How to Edit, Brighten and Sharpen Eyes with Photoshop Naturally

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in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to retouch eyes and take it from this to this in a matter of moments [Music] hey guys Danny diamond here you can follow me on my Instagram page at Danny diamond photography comm or any other social media platform okay so before we go ahead and I show you the steps on what I do to make the eyes really stand out we first need to understand how light works with the eyes and by understanding this it'll help us get a very natural result and this is also the reason why I made this video there's tons of other videos on YouTube but I feel that none of them explain how light works with the eyes and this is crucial to understanding how to edit so the way it works is the light enters through the iris from one side and it comes out the opposite side so as you can see over here the couch light is the direction of light showing is showing you the direction of light coming into the iris and then as you could see this area right here in the iris is the second two brightest point and that's because the light is coming in through this side and it's exiting through that side so when we're retouching you don't want to brighten up the entire iris and make it look like this this is completely alien style if you do this we're gonna confiscate your computer in Photoshop this looks completely unnatural and it's it's just not the way the iris would would ever look or react to light you want things to look a little bit more natural like this where you have the light coming in from here which is the catch light and again exiting through that side so that's how it would look before and after we do our edit so I have three different examples here I'll go ahead and demonstrate on the first shot and then I'll just go ahead and just do two quick edits and other images so you see other examples so this is after I did the eyes and I already did the retouch on this image so I'm just gonna be showing you guys how I did the eyes and it's very subtle but it does make a difference if you want to see more in-depth tutorials on how I get my skin color toning and retain the skin texture and just other retouching and portrait photography videos in general I have a tutorial with rgg edu with over 75 video segments on my entire process definitely check that out all right so let's go ahead and start working on the eyes so the first thing we want to do is duplicate the layer and we're going to do this by hitting ctrl J and we're going to be sharpening the eyes first so come over here to filter other High Pass and I put in somewhere around 20 over here hit OK now what we're gonna have to do is create a mask I hold my alt button hit the mask button now we have a black mask right over here so we're not able to see this layer next we're gonna switch the blend mode here to overlay and now we're gonna take a brush B for brush and I'm going to change my opacity to about 70 percent and leave my flow at a hundred percent make your brush larger and smaller with the bracket buttons and go ahead and just paint over the entire eye and you can see how we just made the eyes a drop sharper let's zoom out and take a look at that before and after mm-hmm you could always dial down the opacity of the entire layer in case you feel you went a little too far by simply coming here to your opacity and bringing that down I'm gonna leave it up and then later we're gonna make a group for all the layers for our eye and I'm gonna bring down the opacity out of the entire group so I go a little bit overboard and then I dial it back the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to sit there and just brighten up specific areas of the eye and also the general location of the eye and we do this by coming here to our adjustment panel hitting the curbs and we're going to raise a little bit in the mid-tones a little bit also towards the highlight and then we can bring the shadows down a tiny drop let's bring the mid-tones up a little bit higher I'm just looking at the eyes right now there we go right about there and again we're gonna invert that mask by hitting control eye now we're gonna take our brush B as for brush and bring your flow to 10% you can do that by holding the shift' and hitting one for 10% and we're gonna have to change our opacity back to 100 so we hit zero come in right here make your brush larger with the bracket buttons and we're gonna tap down a couple times over each eye we're making it nice and large so that the entire area gets a little brighter you can't just work on the iris itself and not the skin around the eye otherwise it's not going to look natural now we're gonna go ahead and paint and slowly right over here and we're gonna spend more time painting in the opposite location as the catch light so since the catch light is up here the light is gonna be exiting down here so you want this area to be the brightest spot other than the catch light again over here brush over the catch light to make that a little brighter go the entire iris then spend more time opposite that catch light let's zoom back out a drop turn that layer on and off and you can see how it made the general area brighter and then the next step we're gonna do is make another layer right over here and switch this blend mode to overlay bring the opacity down to about 50% and with the same brush settings were able to switch between black and white right here with this arrow we want white to brighten and we could sit here painting in a little bit more I like making zigzag motions with the brush just to kind of give the iris like a look like a marble like there's both shadows and highlights in there you don't want it to just be bright you want there to be shadows as well so first I work I'm brightening it and now I'm gonna hit this arrow button for the dark and I'm gonna go ahead and just pull in a little bit of shadows there let's do the same thing right here pull it a little bit of shadows just to drop let's show you how this looks before and after before and after and what we can do now as well is go ahead and with the same black brush just go ahead and paint in the eyeliner to make that stand out and you can go over each eyelash there we go we're gonna go over each eyelash takes time but your results are very rewarding the eye really stands out let's zoom out now you can see that we went totally overboard on this but that's why we have this opacity over here we can dial it down altogether so now I'm going to hit shift and select all the layers hit ctrl G can group it and now let's turn this on and off that's before after before and after now what we have do is dial this down since it's a drop too much bring that down to about there before after and now I feel like the iris is a little bit too colorful sometimes when you brighten it it makes it more saturated so to desaturate it what we could do is just we could come over here and make a hue and saturation layer just bring down the saturation now invert control I invert that mask take a brush bring the flow up a little bit right here on your brush pick your brush larger and we get paint right over that and take away a little bit of color from the eye yeah that looks much better take a look at this you see how saturated that is and that's after before and after that's looking much better let's take a look at this portrait as a whole before and after zoom in before and after all right let's jump over to another example so this is after I did all the retouching this is the original file so that's before and after I did all my retouching let's go ahead and just work on this unedited file and for the rest of this I'm just going to go ahead and crank up some music so you guys sit back and just watch I'm gonna do the same process as I did before [Music] I right here I see this red veined take that away I went back onto the original file I hid my J button which brings me to my patch tool right here I select that move over there we go we can do the same thing on this side select click and drag [Music] [Music] so here is our image after and before obviously this looks funny right now because the eyes are really standing out because we did not retouch to retouch the rest the image but if we go ahead and show you how the images look completed with the full retouch the eyes really stand out now one thing to remember is definitely be careful not to overdo the edits because no one will forgive you if you overdo the eyes so always it's better safer to just play it safe and dial down that opacity so it doesn't really stand out as much alright guys there you have it this is how I do the editing on my eyes I'm glad I finally got around to making this video see you guys around
Channel: Dani Diamond
Views: 74,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to, eyes, retouch, photoshop, lightroom, camera raw, capture one, fstoppers, make eyes stand out, brighten eyes, brighten, color, sharpen, pop
Id: UgIEM0oI1-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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