How To: Draw Face | Easy Beginner Proportion Tutorial

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okay what is up i'm so happy to see you again  and in today's video you're gonna learn how   to do the basic proportion of a human's  face so stay here subscribe this channel   and i'll catch you in a second okay let's talk  about the basic proportions of a human's face   i just posted a video tutorial about three years  ago which has about six million views now and   the tutorial is almost familiar to this video  but it's way more complicated so for this time   i try to keep it more simple and break down  every step in the easiest way that you can   do i just don't want to waste your precious  time so let's start directly with the tutorial i am just using bristol paper by  tombow and color pencil by faber castel you can find the link of all the stuff  the art supply and the materials that i   use right here in this tutorial down in the  description box below feel free to click   on the link and get your own pencils  and paper to create your own artwork   this tutorial seems very mathematically at the  first point but i promise at the end it all makes   sense we start off the drawing with a simple  circle and to draw a perfect circle without any   tool i just mark the center point of the circle  and then i lay down my little finger on the paper   and i just hold my hand in the same position  and turn the paper all around to 360 degrees   and at the end you have this  perfect circle right here the next step is to draw a straight vertical line  in the center of the circle so i just use the edge   of my paper as a extension for me to work like  with a ruler so i put my little finger on the edge   of the paper and then i draw the center line  with the same amount of distance to the edge okay that doesn't look like a face at all but  wait until the end it will change i promise   the next step is to divide the lower part of the  circle in two pieces now we have this point which   is actually the height of the eyes and now  we double the size to the top of the circle   underneath it and we use our pencil to measure  the distance and we copy it down under here and   this point represents the chin the next step  is to shape a oval hat form out of this circle and now you have almost the impression that  this is going to be look like a face at the end okay so this is basically the silhouette shape of  the head so the next thing that i'm going to do   is to define the line where the eyes are later  on and once again i just use my thumb on the   edge of the paper as a extension to work like  a ruler in order to make a clear straight line and there you can see that the line of  the eyes is just in the middle of the head   the next step is to split up the lower part into  three pieces which are exactly the same size   so this is the point of the center of the  lip and underneath we have the lower lip   the edge of the circle just represents the nose   now we can continue with adding the face features  so let's start off with the eyes and we basically   start to mark the center point of each half of  the head on the right side and on the left side this is now the point where the pupil are later on and now we separate all the spaces  in between the gaps just into halves so now we have the width of our eyes and if you're  feeling like you've done something wrong at this   point you can check yourself and the drawing by  measuring the distance between both eyes because   the distance or i mean the gap between both eyes  just has to be one size of the width of the eye now it's time to decide where the nose has  to be in your face so the width of the nose   is just the distance between both eyes and the tip of the nose is just the point where  the circle and the center line crosses each other   i just mark the spot where the nose the eyes  and the mouth is and later on i just add a   little bit more details this step is just  to know where the features are in the face next step is the center line of the lip so   what i mean is the point where the upper  lip and the lower lip are coming together the width of the lip depends on the person that  you are drawing but specifically for this case   we are just drawing a overall face so the  width at all is just from pupil to pupil the center line of the big circle which i  redefine here is the edge of the eyebrow later on there is only one feature left in our construction  and this is the ear and the height of the ear   is basically between the line of the eyes  and the line of the nose so in between those   both lines there are the ears so now  that we've constructed all the features   of the head we can go on to add  some details of the eyes nose   mouth and ears i use a dark blue pencil in order  to add a little bit more contrast into the drawing   if you want to learn a little bit more  about how to draw the face features   then click on this video right here in the corner  and i'll show you a little bit more detailed   version of drawing the face features like  the eyes the nose the lips and the ears one quick tip that i have  for you is that the pupil   is cut off a little bit by the upper lid  as you can see the circle of the pupil   doesn't go all around it's just a  little bit cut off at the upper side and now when we draw the other side of the face  this is the point where most of the people make   a common mistake like they are thinking the  other side of the half has to be mirrored from   the right side which isn't correct like in your  opinion it means like okay when the right eye   looks like this then the left eye should look  exactly the same like this but it's flipped around   and this is not correct so when you draw  a portrait from a reference photo later on   and you have to observe the image in a very  detailed and correct way you can clearly see   that the lid or the lashes or anything  at both eyes has little differences okay if this tutorial is way too fast for you  then feel free to click pause and rewind a few   frames and take your time and draw in the speed  that you want to draw so if you do this tutorial   for the very first time then it is just normal  that you aren't that fast so take your time   do your things well and learn it in the correct  way what i'm trying to teach you right now is   not a drawing of a specific person okay  so i'm just trying to give you the most   efficient information to draw a human's face  like the basic proportion so so the proportion is   way too important to don't learn it because i just  remind myself that the proportion of a drawing is   just like the structure of a architecture building  like if the structure isn't correct the house at   all will not stand as tall as it is at the end so  what we are going to do right now is to find the   perfect spot for each piece and for each feature  in the face so where is the eye where is the nose   where is the lip so if we set this place  down once we can add any nose whether   it's big it's small it's thin it's white it  doesn't matter so once we have to know where   the place is we can adapt anything what we want  so this is why the proportions are so so important   in each and every drawing that i do i just follow  these simple rules of proportion in a human's face   on every post that i do on my instagram channel  you probably not see the construction lines but i   do them all the time so without learning the  proportions in a correct way your face will not   look exactly correct at the end and of course  the goal of everyone is to draw the face in a   realistic or natural looking way and the base of  a natural look is just to nail the proportions so do your homework and start  drawing from the very first beginning   correctly because knowledge is the key always if  you know how to draw something you can draw it but how can you develop your skills or create  your own art style when you don't have the base   knowledge like you can't draw realistic  when you don't have the fundamentals   of the skills because your result always  looks like abstract or something like that this method of the hat proportion was basically  the first method that i learned back in art school   and to be honest it works well just for all the  time that i've drawing faces in my art career   i mean okay this face looks basically not like a  old man with a beard and you see how his life was   and you can see through his eyes in his mind  or this is not a beautiful model lady but this   is actually not what i wanted to show you just  because all the humans all faces have two eyes   have one nose and a mouth and it's always at the  same position but the difference is in the detail   so when you're observing the reference photo then  you can see it and adapt it into your drawing i hope you follow the tutorial well and if  there is any problem that you have with drawing   or following this tutorial please let me know in  the comment section what could i do better for   the next video and of course leave a thumb up or  a thumb down if you like or dislike this video   so i'm trying to catch you in the next one you
Channel: Lazy Arts
Views: 2,762,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Draw, Sketch, Drawing, Sketching, Art, Artist, Sketchbook, Illustration, Artwork, Artistic, Creative, Paper, Pencil, Colorpencil, Pencils, Color, How to, How to draw, Tutorial, Art school, Drawing class, Learn, Learn to draw, Bristol Paper, Design, Graphic, Proportion, Face, Head, Human, Head study, Front, Loomis method, Best, Best drawing, Tips, Tipp, Faber Castell, Tombow, Creativity, Pen, Portrait, Portrait drawing, Eyes, Nose, Lips, ears, Workshop, Art Workshop, DIY, step by step, silvie mahdal, jazza, proko
Id: gT5zBXuKO3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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