How to easily create crystals in Blender

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[Music] [Music] hello it's mr surpass and this is a way how you can create cool looking crystals in blender very easily so let's delete this or default cube by pressing x and then select delete and then we are going to add here a circle so shift plus a and then mess and length add here circle and then let's go here to the properties and then drop the amount of this has to be maybe five or or you can add more but if you have two solo corner stem it doesn't look very good so i'm gonna go with number five because that's a good number for me at least so let's go in edit mode by pressing tab and then let's press e to extrude and then z to lock it to jet axis and then let's make this our first crystal to be a little bit longer like that and then let's press again e to extrude and then left click and then we will press m and then select merge at center and then let's move this or vertex a little bit to some random point and actually we don't want to make this to look too perfect so we will select some of those and just randomly move our then we are going to fill this or cap here so alt plus left click and then uh press f to fill the gap here and then control plus air and we are going to add here this loop cuts with mouse wheel and select everything by pressing a and then c plus d then maybe somewhere here and then s to scale and let's rotate it a little bit and move around and another one so let's go in edit mode and then here select proportional editing mode and then select here connected only and now if we select one of those and move around it will only edit the selected thing all right here are my crystals so right click here and then select save smooth and then we will go here to modifier properties and then add modify and add pebble and then we will add three segments and maybe a little bit smaller uh amount and then we are going to apply this so click here and then select apply and now what we are going to do is that we will need one specific add-on so let's go here to edit and then preferences and then here search cell fractal so select that and activate it and then you can close it or you can say if you think you are going to use that more anyways activate that and then close and then we will press f3 and then find here a cell fracture so click that and then we will add more noise to this thing so something like that and then we can just click ok and that's it we are supposed to have something like that but i actually think that the parts are a little bit too big so i will undo that and then i will go back to cell fracturating and let's add here a little bit more for the source limit and then let's click again and it's it's also going to take a little bit longer so sometimes if you did something if you had for example overlapping things in some places too much i am having overlapping things for example here but sometimes it doesn't work so if you if you had problems then what you have to do is that you will go in edit mode and select everything with a and then you press b and then you select cell up separate by loose parts like that and then you are going to have this kind of separate objects so now i can go back to 100 and then click ok and i will do the same thing for all of those things so this takes a little bit longer but yeah i'm going to do it because i believe some of you will have this problem all right so i was able to destroy all of those so what you need to do now is to select all of these original circles so here select circle and then hold ctrl and select the other one and then scroll down until you find the second okay i was able to select all of those all right so now what we are going to do is that we will join this to be one single object so ctrl plus t and then we have this kind of object here and then let's go in edit mode by pressing tab and then select everything by pressing a and then disable this proportional editing thing and then uh we are going to select here the individual origin sting so select that and then press s to scale and then scale this little bit bigger so that the desktop parts is going to be perfectly inside of this thing so if you see somewhere overlapping in my case i actually cannot see any overlapping anywhere but if you see somewhere you select the area where you see the overlapping parts and then you select i can hear this proportional editing and then here connected only and then just edit slightly until you don't see the overlapping parts anymore let's box select all of these the test red parts and the clean bars and then ctrl plus g to join them so now you are supposed to have this kind of object i'm also going to add here some sort of a ground plane but you don't need to do that because you probably don't wanna do a studio render with your thing but i'm gonna do that so that's why i'm gonna do this very simple studio scene and this is my studio setup for this scene okay so now we can go to the shading tab so select this or crystal thing and then let's go here to the shading and then we will we can join these we don't need those so right click here and then join rs and then we we also need the cycles red and engine i'm going to go to cameraviv so here's a code render properties and then select render engine to be cycles and then device to be gpu if your gpu works like that so now if we go to rendering mode you should see something like that you can move this light source around and it will look cool but not exactly what we are looking for because we want to have crystals also i'm gonna move this little bit dark so select this or crystal thing and then click new and you are supposed to have here this principled shader and i will walk through all of these settings so this gtx let's change this to be multi scatter multi scatter and that's okay and then let's change the base color to be very light blue like this or something like that we will change that later probably and then uh let's add little bit metallic to this because it's a crystal and it's natural thing and it will get the color from some metal and let's drop the specularity down and then let's drop the roundness also down and then here this transmission let's make this to be one and then the index of refraction let's drop this to be i know this probably is not realistic but i like to have here very little very close of the number one and now there is one thing which you can test if you move this or light source here behind of the crystal thing somewhere here maybe it will it should look cool and then uh if you drop this alpha thing here to zero you see something like that it means that you don't have any in a flight path you have transparency that will kind of stop working until it reached a certain amount of kind of transparent walls so to fix that we will go here the render properties and here light path and then we will add more for this transmission and every step you add here will kind of remove the amount of those black spots there so we don't want to see any of those obviously then it's fine and then you can put this alpha back here or you can add little bit alpha there if you feel like that you need that for some strange reason in some weird material maybe those are okay and then you will add here for the transmission also more of those and then for the glossy let's add also and for the diffuse and maybe let's add for the total also more just to make sure that this material works properly because this is actually pretty heavy material it's having so much things happening here inside of the crystals so that's why we need more of those and now as you can see it's very blue so let's test the color here a little bit maybe a little bit closer of the white you know if it's very close of white it's still pretty blue the effect is kind of very strong with the color thing and with this obviously you can chase the color if you want to have for example but i'm going with this kind of greenish blue which i think looks pretty cool the fun part actually starts because we are going to start adding textures here also now what i want to do is that i will add a little bit more power for this light source so let's select the light source and then let's multiply this maybe with five you can also change the color if you feel so but for the sake of material creation i will not stay neutral at this point but for the final render i might change that so now the fun part starts we are going to start adding the extras for this so select the crystals again and then shift plus a here search and then find here um noise texture and actually a little bit worried that this thing is in a place where i don't wanna have it's is it good here okay it's going to be there now okay i hope it works like that so yeah this noise texture and c plus a search and let's find here pump and connect this pump to the normal of this or precipitator and then connect this noise texture to the head of this bulb so that will kind of add very interesting internal reflections to those crystals in my opinion that looks really really cool aside and maybe group those so ctrl plus g and then tap to get out and then c plus a search and we are going to add here gradient texture so find here gradient texture like this and now you should have denote wrangle iron so edit and then preferences and then find here node wrangle so activate that and then save user preferences and close this so now ctrl shift plus left click here and then you keep this selected and control push t to have these two nodes so we wanna rotate this so here uh if you put here 90 for the y axis the black color to be here in the bottom and then let's move this little bit up oh sorry wrong like that and that looks exactly what i wanted to have here so then we will add here color ramp so c plus a search and then find here color ramp so this one and let's add it here between of those and let's flip the colors so flip color wrap like this so now the white color is here in the bottom and then the black one is there in top and why i wanna have that it like that is that divide color of these something is there and then black colors means nothing is stepped so one and then zero and then we will connect this to the roundness so and ctrl shift plus left click to see how it works just like expected it's adding more roughness here at the bottom control plus b sorry control plus b the box select this array and now it it's supposed to render a little bit faster this so i can see what the material is doing so i will make this black color to be not so black so there is a little bit roughness everywhere all right so let's add here the noise texture right now so c plus a search and then function noise texture and let's mix these two so ctrl plus shift right click to mix these two textures let's see what this is doing now so ctrl c plus left click to see what is going on here so we need another color ram so let's select that one and ctrl c plus d duplicate it and connect it here so now we can control with this the effect and then let's add use this or noise texture a little bit to have some random details there in my opinion that looks cool so now we will connect this one to the roughness instead and then we can also connect this to the transmission thing and now ctrl c plus left click here actually i wanna control it separately so let's duplicate this color ramp here and connect this one here and then this one here so now i have separate controls for both of those things which i guess is a good idea and then let's duplicate this color ramp again and connect this one here and then connect this one to the base color so what people can do now with this is that we can change this one to be let's say something like brown or something and then this part be the blue team then we just add use this until it looks good this is not very scientific approach as you can see it's just something that i feel looks good and actually what comes to this roundness i need to flip this so uh here select this flip color ramp and even i have the roundness to be here in bottom because uh the crystals are kind of growing here and here in the bottom they are more of the kind of natural rock or whatever but here in top it's more of those crystal materials supposed to be at at least in my imagination so yeah that's why it has to flip so these are crystals are here in top control plus shift plus let's see click see what is going on here actually i will change this to be b spline so the transition is going to be very smooth something like that i think looks good and the same thing happens with this specularity so duplicate that one and connect it to the specularity and then this one to here and let's zoom little bit closer and see how it works and this is supposed to be per black ctrl plus shift plus left click again to see what's going on here it's so slowly beginning that kind of not transparent at all material like that and here let's make this maybe a little bit darker all right let's see how it looks i think it works so now what you do you just add use these settings until you are happy and you can do one of those gradient things also for for the metallic pass also so duplicate again and then it will became more metallic here in the bottom like that very easy maybe this is going to be ease and maybe not too much of that ctrl shift plus left click and maybe this is not going to be black but very close of black okay basically that's it now you just edit all of your settings until you do something that you are happy with like this index of refraction and this looks kind of magical in my opinion when it's very low and you can make it more i don't know diamond kind of thing if you have bigger number here and then you can edit this or bump mapping here by going inside of this group and then adjusting the scale and those things and then if you want to have more realism you can actually remove this color ramp or duplicate it and then see plus a search mix rgb and add it here so if you connect this one to the factory and this one here and this one here and then make this to be black you should be able to have here a little bit more control of what's going on so this is supposed to be the old blue thing and then here for the the other one you can actually add texture so c plus a series image texture and connect this one here and let's find for some texture that looks good i don't know you'll find something that feels good for you and then let's move it aside and then control plus t and then here change this to the object and then this would be box and then here for the blend let's let's add here and that's it something is wrong with this oh let's make this to be here now it's supposed to work so yeah now you are having the little bit image texture going on which looks cool of course control plus b to select again okay i made this little wireframe trick for the background so i added wireframe modifier to it and then i added a material offset and then i added two materials for that it's not part of this tutorial but i did that because what i want to do next is that i will add something here in the bottom basically this tutorial is over at this point but if you still want to do everything i did you can do it so c plus a let's add here a plane and let's make it to be like this and let's move it to be very very close of the bottom surface like that like this and then click new and this is supposed to be per black like that and then let's add roughness and then reduce the specularity to almost zero and then i'm going to add here a transparent material so c plus a search transparent and ctrl plus shift right click to mix those so this doesn't work because it still looks like a plane so we will fix that with a gradient texture so scriptures a search gradient texture and connect this to the factory of this mixed thing and then next let's make this be spherical and then control boost d select this object coordinate so it will be here in the center and now it looks much better but it's still a little bit too i don't know clean maybe so c plus a let's add here noise texture reciprocals uh a and then uh noise texture and ctrl c plus right click mix those and again it's broken because you know it's not working like that so we need a color ramp c plus aim again and then a ramp and connect it here and then with this we can control the effect so basically i just wanted to have a little bit darkening here under of the crystal thing because i i feel like that it's cool effect for this kind of a scene so yeah that but i think actually i actually want to have it look like that it's kind of exploding like kind of doing that kind of little explosion i don't know streaks or whatever so how to do that we will duplicate that this gradient texture and then move this noise texture here a little bit aside and make this gradient texture actually let's connect this to the vector and then control push left click to see what's happening here so yeah uh it's doing it's changing the noise texture like that so control plus t to change this gradient texture to be object coordinates and that looks cool but not exactly what we want to have here so let's add it needs to be a radial deck radial texture instead and then let's change the scale of this noise texture so now we will get those streaks here and if we mix it with this normal gradient texture and then with this color ramp it's supposed to look like this so this is the kind of explosion effect on the ground and we can control its beauties very easily and then actually i think that we should have another noise texture here so duplicate this noise texture here and mix it with this gradient texture here to have kind of little bit normal noise there also control positive plus right click here and then we will get that effect here and then let's a little bit edit that to make it work with this gradient texture and also i can change the intensity of that noise texture here so maybe just very slightly of this that busty tutorial i really hope you learned something at least something from this tutorial so thank you very much for watching this and see you next time god bless you
Channel: MrSorbias
Views: 53,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, blender, 3d, how to, mrsorbias, b3d, cycles, rendering, editing, post processing, mesh, materials, scene, design, modifiers, polygon, let's model, art, artist, learn, education, cgi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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