of histamine are found mainly in products of microbial fermentation such as aged cheese sauerkraut wine and processed meats citrus fruits papaya strawberries pineapples various nuts pork egg whites and certain spices are also known in the same category if you suffer from allergic symptoms on a regular basis for our histamine intolerance the following foods are known to emigrate and histamine effects garlic ginger onions Moringa basil chamomile peppermint nettle spirulina lotus roots turmeric apples black rice and magnesium are all known to be great natural and tasting foods to add to your daily diet remember maintaining a healthy diet exercising regularly and managing stress are also vital for allergy prevention and we hope that this videos list was helped for improving and healthy lifestyles thank you for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like button and share it with your friends and make sure to subscribe to our Channel and turn on the notifications so you won't miss any newly updated videos if 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Channel: L214
Views: 250,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhinitis, allergy sneezing, allergy remedies, antihistamine foods, histamine intolerance, turmeric, spriulina, vitamin D, flavonoid, probiotics, butterbur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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