How to Experience the Outpouring of God’s Love

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so I'm going to read this text with you this is Romans five and we'll read verses 1 to 8 and then I'll tell you where we're going and then we'll pray and go there so Romans 5 verse 1 therefore since we have been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us for while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the ungodly for one will scarcely die for a righteous man though perhaps for a good man one would dare even to die but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us so that's worth about a year's worth of sermons and we're going to do one and we're going to focus on verse five hope does not put us to shame why because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us now that's an experience that's not an idea and that's the experience I want you to have let's pray it happens by the Holy Spirit father it doesn't happen by John Piper or Michael boys or music or reading the Bible none of these things are sufficient it is a work of the Holy Spirit to have the love of God poured into our hearts so I asked for it for me now and for these friends that you would grant us the realization the experience of verse 5 in Jesus name I pray amen so God's love poured into your heart is not same as God's love proven to your mind God's love poured into your heart by the Spirit is an experience you feel it or it's nothing this is an experience it is not a conclusion to an argument it's not wrong to conclude by argument that you are loved that's not a bad idea it would go like this give you two examples of what this is not but is good premise number one John 3:16 the Bible says for God so loved the world premise number 2 I'm part of the world conclusion God loves me that's knowing you are loved by argument are you another one John 15:13 greater love has no one than the that one lays down his life for his friends premise number two I'm his friend because I love him and keep his Commandments conclusion therefore he loves me with a great love that's not a bad thing to do with the Bible it's just not what verse five is talking about verse 5 is not deducing with argument therefore I'm loved that's a thought that's an idea that's a conclusion this is an outpouring of God's love into your heart by the Holy Spirit that's an experience it's felt or it's nothing so it's good to have ideas it's good to have conclusion it's good to have logic it's better to have an experience it's better to taste the love of God because the Holy Spirit has poured it out in your heart so let's look at it hope does not put us to shame verse 5 hope does not put us to shame because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us it's something poured out it's something felt in the heart not the head known in the way the heart knows not just the way the head knows knows and notice the role that it has it's a very very big role that this outpouring of God's love in your heart felt in the heart not just known in the head there is a big role for that what's the role what's the function of it look hope does not put us to shame why why will your hope not put you to shame because and then comes the love of God has been poured out the reason your hope won't put you to shame surprisingly here is an experience we need more than experiences but less is not Christianity there are two ways you could experience your hope being put to shame but what does that mean your hope will not put you to shame what does that mean one way would be will your hope your experience of hoping is a sham you're not hoping in God you're hoping in money and health and wealth and people liking you and if that were exposed your hope would put you to shame everybody would know you claim to be helping in god you're not helping in God that would be one way hope could be put to shame another way that hope is put to shame is that the object of your hope proves to be false so I'm hoping that God loves me and he doesn't love me that would be horrific I'm hoping that he exists he doesn't exist that would be horrible your hope would be put to shame something you'd be put to shame if at the end of your life it was made plain you lived your whole life hoping that he was really turns out not to be real so this verse verse 5 with the because hope will not put you to shame because is going to show you why that second one doesn't hold he's already dealt with the first one in verse 3 right verse 3 about we rejoice in our sufferings because suffering works patience and patience works approve administering this works hope so you're the reality of your experience of hoping is tested by the fire of sufferings like you were hoping in money you were hoping in wealth you were hoping and and suffering burns it all up burns burns up all your money burns up all your health burns up your marriage and leave you destitute and at the end of that fire you're humping in God and you know you're real so the first threat to your hope is dealt with by sufferings suffering is a gift to burn up false hopes knock all props out from under you but God so he's dealt with that without that's not the point of this sermon that's I'm just saying he's he hadn't forgotten that's a problem that hope can be fake fake experience the second one but is the thing the person the history I'm hoping in that God exists Christ has really died for my sins could that all prove to be fake that's what verse 5 is saying no your hope will not put you to shame Christian God's love for you not just your proper experiencing of hope in him but God's love for you will not prove to be fake reason because the love of God has been poured out in your heart by the Holy Spirit that's amazing because most of the time I think we want to validate the object of our faith by the objective historical facts that God is Christ was he died he rose facts I stand there and therefore I will not be put to shame and that's true that's not what this verse is saying this verse is saying there's an experience that warrants your confidence that your hope in being loved by God will not be put to shame that's what we're going to look at so I I see four things about this verse or this statement that the love of God has been poured out into your hearts for things let's just see if you see what I see because if you don't see them you shouldn't believe them number one this experience of the love of God being poured into my heart his love for me being poured experientially into my heart is through the Holy Spirit okay is that number one it is through the Holy Spirit whatever else this experience is it is not your work you didn't make this happen nobody on earth made this happen preaching is important gave my life to it worship in song is biblical important they don't make this happen this is a work the Holy Spirit it's a supernatural work which is why we pray which is what we're so desperately dependent write all the things that matter in life ultimately God has to do I can't make you love you feel the love of God I can't make you feel the love of God only the Holy Spirit can pour God's love into your heart in such a way that you say my hope is real only he can do that which causes me just linger for a minute over some issues it's sad isn't it that we can become so psychologist about families of origin and whether you had a dad who modeled care for you that we actually start thinking well if you didn't have a good dad you probably can't experience the love of God as your father you heard that like well the reason this person cannot experience the sweetness and the preciousness of the love of God is because their dad beat him up or left I think that argument is wicked the Holy Spirit does this families of origin don't do this right of course it's harder right of course if you've had no help from your parents to discern what God is like you got bigger bigger things to overcome but either this is a work of the Spirit or it's a work of families picture the other side picture the other side you got now maybe a church full of families of origin that her whole dad was their dad cared might not even been a believer but he he was there he cares solid it was stable and you now are well-adjusted and getting loan just fine and thinking it's the love of God and it's not it's just you and your family of origin we it's just as easy to make a mistake that my my well being right now that's rooted in that perfect little family is this is Texas talking about it isn't this text is talking about a miracle for the broken and a miracle for the whole miracle for people who came out of absolutely horrific family situations of abuse say and families who are just gold everything they just write on the advertisement and and both of them are desperately in need of the Holy Spirit this is a work of the Holy Spirit this experience of the love of God is not natural it doesn't come from bad families or good families it comes from God that's the first observation this is a work and experience of the Holy Spirit number two it has factual or historical or objective content right here's the the nub of the matter of how history and factuality objectivity relates to experience tasting subjectivity Holy Spirit indwelling awakenings real experience ah this is what I'm going to say now is how those two are related to each other so what you need to see with me if you want to look down at your Bibles is how verse five is related to six through eight this was the class I'd ask you to tell me verse five says that the love of God is poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit and then verse six is connected with what word in your Bible what little word for which means because so you this this spirit is experientially and divinely and supernaturally pouring out the love of God in you for while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the ungodly that's a fact that's history nobody can change that the devil God can't change that it's over it's done he died for sinners and that's given as a support of for because of the experience how's that work let's keep reading for one will scarcely die for a righteous man I'm in verse 7 for one will scarcely die for a righteous person though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die but God shows his love for us in that while catch the tense of the verb shows or maybe demonstrates in your Bible but in either case it's a present tense in English and in Greek that's strange you're talking about history this 2,000 years old God shows now his love for us that in that while we were yet sinners Christ died that's past tense that combination is what arrested me years ago in this text he now is showing and the way he showing is that and the Holy Spirit is doing that by an outpouring now you got to put this together yet it can't figure this out because when you're not going to be a church this is where the experienced church you come here you can get experience or will the fact Church we're the doctrine church with a history church we're the objective Church we're suspicious of those subjective people you're not going to do that not if you read your Bible you're not going to go there Paul won't let you do that verse five is massively gloriously supernaturally experiential this charismatic Holy Spirit pouring out love of God into our heart you feel it you know it because he's doing it but the way he's doing it is connected to that 2000 year old glorious moment in history that we sing about so how do you put that together here's my you you work it out but here's my take on how it works I think the function the role of the Holy Spirit Jesus said that he was going to send the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit will glorify me remember that John 16 14 the Holy Spirit will come and he will glorify me so the Holy Spirit is all into Jesus he's all into making Jesus great the Holy Spirit is sometimes described just a shy member of the Trinity a Keith he's just pushing Jesus like like this he's back here pushing Jesus well that's going on here isn't it the Holy Spirit is pouring out the love of God because God is showing showing your heart through the knowledge of history through the knowledge of the gospel showing your heart that Christ died for your sins and you might die for a righteous might die for for a good person but for a ungodly person nobody's going to die and he did and therefore as you look at the history the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of your heart heart and you experience by looking at that an outpouring of love from God it's with it you look at that you see Christ crucified you hear what he's saying it means it means he loved you while you were ungodly and the Holy Spirit at that moment takes that sight and makes it satisfying sweet precious I love him how he's glorious how God loves me that's the experience and it won't ever happen without that sight that's the point of this second observation the connection between verse 5 and verses 6 to 8 is that the experience given by the Holy Spirit poured out is given by opening first your mind and then the odds of your heart to the ravishing beauty of the love of God in the death of Christ for you so not separate that's the second observation here's the third one this experience is the experience of all Christians not just certain emotional types this can be a little threatening because some of you may not be an emotional type and you may be uncomfortable with experience talk well you need to get over that why that's why do I say this it's the experience of all Christians just read verse 5 again slowly and notice who it is he's talking about God's love has been poured into our because who is that our hearts all right through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us now the hour and the us are the same people we feel that our hearts the Holy Spirit has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit and that spirit has been given to us same group of people the people to whom the Spirit has been given have experienced the outpouring of the Spirit as the love of God chapter 8 verse 9 confirms what I'm talking about you are not in the flesh you are in the spirit you Christians if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he doesn't belong to him so three different ways of referring to the Holy Spirit the spirit the Spirit of God the Spirit of Christ they're all the same person the Divine Spirit of God Christ and he says if you don't have him you don't belong to him which means you're not a Christian you're not saved so everyone who is saved who has received the Holy Spirit has the spirit that's what it means to be a Christian all Christians have the Holy Spirit living in them that's the definition among others of what a Christian is which you go back then to verse five and he says God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us those are the same folks and the experience is of all of us which means that all true Christians have tasted this all true Christians have experienced the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in opening the eyes of their heart to see the beauty of Christ and God's love in the cross such that they experience it authenticating their hopes so that their hope will not be put to shame every Christian has tasted this last point number four that experience varies from st. to st. Day today and therefore can be pursued in fuller measure so across this room right now just right now my guess is there are tiny handful probably who don't have any experience of what I'm talking about you're not saved and others of you are ready to come out of your chair this is so real and so precious it's so sweet and it is old news to you and the best and then there's everybody in between and probably nobody the same that's the challenge of being a pastor across this room people who are without that experience of being loved and those who are red-hot with it and then all degrees of coolness lukewarmness but reality so my last point is that today in the service this might be freshly awakened for you and taste sweet for you and tomorrow you may feel very blank and wonder where did it go that's real Christian experience so please don't hear me describing some kind of idealistic Christian perfectionism that always lives at a level of intense experience of being loved by God 70 years old that's not the way it is so what's the implication of that we read you a verse draw to a summary from second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 I love this verse so encouraging and because I want I want realism in my ministry in my life and my family second Thessalonians 3:5 says this is a prayer now of Paul for the Thessalonians may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ does this this is a verse that means meditation may the Lord direct your heart okay so the heart has directions and it can direct towards money sex fear anger or it can be directed towards a sense of love God loves me God sent us on the dice the ring the heart can the heart when I think when I when I try to get inside Paul's mind here what you mean by direct the heart direct the heart how is the heart directed I think the heart is directed when it moves towards what it values what it cherishes what it enjoys what is satisfied by right that's the direction my heart is going my heart is going towards I want to make a lot of money here my heart is going towards I want to be famous or my heart is going towards I want to get back at her okay she sits I mean think about yeah so my heart is going that's direction it's what it's what you think is going to make you glad and so to say oh God direct their hearts to the love of God means you find the love of God for you more satisfying than anything else that's what a directed heart means so if you're sitting there and you are trying to line yourself on that spectrum I just described from the white-hot person to the dead person and you're on there somewhere and you're aware somewhere you know a millimeter beyond death this is your verse this is what you do and I'm going to end with this in just a minute this is the way you pray I pray this kind of prayer all the time help me awaken me my little way of praying is incline my heart to your testimonies this from psalm 119 incline my heart that's another way of saying direct right incline my heart like it's tilting towards fear it's tilting towards anger at tilting towards despair it's tilting towards carnal life's life and I want you to incline it this way isn't that amazing that the psalmist must pray that way people after God's own heart pray that way so just take heart that if the experience I'm describing seems small for you that you have to stay there take heart you don't have to stay there you engage with Paul you engage with the psalmist you engage with the Thessalonians and the Romans and say okay every Christian taste this know something of this I if you're not sure that you go on your face before the gospel and say incline my heart direct my heart or if you're in the middle and you're feeling it but you know you've lost it and will lose it and you pray do it again and tomorrow morning you pray direct my heart to the love of God so let me close with a summary verse five and three it again hope does not put us to shame God's God's existence God's acting in history in Christ God's loving you it's not going to prove false and put you to shame why because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us a real Holy Spirit given experience of being loved by God is the reason you are undaunted in your confidence that you are loved by the Living God so here are my four things again in case you i went by too fast number one this experience of being loved by god is through the holy spirit it is poured out through the holy spirit it's not your doing it's supernatural you are not kept from it by any family background and you are not guaranteed it by any family background number two this experience comes through a historical fact in the gospel in the bible that you see christ died for sinners like you and that becomes by the work of the holy spirit being poured out so sweet and so beautiful and so valuable that you feel loved by that and so the the history and the spirit work together to make this experience happen number three every Christian has tasted this you cannot become a Christian by merely saying for God so loved the world I'm part of the world therefore I'm loved that is not a Christian the devil can say that total unbelievers can say that logic makes nobody a Christian experience of God the Holy Spirit pouring the love of God into your heart called new birth makes you a Christian so everybody's tasted this and my last point number four is to try to give you hope that in this room we're all over the map on the degrees of enjoyment of this experience and so my point where I'm going to end is simply to say to you let's move on let's grow this lets take second Thessalonians and pray it God I'll help let's just close in prayer like this father I want to ask that you would direct the hearts this is a supernatural work I'm asking for in this room right now I asked that the Holy Spirit would come and that he would open blind eyes or dim eyes and that we would see Christ and the Holy Spirit would sweeten and intensify and make real and compelling and satisfying and precious and valuable that sight so that we would experience being loved by God Jesus is better and that's what you have to see God calm give us eyes say I pray
Channel: Desiring God
Views: 187,509
Rating: 4.867043 out of 5
Keywords: Desiring God, John Piper, God, Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christian Hedonism, Look at the Book, Romans
Id: C1acO3rXGOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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