How to Draw Hyper Realistic Eyes | Step by Step

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Carson are tourists welcome back to another episode I hope you're fine and a well those who follow in history I may have seen some stories about the hyper-realistic a drawing I've been working on lately and I know most of you are eagerly waiting for this tutorial but if you're not the one who thinks he or she can draw something like this and let me tell you that there's no rocket science in this it's all about practice and patience if your bigness you just sharpen with some extra time and efforts in a person with higher skill level so here's the deal follow you through you upload desserts on instagram and tag me in the post now which are all of these layers in my Instagram profile so best of luck for your drawings and let's get started [Music] so as you can see the outline is ready and now I'm going to use these graphic pencils from government to shade or render this sketch you don't need all these different grades of pencils just grab a B 3 B 4 B 6 B and 9 B and you are good to go and the paper I used for all of my drawings is an ordinary hard white chart you can find these charts from any nearby stationery shop the length and width of the paper and grid reference is 20 by 30 centimeter approximately the same size as an a4 printing paper and by the way I drew this whole outline using grid method and the link of the grid reference is in the description and the step-by-step trail on how I drew this outline is available for patrons you can also find the link of my patron profile in the description so first of all I'm going to render this artist portion and I'll be using this B pencil for this purpose I always prefer shading layer by layer because it's easier for a learner to understand and also easier for me to draw and teach and by the way you can also find the real-time tutorial on my patient profile link is in the description as always so as you can see I am done with this base layer and now I'm going to use this for synthetic watercolor brush to blend the shape and make sure you blend the shared slowly and smoothly or else you'll mess up the whole base layer okay now grab a ninety or whatever darkest shade you have and fill this people with a darker shade make sure you leave this v-shaped area for highlight okay now grab a CV pencil and shade this upper region of the RS okay now it's time to add some texture in the RS and I'm going to add a base layer with the same three pencil the texture is pretty simple in this case you just have to add these faded parallel lines starting from the outer end and ending in the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] now blend the lines using a dry brush [Music] okay now grab your 60,000 and darken the texture lies [Music] you can also add some random short lines in the middle question blending again there I'll draw a brush now grab your mind with pencil and darken the starting points of the texture lines [Music] now fill this upper portion with a darker shade [Music] actually this darker portion the RS is the reflection of this upper eyelid [Music] okay so now I'm gonna draw these eyelashes reflection choosing an HP or B pencil and I'll be using this nurturing 300 mechanical pencil with HP LEDs you can use any ordinary wooden pencil for this purpose I just love drawing with mechanical pencils just add some curved lines along this dark ordinate refraction okay now grab a non-leap ensel and darken these eyelashes reflection [Music] now add some shades between the lines and also darken be shared near the edges of the RS now grab a B pencil and add these short random lines along the boundary of the people [Music] now grab a threeway pencil and darken these lines you can also extend some of these lines to make them look more realistic now add some shade below the highlight and blend the shade with a flourish [Music] and also blend some of the texture lines and eyelash objection [Music] [Music] and fill the extra white areas in the upper portion with a medium shade [Music] okay now grab your tombow mono zero razor or any sharp razor you have and add some highlights between the texture lines [Music] now extend some of the texture lines to merge them with the highlights now darken the lower portion using an on with pencil [Music] and add a larger share on the boundary of the Rs [Music] okay now we have a white gel pen or an ordinary whitener or correction pen and add these white highlights on the Rs [Music] [Music] you can also add some white lines between D texture lines okay so as we are done with the artists let's move on to the upper eyelid grab our 90 pencil and darken the outlines of the eyelid [Music] now fill the inside with a darker base sheet [Music] please note that the shade on the left is slightly darker than the right side now plenty shared their draw brush okay now grab the same manga pencil and start darkening the eyelashes and according to the reference image don't extend the lines to the lower end of the eyelid I'll crack these few lines later start the lines from the middle portion of the eyelid and finished them according to the outlines [Music] darken the line slowly and smoothly or else you may get a messy result in the end because it's all about patience [Music] you can also add some extra lines to fill in the white spaces [Music] [Music] so as I said earlier I'm going to raise these extended eyelashes and fill the portion with a darker shade and you can also add these small hills in this charging portion of the eyelid okay now I'm going to grab this B pencil and fill this Clara or you can see this white portion of the eye with a larger base shade [Music] now blending with their draw brush [Music] okay now grab your TV pencil and add a slightly darker shade and this upper portion of this cloud or you can say below the eyelid and blend the darken the shared slightly with an angry Council [Music] okay so now I'm gonna grab this mechanical pencil with 0.5 mm HP let's and draw these blood vessels in the white portion [Music] [Music] okay now fill the other side with a B shade and darken the eyelid with an angry pencil [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now grab a 3b and add a darker shade in the corner [Music] now grab your correction pen or jelly roll pan and add these dotted white lines below the eyelid and slightly blend this charting end with a draw brush okay now grab your 6b and fill the remaining portion of the upper eyelid with a darker shade [Music] now take any shop to pencil and darken the outline of the highlight [Music] and fill the remaining portion with a three we shared [Music] and also add a few small hairs in the corner of the eyelid [Music] blend the shades and also add some darker shade in the corner and around the highlight okay now moving on to the upper portion of the eyelid just grab your 3b pencil and fill the portion with a base sheet learning with our draw brush okay now grab your sexy pencil and add this second layer [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now use this same 6v and add these parallel lines in the upper portion and it will work as this contexture repeat the same process on the load side and merge the lines together now grab your correction pen or jelly roll 10 and fill the upper part with small dots and add some dotted white lines between the texture lines fill this whole portion with a similar texture repeat the same process on the other side now grab a sharp two pencil and add this circular texture around these white lines [Music] [Music] now grab your 9 B pencil or any darker shades you have and darken these eyelashes [Music] you can also extend some of them if you like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no fill the remaining portion with the similar skin texture and add a small white line on the left side of each hair whether you can also skip the step if you don't have a jelly roll pen this isn't compulsory [Music] now grab a lighter green pencil and blend these extra white lines okay now moving on to the lower eyelid again the real time tutorial of this fly is available for patients you can find the link in the description so as always I'm going to fill this whole portion with a lighter base yet and then blend with the raw brush [Music] now adding the second layer with a 3 B pencil and blending the shape [Music] now grab your 4b pencil and darken these rough outlines of the eyelashes [Music] you can also add a few extra hairs if you like now grab your TV pencil and add a slightly darker shade around the hairs to make them look a little bit blurry [Music] [Music] [Music] now blending with our draw brush now add the third layer with the 4b and blend the shield [Music] [Music] now grab your mono zero razor or any sharp razor and add these white lines or you can say highlights in this version of the eyelid now grab your jelly roll or correction pen and add these highlights above the eyelid you can also add some highlights in the base of the hair [Music] okay now grab you shop depressor and add these random white lines in the eyelid [Music] [Music] now add some darker lines between these lines using a sharp pencil just place a piece of paper below your hand and slide the paper slowly and in a wavy Movement blend the extra lines and your skin texture for lower eyelid is ready so moving on to the upper back room and as always filling with a base layer of pee and blending the shade [Music] adding the second lever the 3b and blending the shade [Music] adding the third layer with a 6p and this time I'm not gonna blend it because it already looks like a skin texture [Music] okay now moving on to the lower portion repeat the same process for this one add a base layer of B and blend the shade you no ad second layer using 3b and blended [Music] now takes your 6b pencil and add some darker shade in this region [Music] [Music] also add some darker lines in between the shade as a skin texture and wrinkles below the eye back [Music] okay now add a darker shade below the chill drops with the same 60 pencil [Music] now add some texture lines below the teardrop and eyelid with the 60 pencil [Music] and blend the awfully chill drop with the three pencil and blend the shade [Music] okay now grab you shop the pressure and add this curve shape highlight below the teardrop and above the shadow and add these random highlights the upper portion [Music] you can also fill them with a correction pan or jelly roll pan to make them look more realistic and add some white dots around it cheer and blend them slowly and smoothly to make them look like a skin texture now adding some finishing details and here you go your hyper-realistic I drawing is ready I hope you enjoyed this video again you can find the real-time tutorial on my patron profile and you can also start supporting the unpatient for exclusive content every month and you can follow me on Instagram for more tips tricks and BTS content secondly I have invested so much time making this video for you guys and it should be a really will help if you share it with your friends and social media groups and don't forget to tag me in your I'll drawing for a feature on Instagram so thank you so much for watching keep learning keep drawing and have a nice a [Music] you
Channel: Art By Ali Haider
Views: 1,472,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Art by Ali Haider, Tutorials by Ali Haider Rehman, Artist Ali Haider Rehman, how to draw a realistic eye, how to draw hyper realistic eyes, how to draw realistic eyes for beginners, drawing eyes for beginners, how to draw eyes for beginners, how to draw eyes step by step, detailed steps for drawing eyes, how to draw realistic eyes step by step for beginners, how to draw realistic eyes with pencil, how to draw realistic eyes easy step by step
Id: E80pEOQouzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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