How To Enable Secure Boot In Windows 11 - Full Guide

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in this video I show you how to enable secure boot on Windows 11. if you found this guide useful then please consider subscribing and once you've done that then please consider leaving a like and let's get right into this guide firstly I just want to show you that my secure boot is currently disabled to do that come to the bottom of Windows and tap on search and go and type in system information like so it may automatically appear then what you're going to do is scroll down this page here until you go and see the option for secure boot State and as you can see mine is currently off so let's go and enable this so to do that what we need to do is first to go and open up our settings so you could go to the bottom and tap on search and type in settings or alternatively just tap on the Windows start button and then go into tap on settings here you can just search for at the top then once you're in settings all you need to do is go over to the left hand side and you need to come down to Windows update once you're in the Windows update page then go and tap on Advanced options and scroll down and see you go and see the option for Recovery just like this and then what you need to do is go and tap on is Advanced startup and you need to go and tap on restart now now I'm just going to go and switch recording here we are on my phone so then go and tap on restart now and go and confirm your decision by pressing restart now again and then it's going to go and say please wait then after computer restart you'll be taken to this page here it says choose an option and what you need to do is tap them troubleshoot like so and then go and tap on Advanced options and then go and tap on UEFI for my settings this is going to go and take you to your bio so go and tap on it like so and then you'll need to go and restart your computer once again and then your computer is going to restart into your bios and it is important to know that your bios is going to look probably quite look different to mine unless we have the same software I have an MSI one but it doesn't matter because it should be in a similar place but here we are in my MSI Motherboard so to navigate round the BIOS you can go and use your arrow keys like solar up and down and you can also go and use your mouse if you have one and you can use enter and the escape button to go into things and out of things so in this case we first need to go and navigate to the settings just like so so I'm going to go and tap on it or use enter doesn't matter then once you're in your settings this is where things do vary a bit for a lot of systems you'll need to go into security and then you're going to have the secure boot system in here in my case I don't so I'm going to go and press on Escape just like this and then what I need to do is go into advanced so essentially if you're struggling to find it I just recommend looking all in the different settings and what you can do as well as literally just Google say your motherboard so if it was like an Asus motherboard type in Asus motherboard secure boot setting and then it's going to be described how you get there so yeah but in my case I need to go into advanced and then I need to go and tap on Windows OS configuration and then I need to go and make sure Windows 10 whql support is set to enabled like this and then go down to secure Boot and then what I can do is go and see it here secure secure boot control I'll go and click on it and then I'll go and set it to enabled but here it does say to QB can be enabled when system is in user mode if you get that there then this means you need to go and change the boot mode so tap here and then go and set it to standard like this and then go and press address yes and then what you'll need to do is come up here and then you can go and set enabled like so basically it changes the system mode to user but yeah it's pretty straightforward and it pretty basically guides you through and we've now gone and enabled it and then to launch back into Windows go and press on the cross in the top right or press escape and then go and press uh save configuration and exit like this and then your computer is going to restart back into windows and here we are back on Windows and now if I go and show you my system information again we'll come down here and type in system information for secure boot State and as you can see it's now on showing that we've now gone and enabled secure boot if you guys found this useful please consider leaving a like peace
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 673,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to enable secure boot windows 11, how to enable secure boot on windows 11, how to enable secure boot in windows 11, how to enable secure boot, secure boot windows 11, how to turn on secure boot windows 11, windows 11 secure boot
Id: Hxga_5RBB2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 40sec (220 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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