How To Export My Emails From Figma to Klaviyo

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hi I'm Krista from retaineruse and today we're going to talk about open right I've just read this article and I am this is a snippet from it the average email open rate was 21.5 between 2021 and 2022 so very recently and I think you can get that numbers way up for yourself and this is my numbers to back it up and I'm going to show you in this video how you can achieve some similar results with the method that I'm going to mention right after this so 72 69 65 around these numbers you're gonna be able to achieve these once you're done with this video so if you can even get to 40 compared to 20 you're going to double your open right and therefore email Revenue so it's very simple and I'm gonna go over how you can do that for yourself right now so this is an email I already designed and we're gonna import it inside of clavio and optimize it for a maximum open rate so you're gonna get your slice tool by pressing s and you're gonna slice the first bit of the email so you can go ahead and do just the logo but to make it faster I'm gonna take the two logo and headline then we're going to take the product image call to action then I'm going to show you a nice little trick for the the text bit because you can in fact get some html text block and the image at the background not many people know this but I'm going to show you how to do this for yourself and it's a nice in between if you don't want to make your emails 100 image based and you want to add some text inside of there for deliverability purposes and this is going to get you open right like the one I showed you before so okay now you have your slices we're actually gonna go ahead and Export them you're going to click your slices slice two export it by three export it and do the same for the two following ones now you're going to go to this website and what it's going to do is reduce the size of your images so that it's going to make them load faster and if you have a higher likelihood of ending up in the primer inbox so drop all of your slices here and as you can see it saved a considerable amount of spaces and make your email way lighter so download the new version and go to clavia we're going to select the drag and drop editor and a basic template basically so we're going to let it load basic and select the the first campaign template that comes here so I went ahead and deleted everything off of the template we don't need any of it we just need our images so drag and drop them and do the same for every single one of the remaining ones size number three right now we're into figma and I'm going to show you how to export this port of the email the text block without sacrificing the design so you're going to have the same background but in clay view it will be a text block and it will optimize its deliverability accordingly so you're gonna Slide the background take the slice select it and then export it click export so here we are we're gonna actually add a section so wherever your text block is supposed to be then select the section and add an image as a background now you drop the background and here you go as you see it makes the design seamless and the transition uh pretty smooth so now you add a text block inside of that section and then here you would copy and paste your copy so select the text and here you can edit it so you would add your copy here Center it as you would in a normal text block you can even change the color right here because you can't really see it so here you go you can change the font Etc once we have that we're going to add some alt text so you're going to select every single image and add some filler it's basically for Gmail Outlook and other inbox provider to recognize what's inside of your email because they can't read images so here you're gonna make uh your deep work just restate basically what's on the image and it's gonna give you more likelihood of ending up in the primary tab so your deep work and then add something here you might name your product here you might say CTA or no don't put it CTA because your recipients actually can read it per enhance my focus and do the same for the last one come up with something then link your product to whatever page you want them to be redirected so CTA might go to the product page or checkout page for that matter now this bit depends on your existing deliverability right now if you have poor deliverability you're going to want to resize the size of every single image that you have in your email and make it go right now it's 1 200 pixel wide you might want to scale that down to let's say 800 or even 600 600 is the lowest I would go but yeah if you are you have a problem with your open right right now you are going to want to scale it down and see basically at what point you get the best results and scale it up from there so you're gonna click edit then resize and change the the what the width while respecting the aspect ratio so this is what you're gonna do and yes it's gonna make the image a little bit more blurry but you're gonna increase your open rate and your Revenue along with it so you have to find that middle ground of getting a nice brand perception and at the same time making as much money as possible and this is how you get your design optimized to land in the primary inbox now obviously you would have to test it you click preview send test and here you add an inbox to test the email you verify it looks good on mobile on desktop that all the links are working and you're Prime to launch with a high open rate thank you for listening and see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Christophe Diouf
Views: 4,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christophe diouf, christophe diouf email, email marketing, flow, email campaign, klaviyo, ecommerce, email marketing for beginners, start email marketing, how to do email marketing, best email marketing strategy, shopify, conversion rate optimization, ecommerce marketing compliance, Flowium, email design, figma, branding, klaviyo design, open rate, newsletter, email benchmarks, boyuan zhao, How To Export My Emails From Figma to Klaviyo, how to figma
Id: lK2n6XckU1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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