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hello guys welcome to my YouTube channel how are you guys doing hope you guys are doing great if you are new here I'm conella a c YouTuber based in Gere the region of Cameron so in today's video I'm just going to show you how to edit with your phone using the cap cut app so if you want to edit using this capup cut app I'm just going to show you just stay tuned and watch the video till the end you are just going to download the app first if you don't yet have it by clicking play store so when you go to Play Store you just going to click the search button and search cap cut so this is a cap cut you just click on it so you see I already have the I already have mine so I'm just going to go directly if you don't have it you are supposed to download it then you install it so what I I already have mine so I'm just going to come up from this page and go and start using it okay so this is my cap cut app I'm just going to click on it to start using so when you click on the app this is what will appear you're just going to click on new project when you click on new project it's going to take you to your videos that you have already uh recorded So you are just going to take any of the video that you want to use you're just going to click let me click this video to use so you click it this is what is going to appear and you're just going to take so what you take at now is going to enter directly into your cap cut app and it's going to appear like this so we have all the features that are here as you can see you have all the features that are here so when you want to start editing what you do is that you allow your what you do is that you allow your video to run let me click on start so this is my visual running and where you want to remove you're just going to pause it then when you pause it you come where it is written edit are you seeing when you click where it is with edit you take split and where you take split it's going to get your video into two then you click on where you want to remove and look for delete button and just take delete so it's very easy secondly you have all the features that are here so you have this edit feature which is which has other things like split speed animation style the delete button it enhances your voice isolate your voice and also with so I'm just going to teach you guys how to use all these icons so if I want my video again if I want to go back to the other icons just click the arrow and it's going to take you to the other ones as you can see like this so when I want I want to edit my video also I just go again hello guys welcome to my YouTube channel how are so as you can see this part is a part that I don't want to remove so if I want to remove a particular part inside the video look at this part like where I was touching my my nose TST or touching my nose Okay I want to remove that part so what I'll do is that I'm just going to click on edit you see now then I take split it split the split the video into two then I'm just going to allow the video to run again and where I can't I remove my hand I'm just allow to run again where I remove my hand I'm going to take again split hello so this is it I've taking I stopped the VIS so let me take split so when I take split now I'm just going to click on the part that I wanted to remove which was the part that was touching my nose I'm just going to take delete you see just going to play it now and you guys welcome to see the part that I was touching my REM this is how you Ed I'm just going to give you Reas why most let me show you how to use all the different features so when you want to add sound or add audio you're just going to go where you have AO and you have sounds so these sounds are the different sounds that you can use for your videos and some are free While others are copyright so each time I use sound I always come to this uh icon because it has most free sounds so when you want to take a sound look at the ones that are written free are you seeing you have most of the sounds are written free those are the sounds that you can put in your video which are not copyrighted so when you put the Sounds in your video it has no problem but the ones that are not written free or nothing is written on them those are people's songs or people sounds that if you put you are supposed to give them credit or if if you put it will show copyright so what I want to do what I used to do is that each time I'm editing my video I always go to the sounds that are free in order for me not to have the copyright strike so let's just go back okay so you have the sounds if you want to record this is where to record if you want to maybe do a voice over you just click record and it's going to you click then you click this green button and it's going to do a voice over and each time you want to do a voice over make sure you lower the volume of the initial part that you want to do voice over so that's it for record if you want to record or do a voice over you just click the record button so the next icon that we have is text so when you want to add text to your video you just going to click maybe add text and it's going to appear then you're going to write the thing that you want to write on your video diary let me just write something so this is a text that I've written and this is how it has come out just take okay you can regulate the text reduce the size depending on what you want you just be flexible so that's the text that I've added okay the next icon is your stickers when you want to add stickers you have a lot of stickers here maybe you can take subscribe like I'm doing I'll take subscribe and you take good so it's going to appear there are many stickers there okay the next icon is auto captions I don't usually use I've not used this Auto captions but I think it's when you want to caption a particular part you just have to click on it and it's going to show so let's go back to the other things you have our overlay this overlay for insir is peep while for cap cart is overlay overlay is if you want to add maybe something to your video maybe you're explaining something you want to show them an effect let me just try to do what let me just try to click on it and you're going to see what it means so it will take you to maybe a picture or a video let me just take this video mhm so then you take at so this is overlay it means that maybe you're giving an explanation and you want to demonstrate something you can just take the overlay and make like this you're talking but see the video or something else you understand so this is it or if you want you don't want it to cover the whole screen you can also reduce it like this they talking and people are seeing it are you seeing they talking and people are seeing what you're trying to explain so it depends if you they shoulding so and each time you put overlay make sure you reduce the volume of the overlay so that when you're talking people will be hearing but what you're you're talking and not what you are showing like what I think the overlay is just to demonstrate to people so why you unless you're putting the overlay without you talking then you can leave the volume but if you are to just to demonstrate why you're talking it's good to reduce the volume so if you want to reduce the volume you just click here the overlay this is the overlay and the up one is your normal video and just reduce the volume and take okay you see now so so this is me talking you hearing only the volume of my video and the overlay is just there you're not hearing the person talking is how comes okay let's go back the next is effect so this is effect you have Vis effect you have body effect so this effect I used to use it like if I want to show or transitions so this is the effect icon if you want to use it you just have to click on effect and it's going to show you the different effects that you have you can take Maybe video effect if you want to your video to maybe make an effect or also you can take body effect if you want your the the effect to show True maybe uh superpowers True Glow anything you can just take and it's going to appear on your video so the next is the aspect ratio have not used this the next is Filters if you want to filter your video maybe press and hold to see the original version so this is if you want your video to show something else you know when you take you have cameras you have FS right so you can use that fter but I don't used to use it I always just flow with my natural or my normal video so let's go back the next is adjust if you want to adjust your video maybe the brightness you can click here and you regulate the brightness depend on what you want if you want the contrast saturation brance sharping you just have to regulate it so this is it you go back okay the next let me go back the next is stickers so this is if you want to add stickers to click on stickers you have a lot of things I think I've already demonstrated how to use sticker so let's just go back just go back okay background so the next is background maybe if you want to make your background to be blur let me just click on it and you see are you seeing like you have other features on how to regulate your back account okay so these are the main icons on the what appears so let's go back to now to edit and you're going to see other icons doing editing so you have a the speed if you talking and you want the speed to be normal you put it on normal and if you want the speed to maybe regulate you can take care okay you have animations if you want to animate your video maybe uh you're talking and you want something to appear or you want your video to zoom or you want your video to fade or something like that you just click on animation so this is a delete icon I already show you how to use the delete icon you have also the volume you have transform yes this is an important uh icon when you want to cop your video you just click on that icons or when you want toate your video you click on that transform so when you click on it you will come this C if you want to C this video let me just click on C and you see how it appears you can maybe C your video the part that you don't want you see your video will be like this and you take okay or if you want to rotate your video look at you can rotate it like this depending on what you want so those are the icons that are important let's go back so have talk about FS the difference between cap cut and inss is that using cap cut you can be able to remove background like if you have a background that you don't want you can be able to remove it while for inir it's not you are not able to remove your background so if for example you have you have been seeing videos how people are putting how to create fake background on YouTube so this is cap cut they use most they mostly use cap cut to do that for example if you are filming your background and you don't like like my background now I don't like it so what I do is that I just go and click remove background and it's going to remove the backgound on my video let me remove it and you see how you look like are you seeing so it's going to make the video to remove the chair I was sit on the chair right if you look at the video where you discover that I'm not sitting on any chair again so it's just showing but my image so this is how they remove background so let's restore it back since we don't want to remove it and take okay so if you want to remove back remove and when you remove it in order for you to put another background you can just go to that overlay button that we use and you try to put it or put the background that you want then you move now your initial backgound where remove your initial background your overlay background that you have put will be the one to appear behind you get it the next icon that we have is duplicate like if you have your video you want to duplicate it or you want the video to be to double you can click on it I always use this for sounds maybe if I put a sound and I want the sound to repeat to the end of my video I can just click on the sound and take duplicate and you will show like this so we don't want to duplicate let me go back okay after duplicate you have the AO effect I think uh if you want to talk and maybe you want a particular character maybe you want to be talking and let it be as if you're talking or you're a something like that or let him show echo or let him maybe tremble like if you want to demonstrate a particular way of talking I think you can take this icon and it was just going to show on your video so guys I think these are the main things that you need to know concerning cup C or these are the main icons that are important that you need to know cup cut so before ending this video I'm going to show you one important part that most content creators feel when they edit using cap cut and that part is when you finish putting your video when you finish editing your video at the end of your video there's always this C cut water marks that always show so when you want to remove it you just click on this dark area and you see how it will it will show there you take delete you see guys so that way when you finish playing your video or you finish uploading your video and people are watching your video they will not see or they not know that you use the C cut so that's how they remove water mark for cap cut and also at this ending when you want to add maybe a video or add something you just take plus and it's going to take you to another video that I want to add let me just say I want to add this video okay so we just going to take out you see now it's going to appear after this we are going to have the other video that comes up you see so this is how the add video so guys after finishing with all these important steps I think I've said all the things that are important concerning editing using cap cut you're just going to download it to your gallery and let me sh this camera down and order for you to download it to your gallery you just come and click here you click this arrow that is showing here when you click this Arrow it's going to export it to your gallery and it's going to save to your gallery and your video is ready for you to upload on your Channel or in your channel so guys hope you have learned how to edit using cap cut so if you see this video what sharing please share make sure you like make sure you put your comments below if you have any question and don't forget to subscribe if you are not subscribed and please hit the notification Bell so that when so that whenever I post a new video you'll be the first to receive see you guys in my my next video love you bye-bye take care m m m m
Channel: Noela's Diary
Views: 257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UKt35ppg2eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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