How to drink in India's dry State

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I woke up this morning with a running nose and a sore throat and I can only mean one thing air con disease it was too cold and I used the air con for too long and then I fall ill pretty fast now normally I would solve this with a shot of whiskey or some beer alcohol will fix this situation pretty fast now it just so happens to be that I'm in Gujarat which is a dry state a dry state means that alcohol is illegal you just can't get it anywhere it's illegal to drink so I figured huh bummer I'm just gonna have to ride this one out now why is there a dry State you say I'll kill all these cows so interesting why is it a dry State well it just so happens to be the location of Lord Krishna's ancient kingdom one of the many deities in India hello and Wow this cow is these cows are ruining my intro heroes horns and the second reason it's a dry State is that this is the home state of the Great Mahatma Gandhi so they they keep it dry in honor of him so I didn't really then see any solution to this but then I started thinking people are always accusing me in the comments section of of a having white privilege and hello guys and you know maybe there's a way I can I can use this white privilege to solve this little dilemma so I walk down to the reception and I asked him hello can a white man get some liquor here and to my great surprise the reception said well yes you can you just have to apply for a permit so that's what I did and I filmed that process in the room so let's let's play that little clip that I that I filmed in my room right now so to get your white privilege permit you type in Gujarati permit in Google and then you come to this website right here and Home Department government of Gujarat tourist permit and then you type in your details and so this is the first step and I actually haven't done this yet so I mean if this is a real thing we'll see how it works out but I have to do this before I go to the office I've now filled in information and I got an email here from the prohibition and excise department thanks for registering with prohibition and excise department you've successfully completed the first step of your registration your login details are as follows right my white privilige is getting closer starting to enjoy this alright minor hiccup here this white privilege passed isn't easy to get and whenever you're dealing with government you're all obviously we're gonna be dealing with stupidity so I've typed in all my details here and then at the bottom right here I have to type in proof or model travel a residency permit who my hotel is giving me that and then it asked me for a pin code whereas I I have logged in I mean they've sent me login details I've set up profiles and passwords but I don't have a pin code so I've just typed in some random numbers here and I'm I mean let's we're gonna see what happened give me one minute ah great thank you very much I'll upload this I have my residency permit now we take a photo of this and upload to the website if I can get past a pin pin code stage wish me luck all this privilege is not a it's quite the burden s not easy all right all right I've taken a photo of the permit I have compressed it I have cropped it so that it fits the ridiculously low file size that they accept you know everything is uploaded to the website and now I'm clicking submit I think I got it I press submit and I think I got it tourist permit prohibition and excise department hundred this is if maybe I don't even have to go to an office so after that my my permission was granted immediately so to all of those you know I've always laughed when people say oh you have white privilege you know blah blah blah this is the first time I actually feel that I have white privilege because I asked the locals at my hotel and they're not able to get this permit so here it is this is what it looks like tourist permit and I'm now going to a liquor store with my permit and my passport and I'm gonna buy some beer and some whiskey and fix this running nose and sore throat of mine so yeah I'll see you at the liquor store so walking around here with my pass trying to find the liquor store it's not easy I think I'm close yeah Hotel Nalanda hotel Nalanda yeah melanda if this one in there thank you [Music] I think I'm here hotel Nalanda ah to tell Milan down hello alcohol shovel alcohol shop inside hey you sell alcohol here it's the backside thank you in the back I can feel we're getting closer entry for permit holders only this looks pretty interesting there we go entry for permit holder hello I'm here to use my white privilege I have to sign in this one time time what time is it now 14 all right [Music] vp t CP okay thermic number zero six okay so I'll just take my class yeah okay I'm here hey guys I'm here to use my white privilege to buy some liquor can I buy whatever okay here's my permit wow that actually worked I mean there's no there's no filming in there but I bought two Coronas a bottle of Jack and two Kingfisher for 3700 let me see what is that like fifty euros or something they're not so bad if you wanted that a big bottle of Jack it was the way it was really really pricey I don't know why the smaller bottle was cheaper so anyway I'm gonna go back and enjoy my white privilige now he also gave me a white privilege permit that I can walk walk around with and they said if anyone bothers you you show them your your he didn't use those words but I'm gonna call it that he said you showed him your permit and then you're no one bothers you he said I was pretty funny in there in this shop and they are not even allowed to drink their own goods in that shop so it's a big liquor store well not not mega but they're not allowed to drink what they're selling and he even called it he said I'm actually not selling you this we we are a trading company we are trading here he's not allowed to advertise he's not allowed to do anything so that's why it was hard to find he can't show the liquor in in a window it was no windows they're so strange strange fair situation but I guess now it's time for me to apologize all those people who've been hello guys I'm sorry alright we're gonna have to go home and enjoy my white privilege bye bye I've always laughed at people who say that that each wheel but hello hello but I was wrong white privilege is real and I'm gonna enjoy it I'm not joking here the goodies funny thing was in that shop they could even have price tags on things so I have to ask what's core to this what's the cost of that but they were really helpful I mean every they wouldn't even allow me to take the liquor and touch it I mean they would take it and put it down to median all right hello I'm gonna show you guys the goods here so you know I ain't I ain't playin I ain't joking the hotel Nalanda liquor store give me a second I'm sweating my nuts off here I really am I have the cold sweats and so on I mean the liquor the liquor will solve this it's not a Kingfisher as you can see there's no price tag here so they're not even really allowed to to sell here is my uh my my permit and proof of purchase is they bring this with you at all times and no one will bother you we'll see maybe I'll try and bring the corona out for my meal today with my white privilige permit and here's to what a mini bottle of Jack oh all right then this where I'm gonna park my white ass for the next I don't know what do you think do you think mr. Jack you and I gonna be done in an hour or is it gonna take - I might prolong this one maybe I'm I'll drink slowly and because I truly value you more now that it was so hard to get you then I would otherwise have done in if this was back in Europe so I think you and I are gonna enjoy each other's company for maybe maybe maybe three maybe four hours I'm gonna be gentle I'm gonna take my time and you will like it oh yes come in yeah maybe just put it here yeah great this ice Wow beautiful thank you very much thank you amazing beautiful so it has been proven my friends while privilege exists and if anyone ever tells you otherwise please share this video with them
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 600,161
Rating: 4.751904 out of 5
Keywords: India, Gujarat
Id: YgGSPp7epYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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