How To Draw Fashion Sketches and Figures!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: PaperStxrs
Views: 76,596
Rating: 4.9809475 out of 5
Keywords: paper, star, stars, paperstar, paper star, paperstars, paper stars, stxr, stxrs, paper stxr, paper stxrs, paperstxr, paperstxrs, fashion, draw, art, sketch, drawing, how, to, tutorial, figure, design, style, diy, sew, designer, fashion design, fashion designer, paint, color, pencil, pen, sewing, easy, fast, how to, coloring, clothes
Id: Jd8WA1Kh3vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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