How to face an Absurd and Chaotic World | Albert Camus's formula

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I might not have all philosophers at my fingertips but let me tell you about cimu his words hit differently delving into the Absurd Freedom Madness and the meaning of life genius thoughts aren't microwave ready stick with it and you'll see the Brilliance unfold ready to dive in in the midst of winter I found there was within me an invincible summer and that makes me happy for it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me within me there's something stronger something better pushing right back Albert Kimu is often considered one of the emblematic figures of the philosophy of the Absurd a movement of thought that explores the paradoxical and bewildering nature of human existence kamu philos ophy of absurdism is best captured in an image that of the Greek mythological figure Copus Copus was the founder of the Greek city of Corinth he was known to be the craftiest of all humans and craftier than Zeus himself when he was sent to the underworld he managed to trick his way out in some stories he tricks Thanos in other stories Hades and in other stories pany he escapes and returns to the Earth and Revels in the pleasure of the world before eventually being returned to the underworld where he is punished to roll a boulder up a hill and watch it roll back down again at which point he returns to the bottom of the hill and repeats the process quite literally add infinitum there's three reasons why Copus is Kam's icon of absurdism one there's his love of Life seen by his cheating his way out of the underworld and returning to enjoy the pleasures of the world once again which is strongly antithetical to the life denying brand of nihilism two a second reason is Copus punishment the absurdity of rolling a rock up a hill only to see it roll back down again and being forc fored every time to roll it back up again knowing the inevitable outcome Copus is stuck in an eternal cycle of absurdity three the third reason Copus isamu's embodiment of absurdism is that he is a rebel he outwits death and the gods to return to life he Rebels against the fundamental order of things he Rebels Against The Gods all of these points come together in cuse's great line that closes out his book I leave Copus at the foot of the mountain one always finds one's burden again but Copus teaches the higher Fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks he too concludes that all is well this universe henceforth without a master seems to him neither sterile nor feudal each atom of that stone each mineral flake of that nightfill mountain in itself forms a world the struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart one must imagine Copus happy and so absurdism is not about finding a meaning to life but about rebelling against the absurdity of life it's about standing aloof of the demand to find a meaning rebelling against the Absurd game itself and affirming life for what it is it is to struggle with Integrity because this struggle towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart faced with the crisis of meaninglessness that nihilism presents the absurdist doesn't throw a tantrum and kill themselves the absurdist doesn't grab on to the nearest life raft and commit philosophical suicide the absurdist affirms the struggle and enjoy enjoys life for what it is one must imagine Copus happy this endless cycle symbolizes the futility of our efforts and the endless repetition of our actions in a world that seems indifferent to our aspirations the image of Copus thus represents the Human Condition where we Face seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles and where are our actions may seem Vain and meaningless so despite our efforts to find meaning in our existence we are confronted with a universe that remains indifferent to our Quests for meaning however even in this recognition of the absurdity of life kamu does not preach despair on the contrary He suggests that we can find a certain kind of freedom in accepting this absurdity kamu sees hope in absurdity he asserts that if life offers no pre-established meaning that's precisely where our freedom Lies We have the power to create our own meaning regardless of how arbitrary or subjective it may seem he tells us that in the Absurd life itself has no meaning but each individual can give it one in his reflection kamu proposed poses three fundamental attitudes towards the absurdity of Life suicide faith and acceptance he categorically rejects the first suicide deducing that it brings no more sense to death than to life itself in this regard he wrote a brilliant sentence should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee the absurdity of the world may sometimes crush us under the weight of our problems or the lack of meaning but a cup of coffee can make it all Fade Away keeping us anchored to reality likewise he dismisses the path of Faith considering submitting to dogmatic beliefs as giving up our ability to reason for ourselves for Kimu accepting the absurdity of life is the only viable path It Is by fully recognizing this disconcerting reality and choosing to confront it with courage and lucidity that we can find True Value in our existence by embracing absurdity we affirm our freedom to create our own meaning and to live authentically this message resonates particularly in our modern era where we are often overwhelmed by an excess of choices distractions and information in this context Kimu philosophy offers a compass to navigate the complexity of our world by accepting life we can free ourselves from the constraints of uncertainty and anxiety Albert cimu wrote in the depths of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer in absurdity there are two fundamental aspects to consider on the one hand there is the Unstoppable desire of human beings to seek meaning in their lives a Perpetual Quest rooted deep within our nature this aspiration is often described by kamu as an invincible summer a season of warmth and light where the human soul burns with an intensity of desire for meaning and understanding on the other hand there is the Relentless reality that the world itself seems to offer no intrinsic meaning it's as if we are faced with a heart of Winter a season of cold and desolation where the absence of meaning seems to envelop the universe in Relentless coldness in this apparent void individuals often find themselves lost Desperately Seeking an anchor in a bewildering world it is precisely when these two forces the Invincible Summer of the desire for meaning and the heart of Winter of the lack of meaning Collide that the Absurd is formed in this state of absurdity individuals may find themselves as entire universes unto themselves isolated in their inner struggle between the desire for meaning and the reality of the world this poignant image illustrates the depth of The Human Condition according to cimu where each individual is confronted with their own version of the Absurd navigating through the tumultuous Waters of existence with only the fragile light of their own Consciousness as a guide therefore in the philosophy of the Absurd we are invited to contemplate the depths of our own condition to recognize the duality of our desire for meaning and the often senseless nature of the the world around us Albert does not urge us to recognize absurdity by not Desperately Seeking meaning in external structures of society in our relationships with others and even in the events of our daily lives It Is by exploring our thoughts emotions and experiences that we can progressively develop an authentic sense of ourselves and the world around us you will never be happy if you continue to to search for What happiness consists of you will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life engaging in this inner search we discover our true passions our deepest desires and free ourselves from the chains of external illusion that hold us back by connecting to this inner core we find a source of strength and resilience that allows us to navigate through the challenges and trials of life with courage and determination this is particularly crucial when we find ourselves facing extremely difficult moments in our lives by staying connected to our inner being to this invincible summer we can pass through these trials without losing our Essence without being overwhelmed by despair or disillusionment kamu tells us the consolation of this world is that there is no continuous suffering one pain Fades away and a joy is reborn everything balances out this world is compensated the moments of trauma in our lives are tests through which we all pass at some point and they can take different forms and intensities whether it's losing a job going through a divorce or the death of a loved one these events confront us with the fragility and absurdity of life when we find ourselves in such situations it is natural to feel a sense of loss of control loneliness or uncertainty it is in these moments of Despair that we fully realize the absurdity of Life how our plans and aspirations can be swept away by circumstances often without warning however it is also in these moments of discomfort that an opportunity for rebuilding and giving meaning to our lives Lies by accepting the absurdity of the situation we are liberated from Illusions and expectations that can hold us prisoner we then have the opportunity to construct our interpretation of events to find meaning and direction in apparent chaos kamu tells us that despair is the absence of faith in the future he also tells us that despair is a form of suicide rather than succumbing to the temptation to curse our fate and lose ourselves in self-pity it is essential to step back and find a constructive way to address our pain one of the keys to overcoming these moments of Crisis is to spend more time in solitude away from external distractions to reflect deep deeply on our existence making peace with the past and accepting that it cannot be changed is an essential first step towards healing and personal growth kamu tells us the true generosity towards the future lies in total gift to the present Albert kamu developed a vision of freedom and action that emphasizes constructive rebellion and affirmation of life for him him freedom is not simply a state of comfort or satisfaction but rather a state of constant Rebellion against forces that seek to alienate or oppress us the only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion he firmly believed that to truly change the world and live an authentic life one must be in a state of perpet petual Rebellion by giving everything of oneself in every present moment being a rebel means for him being aware of one's values and beliefs and being ready to actively defend them even when it means opposing social norms or established conventions I Rebel therefore I exist kamu also rejects the idea that ends justify means for him betraying one's current self for a future self or for a hypothetical cause is a form of Dishonor to oneself by following one's values in life leading a life of Integrity one's self-esteem and pride are elevated giving meaning to one's life kamu tells us the essential thing is to live well to live fully to make life last and not to say that life is beautiful absurdism is the next step and the overcoming of nich's nihilism if you want to learn more about nche from whom all this philosophical thread ultimately stems watch the video in the top right corner
Channel: High Seas Compass
Views: 2,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: human psychology, Camus Philosophy, Existentialism, Absurdity Of Life, Albert Camus, Sisyphus Myth, Human Condition, Camus Inspirations, Philosophical Insights, Absurdism, Nihilism, Sisyphus, Embracing Absurdity, Reflecting On Life, Existentialist Thoughts, Existential Questions, Sisyphus Mythology, Meaning In Existence, philosophy, Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus, The meaning of life, existential anxiety, albert camus quotes, mental health, philosophy of the absurd, depression
Id: cPsZ6yr7DX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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