How to Draw Polygons or Locate Land Using GPS Coordinates

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hello this is a simple video that shows you how to draw polygons or locate land in Google Maps using GPS coordinates let's say we just bought a piece of land the GPS coordinates of which are known to you one way to obtain the coordinates is to go to the land and at the corners or the vertices of the land take the coordinates using your smart phone GPS facilities I use compass app in my iPhone the you can get the coordinates right at the bottom as you can see in the screen let's assume the following are the coordinates of the land this video is made for educational purposes only the actual owner of the land need not be worried we are not claiming ownership here now log into Google and open Google Maps right here to locate and draw your land we need to create a new map to do that go to options which is right here on left hand corner go to the options and choose your places you see that here choose your places and here choose max and create map right at the bottom here because we are going to create a new map and you will get this screen the GPS coordinates I have is near the city of Rouen in Malaysia where I live so let's get closer to them so let me type wrong here and search right there so now right here key in the land coordinates that we have one by one like this search see immediately you give you the first point or the first corner of the land I'll click on here and see add to make so that coordinate is not added to the map I do not like such a bulky marker so I can go here and change the style see there are many popular icons here just more icons and I prefer a simple dot like this then I say ok and perhaps choose a red color all right so I got a point here the first point of my line in red point then I go to my next next point copy and then I shall paste it this is the second point so let me also click here and add to the map and change the point which is now right here point and change the color so I got two points let me just enlarge the map so that you know where it is yeah see this is the point 1 this is point 2 next I copy the third point go here based it such I got the third one add change change the market or dot and change the color okay next I go to the fourth point this is my fourth point copy and paste here and such click Add to map I change that market to dot red color again so all my four points are there let me enlarge the map I can also press here to enlarge the map as you can see see those are my four points for the month then I can use this button to draw lines to connect the points see add line of shape click on that and then I will mark that point click there click there click there and says now a polygon is defined basically a LAN is defined so let me call this your land and you can also type some descriptions here and save it see the moment I saved it it tells me the area is 0.76 2 hectares and the perimeter is 387 meters so if I want to do a fencing around the land so that is the amount of fencing that I will need 387 meters and this is the area in hectares if you like to change it to acres or other measurements you can easily use a converter I don't like the gray color here so I can go and change the style here and perhaps use some light color like this yellow or pink the other is nice and this is the polygon transparency you can choose the transparency and here you can change the the width of the border you should just keep them as they are so this is the land you can also change the base map over here if I click here see that this is the format currently they're using if I go here and yet the satellite picture of my land isn't this beautiful so now I've defined I know the points of my land and also the area I can just click here again to see 0.76 two hectares and 387 meters which is the parameter I can edit by pressing this you can change the information here right oh I can also add some image or video to this land and this is to discard whatever you've done and you can also add other markers like if like this is the porn for example this is Joe's fishing porn or whatever you can just add him or you know add a marker and you can just put the description what it is and your map will be automatically saved and you can view it later edit it print it or even send it to others that's all thank you bye
Channel: akameel
Views: 31,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Maps, Draw, Polygons, Land, GPS, Coordinates, Area, Perimeter, Distance
Id: 2Qfo1c28Nfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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