how to fake perfect skin with makeup | acne friendly

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if you want to know how I got from this to this just keep watching hi guys how are you this was a highly requested one on my Instagram so I wanted to give you an indepth tutorial with some tips and tricks along the way this makeup is obviously going to try and hide I don't want to use the word hide but I have to hide your acne or acne marks I do suffer from acne so I really know how hard that can sometimes makeup just helps you getting through the day by no means I'm telling you to put makeup on if you have acne or because acne doesn't Define your beauty at all I literally just hate when everyone says this I don't know why I'm saying this acne it does as a person who suffered from it and I still do I just want to like feel better sometimes sometimes I will put makeup on sometimes I will not but when I do and I still want to make it very natural this is what I do and that's what I'm going to show you so just keep watching cuz it's going to be really fun okay so this is what we're starting with I don't have many breakouts today like it's fine this one's healing already but I do have lots of red marks but anyways we can obviously still do this makeup perfectly fine let's start priming if you do Prime I usually don't Prime but I do love this one because it's like it's a protective primer and I feel like I'm protecting my skin also makeup sits so beautifully on top of this one so by no means you need to be using the same products that I'm using but if they have similar features it's going to be very helpful but you can do this makeup with whatever you have already I can guarantee you the technique is what you know more specific so and we're going to learn that so let's go let's go with Foundation now I'm going put a pump on back of my hand not directly on my skin warm it up on with my finger and then spread it out on my face then I'm going to use a beauty blender and DB that in we don't really mind if the foundation is full coverage or light coverage because we are going to get that from the concealer later we actually just want a sheer vase even if you're using a full coverage one just use a beauty blender and blend that in really well so you can have like an even skin tone and that's all we need it's pretty out on the other side as well and blend it in I feel like this is very basic but do not drag the beauty blender toward your face just always stop make sure it's wet but not dripping wet I use some paper towel to get the excess water if I do feel like I need more coverage in certain areas I'm going to use I'm going to grab directly from my hand D that okay as you can see you can still see all my BL blemishes and my skin and the skin can pick through the foundation that's what we want right now so that's good let's move on to the concealer let me put some lip on first you want to use a hydrating concealer sorry about that noise um I love this one because it's hydrating but also very low wearing and full coverage like but again if you have something already use that I'm going to place my concealer underneath my eyes as usual just like that now I'm going to spot conceal I'm not very worried if they get fully covered or not cuz we're going to do something later to fix that I'm going to let that sit for a little bit while I do my eyebrows oh my goodness it's I love this brow stuff it's so so good if you like the refi one you're going to like this one a lot more yeah lately I'm feeling the skinny brow so since I don't have skinny brows and I don't want to commit either just pinch them like that I don't want them extremely skinny just just my brows but skinnier well hate this but it's fine CU I like it with a brow pen going to draw I'm going to draw a a few my God that's so pigmented not really happy with it but it's fine okay now that concealer it's bit more dry so now when we blend we're going to achieve like the maximum coverage that I'm going to use a small brush a small fluffy brush that's going to help with that as well remember to top and not to swipe all over your face CU you might uh disturb the foundation underneath always tap tap to very gently eventually it will blend I promise this was extremely easy and as you can see you can no longer see my marks where you I swear this concealer is so good it's literally my new favorite I use it all the time I used to just byy drster concealers cuz that was the product that I used the most and obviously I had to repurchase more often but honestly if they hadn't sent me these out I would definitely buy it like investing in a good concealer I think it's so good like I'm not saying like drugs or concealers aren good at all I absolutely love them but there are some more expensive ones that are actually so amazing that they are really worth it in my opinion I'm very sorry if you can feel this lighting changes like the sun is playing with me today personally I like going in with the sponge under my eyes cuz I don't like a heavy feeling not that it feels heavy but I just want an even thinner amount of the concealer so I can avoid creasing as much as possible I don't really need that much coverage under my eyes I don't have really dark under eyes so that's fine for me if you do need some more or want some more feel free to not do this St let's move on to bronzer now I'm going to use this one that's really really creamy I'm going to put that on the back of my hand and grab that with a brush make sure it's even and then tap that in very gently here on my forehead and I also love dragging it out all across my eye and connect it with the bronzer on my temple I actually forgot to mention that for this makeup I like using more creams and powders because that makes it more natural and skinlike if you have oily skin no worries we can say that after but you can actually choose a less creamy bronzer like the match thck one those are a little bit harder they are super long wearing even if you have oily skin I'm sure they work perfectly fine now for blush I actually forgot a really important step at the beginning I should have put this one on the high point of my cheeks for that um glow from within but I completely forgot about it we can s make this work though I actually have the perfect product for a glow from within and it's this one here this one's from N Sticks it's just like a balm I like taking it with my fingers like that and I I do have some glow already but you'll see like what it's literally so so stunning put that on my brow on as well that's that's all it that's all it like it's it's un real it literally like it's your skin like you're not wearing anything else we fixed that problem so let's continue we're going to do blush right now you can actually use any blush that you want I'm very weird so I'm going to mix two I'm going to miuse this red Beauty one with oh with um some shaping light from L Cosmetics this isn't technically a blush but it is pink and it has some glow it I'm going to mix that up and then with the same sponge that we used for the foundation I'm going to like have so much of my fingers I'm going to put that in the sponge here very gently tap because we know this very Beauty blushes are very pigmented that's more than enough um can you use a brush for this you technically can obviously but I do think that with sponge it's going to integrate a lot better especially because we have lots of creams underneath and a brush could potentially move that around with with a sponge and tapy motions that's very unlikely to happen feel free to put as much blush as you like today I'm going to keep it very natural want it to feel more skin likee now we're going to set if you want to put some um setting spray do it now and then do the powder I'm going to go straight to setting with my powder if you have oily skin here's where you also want to set the whole face with a powder product if you want powder blush powder bronzer everything I'm not going to do that because I want like extreme it's not extreme but the glowy finish so I'm just going to powder in certain areas with a very detailed brush I will normally use my Huda Beauty powder but recently I found this one I used to on my last YouTube video where I was trying new products and at first I was okay this is not going to replace my H Beauty one oh this is a normal powder but the more I've been trying it the more I like it and that's because don't forget to get rid of any creases sorry I like this one so much because you can't even feel it I swear you won't feel that you have powder on I do feel that with my Huda Beauty one I still love them so much like I use it I use them all the time but this one it's absolutely incredible if you're going to do a very natural look or if you actually are not going to wear any makeup but maybe you're very oily or you have lots of skin care on you're a glaz donut but you want to mattify a tiny little bit somewhere this one it's it's literally I mean it's translucent so it's invisible and I swe it doesn't feel like you have anything on anything I'm very impressed with this one yeah as you can see I'm just putting a little bit not that much on my on the center of my face and my under eye area that's it I'm going to go powder anything else this is a skin tutorial so I don't really want to do anything on the eyes but let's do a bit of just a bit of bronzer I use this one fluffy brush just Dr it along my crease on here to give some Dimension same here just very messy I do want to put some glowy glow some highlighter so use same palette same brush here on the inner corner here on the brow bone may just a little bit here as well and underneath I think this opens up the eye okay for the lashes I have them curled already so I'm just going to apply tiny little bit of mascara on the ends now we get to the most most important part this is how I I don't want to say height but this is how I manage my texture and my acne marks and everything that picks through the makeup this is also how I will make my skin look a lot more natural that it is right now so get yourself a brown pen a brown eyeliner or something that you can do freckles with I'm going to use a false freckles thing from from s the laps I actually don't love this one because you meant to take this and and splash it all over but I want to be more specific on where I put my freckles I literally just take thing I don't know how to call it and grab some product from here and then dab it on we want to make it natural okay we want to do smallo freckles bigger freckles more visible freckles less visible freckles a bunch of different kind of freckles someone that has freckles it's going to have freckles all over like that they don't just have freckles here I see everyone putting just freckles here and I'm like that just looks fake um I mean okay you look gorgeous but that that doesn't look that natural of course we're going to put freckles here but we also want to put in other places okay so I'm going to start for example here I'm I'm going to and then just dab it all over we kind of want to make layers so first one's going to be almost invisible here and same gr now that one was really big and now I'm going to start doing bigger ones for example to here here I have big spot so there you go and you leave it like that this area have more texture wherever it's not like flat and I have a little bump I'm going to put a big frle in there cuz that's going to make it more real because it actually has some some Dimension this was a big bump so obviously this one's going to be a big freckle and that's it and obviously they don't have to be symmetrical okay I think I'm going to leave it like that you have to take your time when doing this kind of freckles like it's not like just that's it like if you want to do that it's fine it's fine I'm not going to judge you no you know this is B more it's more effort of course but in my opinion it looks more natural and I love it but but yeah let me put something on my lips and this will be the makeup super super natural and no one will ever tell that you have acne like I said you can use everything that you have already at your house but if you actually want to know what I used everything is going to be linked down below I really hope you enjoyed and you learned something please let me know in the comments if you're going to try this one and if you liked it and if it was helpful please let me know everything I would love to know also let me know any other content that you like to see next on my channel thanks so much again for watching I'll see you in the next one bye preferably prefer preferably preferably well anyway
Channel: raquel
Views: 84,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k3cCaxhtKLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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