How To Draw Fashion Sketches and Figures!

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel so recently a few of you guys have been asking me if i could make a tutorial on how i draw my fashion figures so that's what i'm doing today because i thought it'd make a really fun video and passion figures are something that have taken me quite a while to find a style that just works really well for me because when you're having all those ideas you just want something you can draw really quickly to jot them down on but i hope you guys find this tutorial helpful and i hope it helps you to get better at drawing your own fashion figures and let's just get right into it alright so here is my sketchbook and i've had this one for probably like two years-ish now so there's a lot of different sketches in it my style kind of i feel like it's gotten a lot better the past year i'd say so some of them are kind of rough i'll be completely honest i like this one this one's not bad but it is kind of fun to see you know how they've changed over the years this one i like this one's a good one so when i do my sketches i like to call the technique i use like an elongated stick figure sketch that's kind of what i think of it as so i start off with the head i just do a little circle i think most people can yeah draw a very rough circle then i put a little line down from it kind of fill it in so i know where how long the neck should be just make like a triangle down from your circle a basic head shape and then go down from it and then i know where the shoulder should be they should be about here so i do a straight line there then i kind of just do a line down and sometimes i make it go all the way down it's just however i'm feeling and then so this is about where the crotch should be and then i just do two big lines like that and so that's what i call my my stick sketch my stick figure sketch so from here i just kind of fill it out so from here i can do the neck like this and go in and add the chest and the waist just about here and then this is about where the knee should be so i make that go all the way down like that and then from a little bit higher above the knee i make a second line that goes out and down and that's where the calf muscle is like that and then for the feet i do like like half a circle half a circle and then like rectangle half a circle half circle rectangle and then you just kind of keep filling it out and here's the shoulders and the arms and in all honesty i am terrible at drawing arms still i just can't figure it out but there they are kind of do the same thing i do with the legs and then here's her thumb like that and the arms are definitely like the least stylistic part that i do with my sketches they just those are just bad they look like slenderman or something i don't know so sorry about that and so that is a very basic sketch i like to add in collar bones i really like collarbones and then i round out the shoulders i can add her chest and there is my very basic sketch and so that's the technique that i've been using recently and it works just really well for me because i can do it super super fast and then from there you can just kind of draw on whatever you're feeling so i think i'll do a dress for you guys just to show you how i draw my clothes on so i would probably start with the neckline so i would want sweetheart neckline just like that maybe some puff sleeves so they go all the way up puff out those sleeves like that bring them down then i want a little ruffle here then you can erase as you go and so drawing sketches is like anything or just takes a ton of practice to get something that you like and something that works for you because i know there's other techniques that work well for other people like the nine head method where you draw nine heads and then you make it proportional to that which works really well for some people but like i said i usually just want something really fast so that i can get all my ideas down on my paper before they leave my brain and i'm definitely not the best at drawing it's something that i've done for a long time but i'm still just not super great at and that is okay i can draw really well from references but if it has to come from my own brain it's not the easiest thing for me i like to draw my seam line so i kind of know what shape i want [Music] and so then whenever i do um skirt hemlines i really just draw like a super ragged wavy line like that super messy and then i erase out the center and that's the thing about fashion figures is you often end up erasing a lot of it anyway so the body really doesn't have to look great and so these are my seam lines thinking like a paneled skirt here and so when you take your ruffled line all these little peaks you just do a straight line up like this and that will give you motion in the skirt like that and then once i kind of have all the little details down sometimes i go back in and i do hair i usually do like these really like curly bangs like that kind of a bunch of scribbles and then some little scribbles down here like that and boom she has hair and faces are also something that i'm really bad at sometimes i add a face if i'm feeling real snazzy a lot of the times i just leave them blank but when i do a face i just kind of do a little circle sometimes a little half circle these ones are little half circles straight line for a nose and then little lips and that's my basic sketch so this is how i do most of my designs if you look through a lot of them are just kind of the same technique very elongated this one has a messy bun instead and then if i want to do a back view too you basically do the same thing where you start with a circle do her shoulders so the back works like almost exactly the same way i might do her calves the other way so she's kind of at an angle here um the only thing that i do different to make it look more like a back is obviously you don't fill out her chest and then i connect the neck all the way up to the head and i feel like that's the most defining feature that it's a back view so you can't see her chin [Music] and so this is my back view now so you can just kind of fill it out the same [Music] way just i don't even know what happened here [Music] [Music] and so that's kind of how i look sometimes i'll also do some more close-up ones if i'm just doing the top of the back i'll oftentimes just go like this kind of do her neck shoulders and then i'll just kind of draw it like that and then you can kind of fill it out just how we did before and once i get to this point i usually decide if it's done or if i want to color it in um and i will color this one for you guys so i have just some colored pencils and so i kind of have a fabric in mind for this dress because this is a dress that i might actually make in the future so i'm going to kind of base it off of that so i'm going to take this pink i'm going to kind of go all over with it and i like to go with the direction of the fabric instead of going this way which would make it look a lot flatter i'm going with the grain of the skirt and so now that i've kind of done a once over i'll go back with a little bit more pressure some of these little draping lines just to give it a little bit more detail i'm going to add some green into it because this is kind of a floraly pattern and here is my finished sketch so i think i'll do another example for you guys now maybe something with pants this time so i'll just do the same basic startup [Music] so here is my basic sketch again so i think this time i'll do i love me a good pair of overalls let's do a turtleneck and some overalls so i'm just gonna put a little square panel here [Music] and here is the first pant leg so it goes all the way down up to i'm gonna make it cropped actually and follow down her hip do the other side here's the little pocket let's do the straps so now let's add in the pockets and now i'm going to add in the turtleneck so i'm just going to make it go up kind of end here add a little seam line and i want this to be pretty fitted so i'm just going to kind of trace the arms make them a little cleaner and i want them to end here and let's give her some swoopy bangs and a low ponytail is kind of what i'm feeling with it and so there's my other sketch you can do the back again if you want to [Music] and there are my finished sketches so this time i think i'm going to color them in with these markers i have and honestly coloring in my sketches is something i don't do a whole lot but i really should do it more they're usually more just a reference point for me to kind of go off of before i start sewing instead of you know an actual piece of art which you know some people really like just drawing fashion sketches for the artsy aspect of it but i do it more for the technical side of it so i'm going to accentuate the little pocket going over it one more time and the waistband and the pockets so this one's all colored in now and i think i'm going to take a pen and ink it which i did after so the markers wouldn't bleed into it all right so there is my finished sketch so these are pretty different as you can probably tell this one's a little bit lighter a little bit more sketchier and this one's a little bit more crisp and colorful i would say but that is basically how i draw all my sketches and they kind of vary from that sometimes i'll try to do different poses see i didn't arm up here but once you have the basic technique down it's pretty easy to kind of pose it and manipulate it how you want so as you can see i kind of use the same technique to do all my sketches so i hope you found this tutorial helpful and i post a new video every friday so if you want to hit that subscribe button to see more of my videos you can do that too and i hope to see you later bye
Channel: PaperStxrs
Views: 76,596
Rating: 4.9809475 out of 5
Keywords: paper, star, stars, paperstar, paper star, paperstars, paper stars, stxr, stxrs, paper stxr, paper stxrs, paperstxr, paperstxrs, fashion, draw, art, sketch, drawing, how, to, tutorial, figure, design, style, diy, sew, designer, fashion design, fashion designer, paint, color, pencil, pen, sewing, easy, fast, how to, coloring, clothes
Id: Jd8WA1Kh3vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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