How to Edit in Audacity | Essential Controls You Need to Know to Use Audacity

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hello I'm Ike from music radio creative calm and in a few short minutes I'll show you how to become an editing pro inside audacity so here we are in the free audio editor audacity and I've got some audio here I recorded earlier play you a little bit of how you can edit audio alright so in this short video I want to get you familiar with these six icons up here towards the top left next to the playback controls so you might already be confident with playing back recording doing all of that a little bit of basic zooming and editing but what is everything too so this one here is the selection tool I can use it to select some audio and as I've demonstrated in previous videos I can hit delete and delete audio if I want selection tool is good for isolating certain parts of your audio that you want to work on next to that is the wonderful envelope tool when I do that you'll notice that the layout and the waveform somewhat changes this means I can now change this around and manipulate look at this I can make the audio quieter by clicking and dragging or I can make it louder March March louder by doing that so say I want to paint on a few envelope oints maybe I want an envelope point I can move this first envelope point and envelope point is where you start something and then the next one is where you stop something so I might say at this point I want to fade out so now I place another envelope here this is my end point and then I'm going to literally you see what I'm doing I'm fading out that audio there until oh look at that it's it's all gone so let's let's hear how that little fade Center you just show you see and it fades me out they're ordered into audacity to show you gone completely undo it and you'll hear that the audio is all back to T to show you and it's a perfect way of playing with the envelope tool to put on the lens Lopes you can put them wherever you want and start fading the audio up and down as you wish now this lovely draw tool is a very interesting feature in audacity and I'm going to show you how it works in just a moment but in order to do that I'll need to use this tool down here this is called the zoom tool great for zooming in to audio and then clicking to zoom back out so that's how you use that right click on your mouse to zoom in left click no sorry the other way round left click the zoom in right click to zoom out so I'm zooming in now now I'm speaking here and as you can see if i zoom right in eventually you should see some little points appearing see those little points appearing on the waveform now with the draw tool I'm going to suddenly drag one of those points up and play you that back and let you hear how that sounds so let's zoom all the way back out again and then we'll get the chance to listen and you'll notice that little clip is there in the audio sometimes when voices are speaking for instance they tend to make little clicks with their mouths and those clicks sound like this this is a little bit of dialogue this is a little bit did you hear the little click there yeah it wasn't too good at all so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to zoom in using my zoom tool to get right in on that point where the click is and if that was a genuine click in the speech there what I could do is I could use the draw tool to simply drag this all the way back down make it sound much more natural now zooming out and if I play that all back to you you should suddenly realize that the click is eliminated and my speech sounds totally natural so let's have a listen now to this audio and see how it sounds this is a little bit of dialogue absolutely no problem there with the recording so you can see how well that draw tool works so so far we've gone over selection tool to select parts of your audio the envelope tool to draw on little points and make some fades and fades in and fade out there like that as you can see the draw tool to actually change how the waveform looks the zoom tool the move tool is good because that can be used these two arrows to move your audio around on the track as I've demonstrated in previous videos you can select parts of your track you can create a split there and then I can move two separate parts of the audio track apart or together as as I wish really using this and this one here the multi tool mode that kind of brings everything together now I can do everything I can select I can draw on envelopes I do all kinds of stuff just in this one mode but I kind of need to tell it exactly what I want to do so at the moment I'm drawing envelopes but it might be that I want to go back to selection so I can go back to selection and there I am in selection multi-tool kind of brings all of those modes together those are modes or this is a mode that you'd be in for the advanced user so editing an audacity as you can see is really straightforward make sure you subscribe and get more videos on audacity right here on my channel
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 421,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to edit audio in audacity, how to edit vocals in audacity, how to edit voice in audacity, how to edit your voice on audacity, edit audio in audacity, audacity tutorial
Id: GHe_Og-yEow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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