How to Export a Character Rig from Maya to Unity

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hello so i just wanted to show you a quick tutorial today um try and keep it quick as possible because this is something that should be really easy but uh they don't make it very easy um my for some reason just worked in a strange way and that is exporting a character a rigged character from maya which you can use in unity for example um so the way you have to do it is first you well you need to select each joint so it's well you could go through all of them but i'll just go through the main steps i'll put them in the description too so you don't need to watch the whole video it shouldn't be too long anyway it's pretty quick when you know what to do so just click on hips select hierarchy that'll select all the joints and then select all your mesh audio meshes it could be a single mesh it could be a few like we have here this is a just a basic uh character from mix ammo and then just export make sure you have animation selected and well if we're using um fbx then make sure that animation if you have an animation fake it but that's a different tutorial um you want to make sure you have your skins and blend shapes that means it will be skinned uh to the skeleton when it's exported and blend shapes um if you have some morphs you know what you could call them more shapes from or more targets from 3ds max or blend shapes in maya and you can have facial expressions changing with different uh different sliders and dials okay so once you have that let's just do a let's just call it guy right i put oh one just it's compulsive i'll but i do it anyway okay so and save um let's open up a new scene i'll take a minute to save first open up a new scene i'm going to save it because i have faith uh imports and wherever i put that it was guy rig one okay make sure that's here import it and it's all there so rig and everything is all working and sometimes when you import into unity i've had this problem so many times before this is partly why i'm making this tutorial um it should be so simple just to uh you know grab all these export and open in unity but yeah the key thing you have to remember is select all of these so and the way to do that is select hierarchy first and that selects everything under your group or your parent list um and let's try it in unity let's just open it in here doing it the wrong way and where did we put it this is a different project secret project maybe you'll find out about it one day uh guy rig yeah bring it in here i won't bother with the textures but i'm assuming you know how to use textures if not i'll make another tutorial if you're interested you being the entire population of the world okay and drag that in here just change the light around a bit and check it's working body so you've got your blend shapes working everything's imported and yeah and then we can just do a quick test with that there you go it's working everything's working great perfect there you go i hope i saved you some stress today um if i'd known you sooner i would i would have thanked the guy who told me which i didn't so i should probably send that guy a subscription or a like to his video or maybe i shouldn't give my game away okay thanks bye
Channel: Prelight Media
Views: 2,777
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: maya, rigging, character-rigging, export-fbx-maya, export-fbx-maya-to-unity, export-rig-from-maya-to-unity, export-character, export-character-to-unity, import-character-from-maya-to-unity, fbx-export, export-character-rig-maya
Id: geEVsheSGkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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