How to EXPORT HIGH QUALITY TEXTURE from CLO3D to BLENDER (Obj & Alembic file)

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hello guys welcome back to another tutorial on CL 3D I am the Creator and in this tutorial I'll be explaining how to export high quality design from CL 3D to blender and also how to get texture for your almic um format because when you export animation in almic format from CL 3D to blender you don't get the um texture so I'll be explaining how to Big texture for your alic um um format also of high quality too so let's begin what you're going to do first in this um video is to you m all this properly when you're exporting your animation as a beginner make sure your pattern are properly you've been mapped so you have to go to this simulation part the drop down click on UV editor and if you using the um CL 3D 7.3 do select a and select this Auto you pking it will take a while depending on number of pattern you are using um in that design and to help you pack it in just a single box so I'm going to skip this pack so now that our um pattern has been properly um you mapped in the UV editor if you're not satisfied you can always reselect all of them and select this to randomize the pattern again for you and also in a single box so but now that we are done with this this is what we're going to do next so I'll be giving you two option on exporting okay let me start with the first one here so let's assume you exported your um design as almic now I want to get the texture for this um animation let's say this design is animated what you're going to do is to click on this Photograph icon which is the big texture so this is what you select on so when you select this this is um you can select 0 to one 0 to one you get or select one to one anyone so um the next thing we going to do is to create a saving part so uh I'm coming let's you can save it anywhere you can create a folder and save it inside let's say I'm saving it in this fold and I'm going to name it a so I name it a so the most important thing is to increase the size that's the pixel the size is very very very very important so most of us probably would have met the um pixel around maybe like 1024 that's like a 1K um pixel even my pixel so you have to increase it to be very high when you write 8,000 then just fall back to 7,000 something yes so increase it to the highest this 8192 so increase it to the highest so that when you um when you use image texture the node Wrangler in blender you get the best of quality you get everything is going to be sharp on blender this is what you need to do on blender and just save it select the texture type you want to um use you're using duse normal displacement save it if you're only using duse and normal save it you get so that's what you just need to so when you save it you can go to your blender then add your texture by going to the Shader add a new Shader control shift T import your um image texture and then you get your um you get your design so that's just that about the first option then the second one is when you're exporting at obj so when exporting as obj we going to do similar um thing there so export obj so let's say we are saving it here and I name this Jesse test Jesse test so so this it now you have to make sure also that it's in 8k I'm not selecting there but I only need the pattern single make sure it's in 8k another common mistake is that when you are changing the scale of um blender of um the um design you're experting make sure it's in meter or else either the design is too big that you cannot even find it in the blender view port or it's too small for you to scroll or Zoom to get the um design I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say this is a very common mistake U for beginners mostly beginner people that are new to CL 3D they have a lot of issue when it comes to exporting um designs which is also something I also faced during my own time so but then let me just save this I'm going to save this and we going to move to blender so I can show you what I'm trying to say so now that we are in BL I'm going to be exporting the obj file importing the obj file that we just exported from CL 3D uh let's go to import uh sorry obj I'm going to so this is the J obj import so now we have here on screen waiting for it to load the texture so our texture has loaded as you can see I see the graphics are sharp on the design so you can see the design in high quality here so let's look at it also in Cycles but let me add lightning to this so shift the plane okay and shift a let me just use the area light and let's increase the size and probably make it 50 Cycles yes so let's go to Cycles so this is it in Cycles as you can see and you can see the quality is sharp so that's just what you need to do to increase or to get a high quality export from CL 3D so thank you for watching this tutorial on CL 3D blender don't forget to click on the Subscribe button and also on the notification Bell to get more videos
Channel: Timmydcreator
Views: 175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital fashion, marvelous designer, 3d fashion, Clo3d to blender, how to export on clo3d, how to export on md
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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