How To Draw A Realistic Bunny

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her friends say we're gonna be drawing a really cute realistic bunny yes okay you got your marker yeah all right we hope you guys are gonna follow along with us you have something to draw with and some paper in front of you if you go too fast pause the video Yeah you could always pause the video now we are going to do a realistic bunny so that means it might be a little more advanced for the younger artist but it doesn't mean you can't try right we always want to practice and try and do our best yes okay ready start yeah let's do it okay we're gonna start with our Bunny's head and we're gonna start right here in the middle a little off to the left we got our paper horizontal because we're going to draw our bunnies sitting down and we're going to draw her forehead first she might look a little scary at the beginning but I promise she'll look cute when we get done so we're gonna do uh an upside down U shape for a rainbow line and we kind of want it to be wide we don't want it to be too narrow so it looks like our head's squished there we go good job that's awesome okay now we're going to come down and we're going to draw her little eyes okay so we want to draw pretty small eyes compared to her head so let's draw a little diagonal that's we're going to come straight down from right here and just draw a little diagonal coming in and that's going to be the eye on the left and then we're going to come over here and we're going to draw an eye that's about the same height so we're going to draw a little circle let's come over here way over to the side over here and draw a little circle good that's awesome yeah I like it and then let's draw a small circle inside and color in the big circle but leave the little one white so it looks like there's light reflecting off of it good now let's come back over here and make this look more like an eye and it's on the side of her head so we're gonna we're gonna it's gonna be squished that's wrapping around and makes it look like her head's 3D okay so let's make this look more like a bunny eye over here by putting a little bump a little tear duct inner eye and then another one behind it and the top of her eye she's gonna look like an alien I love it it should be cute at the end okay I hope yeah let's keep our fingers crossed okay we're gonna come down from this eye right here and we're gonna draw the beginning of her nose yeah it's like it's smiling yeah it's gonna be creepy so a little a little that's the beginning of her nose your little cheeks her mouth and then we're gonna draw her nose that's inside of that so a little U that's inside of it once she gets her ears she look cute okay okay and her chubby cheeks yeah okay now let's draw our cheeks so we're gonna start on this side and we're gonna we're gonna so this Line's gonna come in we're gonna start a little above the cheek and then come in go around her eye like that good job and then we're on this side we're going to do the same thing except we're not going to connect to the rainbow line we're going to come out and then curve up for her cheek this is a little chubby cheek maybe she's got carrots in there or Easter candy good job I like it okay now let's draw her ears and she'll look cuter I promise okay we're gonna come up here right up above her nose and we're gonna put two little dots and that's where her ears are gonna start and we're gonna have that little space in between our ears so now let's draw antennas just kidding first part of her ear and then our other antenna she looks like a bug okay and then we're gonna make this into a bunch we certainly could well we're trying bunnies yeah okay okay now we're gonna try the bottom the other part of her ear and it's gonna curve into the bottom of that that rainbow line good good job and then let's do the same on this side and we can make it a little wobbly too if we want all right good job now let's draw the inside of her ear we're gonna curve this down it's kind of an S line good and then let's do the same on this side cute now she looks like a bunny all right let's keep going let's draw our body so we're gonna come over here out of her ear and we're gonna draw a and we kind of want it to be small so she's cute a backwards C good I really like how chubby your cheeks are no it's good I like it she's got a lot of carrots in there all right let's try let's try our hind leg and it's gonna be they got pretty big hind legs so another rainbow line good and then let's draw our foot and they got pretty big feet like kangaroos yeah kangaroos good and she's got a little heel in there and then I'm gonna go ahead and put uh little lines right here for her toes all right okay now let's draw her front leg and so we're gonna draw let's draw our chest uh let's see little lion comes down and then let's draw our front foot comes out and then back into her leg good and then let's draw her little her little furry chest here and we'll just draw a little zigzags that come down and then let's draw our other foot that's coming out other front foot kind of looks like she's laying on her side she's relaxing good and then let's do the little toe lines from both both feet there we go what's she missing Hotel yeah she's missing her towel so let's come over here and we'll just do a little fuzzy towel and uh you can do zigzags if you want but I to make it look a little more realistic I'm not gonna go crazy with the zigzag it looks fuzzy good job now if I were to draw her again I really like her bunny you know she kind of looks a little squirrelish yeah but I think if we made her head a little bit taller yeah not as wide should look a little bit more like a bunny but I think this looks awesome she looks really cute let's draw some let's draw some uh Blades of grass or some background uh plants so that she looks like she's kind of hiding out in the grass so I'm just going to draw little lines that come up and our art friends you guys can do anything you want but let's fast forward we're just gonna do a little plant light lines in the background we're going to use white uh light brown this is called ginger root also a medium brown or this is called light umber we're using prismacolored pencils but you guys can use anything you want whatever you have at home and we're also using a grass green and dark green for the background okay the first step we're going to take our ginger root and we're gonna put a light layer over the whole bunny and let's start on the forehead and we're going to do short Strokes remember when we do short Strokes that makes the fur look shorter so it doesn't have long fur Okay and then I'm also going with the form of our bunny so you see how you want to try and make the bunny look round and chubby so I'm going around with the shape of the bunny okay now on the ears I'm going to color just the outside I want to leave the inside of the ears White and then I also am just going to color the bottom of her tail and I'm going to leave her chest White good job okay now we're gonna get our medium brown or light Umber and we're going to start up here on the ears and we're going to start also shading everything on the body of our bunny so I'm gonna shade in the top of her ears darker and then come down here and also do the bottom of her ears a little bit darker and then in between just leave it kind of light okay now let's add some shading to her face so she looks more 3D so I'm going to start around her forehead over here and we're just going to use short strokes and we're going to come down across the top of her eye and then also come down her cheek and then in here on her nose I'm going to also darken her nose on the sides like where her cheeks are or mouth and then a little on her nose too now now we're going to add texture and it's just going to be a light texture and we're going to go over the forehead part and we just want to do it really light and then short Strokes so we keep that fur looking short and then around the bottom of her eye I'm going to do a little darker and then also around her cheek good job dude okay now we're gonna add some more shading and we're gonna do it right under her neck we're right under her chin and her cheek and this is we're gonna do really dark so that it looks like there's a shadow under her under her chin and then we also do a light Shadow on her white fur on her chest then we can come over here and let's do it really dark press really hard close to her body on her foot and then get lighter towards the end of her foot and then that'll look like it's it's darker closer to her body and then we're going to do the same thing down this leg okay and then I'm also doing that dark right next to her leg right here see how that looks like it's her her front leg is tucked behind her back leg and then also gonna do a shadow or dark part at the bottom of her foot okay and then over the rest of her body we're gonna do the same thing that we did on her forehead just add a little extra texture for her fur and then the last thing I'm gonna do is add a dark shadow right along the bottom of her back and the bottom of her leg right here so that it looks like the shot the light's shining from the top and then it's darker on the bottom of her body okay the last step with our bunny is we're going to take our white prismacolor and we're going to do the same thing do really short Strokes now I don't know if this next this step works very well with other uh colored pencils but works it works nicely with prismacolor and what we're doing is we're just going over the whole thing with our White pencil and smoothing out all of the texture lines and it just Blends everything really nice okay the last thing we're gonna do is uh fill in the background with our two greens and what we can do is use the green to so we have a lighter green and a darker green so the first green we can put down like this fill in the whole leaf and then the darker green we use for the Shadow and I'm going to start at the bottom and as I get up towards the top get lighter you see that yeah it's pretty cool huh makes it look like the leaf is tucking behind the bunny Checkers man she looks awesome give me five you did such a good job I really love how it turned out and we could always practice right we can work on getting the proportions you know what proportions means yeah it's the size of one thing in relation to another thing so if we feel like we drew our eyes really big we could make them a little smaller or if we feel like the ears need to be a little taller or her leg needs to be a little smaller we can do all those things the second time we draw it right yeah and that's what practicing is all about but I think you did an awesome job you too thank you you're welcome we hope you guys had a lot of fun drawing your bunnies too I'm sure they turned out amazing don't worry about trying to make them look perfect though or exactly like ours the most important thing is to have fun yes to have fun and the second most important thing is is to try your best yes so try your best to practice I promise the second time you draw your bunny it'll turn out better than the first time we'll see you later our friends goodbye thank you it's so cute it's so cute yeah yeah yeah yeah just bump boom yeah smell my armpits daffodils smell like daffodils
Channel: Art for Kids Hub
Views: 2,196,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art for kids, Art projects, Art Ideas, Art Tips, how to draw, bunny, realistic, Easter
Id: Y2Vg1DKlTmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2016
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