How to draw a Simple Process Map

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Hi, my name is Søren Pommer. I am the founder of Gluu and today we are going to talk about simple process mapping. Process mapping is widely used around the business world. But, also it becomes highly complex so that people just end up rolling their eyes and not using it. It's used primarily for I.T. projects and that's really a pity because it has a big potential to explain in a visual way how we work. This is where we have to get back to what process mapping really is. Process mapping is a common way of showing how we work and how work flows. For this, we only need four elements, we don't need the fifty-five elements that are some techniques use, we just need four, and these four we're going to go through today. We start with roles because roles are what matters to people. They show who is responsible for what and that's what people really care about. That's also where things typically go wrong, not because individuals make mistakes but because handoffs between roles are not done correctly. So a role is like a hat or a t-shirt you can wear it's not your job title but it's a job function that you can fulfil. So now we are ready to start, to prepare I've drawn up a process canvas. I have a swim lane and I have a process name and I have a process outcome. The process, in this case, is handling customer complaints. I have chosen to call it handle a complaint, because it is important to call it something activatable, something which people can relate to. Much better. Also, we have an outcome, in this case, a happy customer. This sets the objective of the process. It's very important to scope the process so that we don't have a process that becomes too long. Then we have swim lanes, a swim lane shows what each role is responsible for. Then we can connect our people to our roles, then we can know what each person is responsible for. So this is essentially the basis that we start with, this is the first building block, the swim lane. So, now we need to talk about what starts the process. That's what we call an event. In this case, the event is customer complaints. The event is drawn like a circle and it has some kind of a name that explains it. So, in this case, it's customer complains. I place this with the customer because he's the one who starts the process. But, events are typically external events. Something that impacts the process and starts it or finishes it. So, it's not exactly part of the process but it's more showing where the process comes from. Of course, this could be another process as well but an event is often used to start and finish. Now we are going to talk about the third shape. We talked about the event to start up our process that has happened, the customer has complained. Now the customer service department needs to do something about it. That's where the activity shape comes in. An activity is not even a task, it's bigger than a task. It's a job to do, it may contain multiple tasks, it may last anywhere between a few minutes to several hours. But it is the work of one role. So, in this case, we have the service rep needs to accept the complaint, he needs to literally ask to understand what's going on. Possibly pass it on to others. If it's for him he needs to handle it, split this into two different activities so that they can be allocated to different roles if need be. But these are the activities. So now we have talked about swim lanes or the roles, that show the people that are involved we have talked about the events that start the process and we talked about the activities which contain the work and now we're going to talk a little bit about the decisions which happen during the process. These are important to get into the canvas because they showed when to proceed with one activity rather than the other activity. In this case, it may be that the customer service representative was not able to handle the complaint the first time. So, he needs to make a decision is it resolved? Yes, then he can pass it on to the customer. And the customer has to accept and acknowledge it. Or he has to escalate it to the third level and to a supervisor. So, this is what the decision does it really shows how the process splits and the criteria for splitting. So the next step you need to take from here is you need to make your work instructions. Now you have your overview of who does what and how is something you have to associate with each activity. So this may be for instance specifically who should I talk to for certain activities it could be what are the documentations that I use? In order to complete the steps for this activity. Or one of the systems I need, how I need to use them and maybe videos, images and so on. But, this is underneath the process diagram, your process map this is inside the activity. This is where you explain the how. So you have of course noticed that I have used the white board. The white board is great for these initial drawings these initial brainstorming about a process. But where do you go from here? Do you take a photo of this and share? That's not very practical if decisions change if activities change. So you need at this point to put it into an electronic form that is collaborative. That's the only way forward because your process is very likely to change when it meets reality. This is just the earliest form of the process, that we think it is today. But once we involve real representatives of the service, the department and the supervisors perhaps also the customer. Then things will change and that's where we need to be very adaptive and where we need a format that is easy to change. That concludes my overview of simple process mapping I hope you enjoyed watching. Stay tuned for our next episode.
Channel: Gluu
Views: 176,732
Rating: 4.8652697 out of 5
Keywords: Business Process, simple process map, process mapping, bpm
Id: DXuPeDj4TsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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