How To Download, Install, And Use FileZilla In Windows 11 - Free FTP, FTPS, SFTP Client

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foreign [Music] [Music] how to download install and use filezilla in Windows 11 in this video I'll first show you how to download and install filezilla filezilla is an FTP solution it supports FTP FTP over TLS which is known as ftps and SFTP which is sure for secure file transfer protocol SFTP will be the protocol that we're going to be using for today's video where I'll be transferring a copy of an mp4 file on my desktop this mp4 file right here called websplaining intro so I'm just going to double click on it just to show you it real quick so as you can see it's just my YouTube introduction it's really quite short and there we go it's finished already I'm just going to close out of it now and we're going to upload it to one of my cloud servers which is called test Dash server on the server host provider known as digitalocean so first let's download and install filezilla so I'm just going to go to this other tab here and what you're going to need to do is navigate to filezilla dash once you've navigated to this page you'll be on the filezilla home page look for where it's says quick download links the first option here is to download filezilla client and the one on the right hand side is to download filezilla server of course I want the filezilla client so just click on download filezilla client the first option is the windows 64-bit x86 download link which as you can see is denoted by a big green button which says download filezilla client underneath that you'll have more download options for Windows 32-bit Mac OS and Linux operating systems and you'll have even further options if you click on Show additional download options now I'm on Windows 11 and it's a 64-bit Windows operating system so I'm going to be clicking on download filezilla client once you've done that you have a couple of options you have filezilla you have filezilla with manual filezilla pro and filezilla pro plus CLI I want the first option here called filezilla so I'm just going to click on download to download filezilla only if you're on Google Chrome like myself filezilla will be downloaded quite quickly and it will be displayed at the bottom left hand corner of your browser click on this Arrow next to the filezilla download and then click on open you'll then be greeted with the user account control which asks you do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device you have the option to click on no or yes I'm going to click on yes as I want to install filezilla onto my windows 11 PC you'll then be greeted with the license agreement where you can click on cancel or I agree I'm going to click on I agree and then you'll have an optional offer to install AVG secure browser I'm going to click on Decline and then I'm going to click on next then you'll need to choose installation options so who should this application be installed for anyone who uses this computer which is for all users or only for me and there's my windows 11 username I'm going to go with anyone who uses this computer so for all users it's already pre-selected by default and then I'm going to click on next choose components so as you can see every option is already check marked except desktop icon I'm going to click on the box next to desktop icon to select it also this will give us a desktop shortcut on our desktop click on next you then have the option to choose a destination folder I'm going to leave the default option here you can click on browse and choose another one if you like click on on next you can then choose a start menu folder for filezilla I'm not going to select any option in here I'm just going to Simply click on install the filezilla client will then begin installing it should be a relatively quick install once the installation has completed you'll be greeted with the completion screen as you can see filezilla is check marked to start now as soon as you click finish I'm going to uncheck mark this as I just want to see if there's currently a shortcut on my desktop and all I'm going to do now is click on finish I'm going to minimize my browser and as you can see I've got a shortcut now called filezilla client to launch filezilla just double click on the shortcut once filezilla has opened you should see something similar to this on the left hand side will be your local device if you're on Windows that will be your windows 11 computer so as you can see we can see the directory that we're in I'm in the desktop directory you can see the directory address right here and underneath that you'll be able to see all the files in the directory that you're currently in so again I'm in the desktop directory and these are all the files in the desktop directory so if we look towards the very bottom you can see my websplaining intro MP4 video file is in my desktop directory this is the file that I'm going to be uploading onto my digitalocean cloud server on the right hand side will be the computer or server you are going to connect to to transfer files to currently we're not connected to any server or computer to connect to one you're going to need to look at the very top of filezilla where you see host username password and port and then the option to connect host will be the host name or IP address of your server or computer so to find this if you transferring to a server it's quite simple all you need to do is open up your browser and navigate to your server host provider's dashboard here you'll be able to see all the servers you have deployed I only have one server and it's called test Dash server and this is the IP address or host name I'm just going to click on the copy button to copy it now I've got the IP address copied if you would like a practice server to practice SFTP with then you can use my referral Link at the very top here to sign up to digitalocean and receive 200 in free digital ocean Cloud credits for 60 days I'll put this referral Link in the video description below so once you've got the host name or IP address of the server or computer you're all set so I'm just going to close out of my browser here to be taken back to the filezilla client in the hostname I'm going to be pasting in the IP address for the username I'm going to be connecting as root so I'm going to type the username root for the password this is the root password that you set for your Cloud Server in my case it's a digital ocean droplet so I'm just going to paste that in for FTP the port is 21 and for SFTP the port is 22. so we're going to be transferring via the SFTP protocol so I'm going to type 22 in here and then all that's left to do is to connect to our server so I'm going to click on quick connect if it's the first time connecting to your server or computer via SFTP you'll be greeted with this filezilla notification window which says the service host key is unknown and you have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is now of course guys I know that this server is my digital ocean droplet so I'm going to click on this checkbox here to always trust this host and add this key to the cache so I won't be greeted with this notification window every time I try to connect and I'm just going to click on OK and there we go I'm now connected to my digital ocean droplet I forgot to mention that droplets are what digital ocean calls Cloud servers we're currently in the slash root directory and underneath we can see the files that are in this root directory or root folder these are the files for our username root I want to transfer the websplaining intro.mp4 file into the slash media directory so to find the slash media directory we're first going to need to go to the actual root directory which is denoted by the slash so the forward slash actually stands for the root file system tree which is exactly where I want to go so you can either double click on the folder with the two dots right here or you can click on the forward slash above root I'm going to click on the forward slash above root here you'll then be taken to your root file system directory once in here I'm going to scroll down until I see where it says media once you've found the media folder double click on it to be taken into the media folder as you can see this folder or directory is empty so I'm going to make a new folder or directory by right clicking on the the blank space in this media directory and then clicking on create directory I'm then going to give a directory name so I'm going to call it videos and then I'm going to click on OK so now we have a folder in slash media called videos I'm now going to go into the videos folder by double clicking on it and the directory address now has been updated to slash media videos we're now in the videos directory I'm now going to upload the websplaining intro.mp4 file onto my digitalocean server so to do this all I'm going to do is left click and hold on my mp4 file and drag it into the empty videos directory box once done just let go and it will begin copying over if you look at the very bottom here you can see the progress bar for the SFTP transfer I'll be back with you guys once the transfer has completed it's quite small so it should be rather quick you'll know it's done when you see one successful transfer at the bottom and there should be no queued or ongoing file transfers if it's a failed transfer it will tell you in fail transfers but if we look to the right hand side in the videos directory you can now see we have one file called websplaining intro.mp4 which means we have successfully uploaded websplaining intro.mp4 onto our digital ocean Cloud Server we still have our original file and have uploaded a copy onto our droplet I'm now going to close out of filezilla as that pretty much concludes this tutorial on how to download install and use filezilla in Windows 11. if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a like comment down below and most importantly of all subscribe to support the channel I'll see you on the next video to let you go [Music]
Channel: Websplaining
Views: 6,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Download Install And Use FileZilla In Windows 11 - Free FTP FTPS SFTP Client, How To Download Install And Use FileZilla In Windows 11, FileZilla, Windows, Windows 11, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, FileZilla Client, How To Download FileZilla In Windows 11, How To Install FileZilla In Windows 11, How To Use FileZilla In Windows 11, How To Transfer Files With FileZilla Via SFTP Protocol, How To Transfer Files With FileZilla Via FTP Protocol, How To Transfer Files With FileZilla Via FTPS Protoco
Id: rGB3BtpuS9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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