How to draw Hands / Useful Tips!! / Tutorials (Easy way) / (Part 1)

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One, two, one, two One, two Hi, I'm Chommang :) Today, I'll let you know how to draw the hands. Let me explain the basics first. This drawing is the bottom of the hand. The bottom of the hand looks like this. And the joints of the hands usually look like this. The ratio of joints in the fingers is 1:1:1 Then I'll draw another hand on the side. This is the right hand. This is the top view. This is the bottom view. Don't divide the right hand's joints into 1:1:1 It's good to think that the beginning of this finger starts from the inside. 1,2 1,2 First, I'm going to divide it equally. And after dividing the distance by 1:1, I'm going to divide it into 1:1 again. Do you understand what I'm talking about? First, I want you to understand this difference. Let's me explain you while drawing. I'm talking at the same time while drawing, so please understand even if I'm not good at it. :) So what I want to tell you is... When you draw the top view hand, Draw the flow of the first, second and third lines like this. 1, 2. Like this. Like the waves, I'll let you know how to draw it like this. Let us draw an example. I'll think of it as a hand like this. From here. 1,2 The line below the finger. 1,2 If you look at the hand, the first joint is bent. But first, you don't draw the bent part. You can fix the bent part later. At first, I'm going to ignore the bending of the first joint and draw it. From the middle of the hand body, 1,2 I drew a hand like this. I'll draw another hand. 1,2 1,2 1,2 It's a similar angle to the next hand. From the middle of the hand, take a position 1,2 I hope you draw it in this way. Let's draw another hand. I'm going to draw it at the angle where you can see the bottom of the hand. 1,2 I'm sure there's a finger in the back. 1,2 1,2 1,2 The reason I'm drawing the hands like this... If you draw a finger bent to the last joint, it's hard to draw because of many fingers and the hands don't look pretty. So I'm going to use it as a way to draw prettier hands. I made a video about this before. I think I can use it for a variety of hands, so I'll explain it again. Well... I'll draw another hand. You can see the palms. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 You can draw the thumb in this direction, or you can draw it in this direction. Let me draw one more. This box shows the top of the hand. The fingers are facing forward. When we can see the top of the hand, I said that the beginning of the finger starts from the inside, right? 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 There are many times when the pinky moves separately. I explained how to draw a hand like this. Then, I will look at the picture and draw it. Let's see how it is actually drawn together. First, this picture... When I draw the hands, I draw the wrist and the top of the hand first. And I look for this line first. It's arched and curved like this. And this hand is almost like a top view. But, when you look at the hands, it's round like this. Not all fingers are exactly what you see from the top. These two fingers are an accurate top view. But, you can see the sides of the pinky. It might be difficult, so I'll explain it while drawing it. 1,2 Don't draw one at a time when the fingers are stuck together. Draw two fingers at once. And then it'll be easier to draw. And 1, 2 The pinky... It moves separately, right? If you look here, the first joint of this finger is slightly bent. Then, I'll mark the joints a little, I can express the light and shade here. I'll draw this hand this time. I usually start with the index finger, But I'll draw the pinky first. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 When you draw pretty hands, It looks prettier when the bend it slightly than when you draw the angle of the wrist flat. Then, I will draw this picture. I'll start with the lower hand. The basic shape of this hand would look like this. 1,2 1,2 1,2 Draw these two fingers at once. And then you can divide it. I'll draw it according to the flow of 1 and 2. And then I can bend it. But, other than the hand that holds something, To make the hands look prettier, I don't have to bend them. I'll draw the next hand. 1,2 When the top of the finger is facing up exactly, (If the flow we've drawn so far was like this,) In this case, copy the fingers from the top view. If you did 1, 2, draw it symmetrical. 1, 2. The same goes for this finger. When the time you can see the sides of the fingers slightly, You can draw it in the original way. Then this time, I'll draw this hand. This is an easy hand shape, right? You can see the top of the hand. 1,2 1,2 You can't see it because the rest of the fingers are covered. Find the first joint of the thumb in the middle of the palm. And 1, 2 And then connect it. The finger in the back. 1, 2 Cause it's curved in an arch, the pinky doesn't belong to this line. It is positioned down there. 1,2 You can draw it like this. Lastly, I'll draw one more. The basic shape would be this shape. It starts here. 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 The thumb, too. 1, 2 If you know the flow, the hands will be much easier and prettier. Then I'll stop here today. I wanted to make more videos of drawing the hands. But, I thought it would take a long time to edit it, so I couldn't do it well. If you follow along while drawing, I'm sure it's easier to draw hands. I'm going to finish the hands that I drew. I know, it's hard to draw hands. I hope I can make more videos about the hands next time. Thank you to all the subscribers who watched until now. Bye!
Channel: 조맹 Chommang_Drawing
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Keywords: how to draw hands, how to draw hands for beginners, drawing tip, 손 그리는법, 손 그리는 팁, 손 잘 그리는 법, 손그리는방법, 꿀팁, 드로잉, 핸드 드로잉, 손그림 그리기, 손그림 강좌, a easy way to draw a hand, tip, simple tip, drawing tips, drawing tips for beginners, 손 그림 잘 그리는 법, 손그림 강좌 손, 그림공부, 손그림공부, 손가락 그리기, yt:cc=on, 손 그리는 방법, how to draw pretty hands, tutorial, how to practice draw hands
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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