How to DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Mendeley Reference Manager 2024

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hey guys in this video I'm going to show you how to download and install mlay reference manager without further Ado let's jump to the system just go to any browser of your of your choice and type Bley reference manager the first link that typically pops up that is the link you you are going to click on so I'm going to click on my link now so when you click on the link it typically open this page whereby you can either use this button here to download or to use this button download now reference mly reference manager which you can also select download M lay reference manager either for window for Mac or for linos or you can also use this link here for the download downloading mly reference manager so I'm typically going to click on this when you click on it it give you the opens the download page and in this downlo download page you can you either download for Windows or for Mac OS or for mly reference manager for L but for today's video I'm going to show you how you can download mly reference manager for desktop for Windows operating system and I'm using Windows 11 but this will work for any Windows operating system like they say Windows 7 and above to work for for for it so since I'm downloading for Windows I'm going to click on on the download now for Windows so when you click on it it launch and it start downloading the mainly reference manager I'm downloading as the type of this recording is 2.1.0 and is a pretty small files which is a 145 MB so once you finish downloading you go to your default browser when I when when I open my default browser see it has download which means I've download mly reference manager 2.0 2.10.0 so like I said this video is basically on how to download and install mainly reference manager on Windows 11 operating system but this work for any Windows operating system so you double click on the download setup when you double click it launch the setup so once it launch the setup which this is the setup the interface that it will it will show you which is choose installation option uh for me I prefer leaving it as the F and then now you click on install when you click on install it start on ziping and start installing the the file like I said is a pretty small file when it finish then you click on just make sure this this leave everything as the fult and check and make sure this is check so that run mly reference manager and you click on finish the essence why you're doing that is to ensure your setup is perfect and is okay so once you click on now it will launch and this is your software which youve congratulation you successfully installed but now however to use mly reference manager you have to create account like I said previous video mainly reference manager is a premium software and you can but for this video I'm only showing you how to download and install but you successfully install in the next video I'm going to show you how to create your free account for mly reference manager otherwise congratulation and see you in the next video
Channel: Professor Adabara
Views: 41
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use mendeley, mendeley reference manager, mendeley, how to use mendeley reference manager, how to use mendeley for citation and referencing, how to use mendeley to reference
Id: u0ic5f4LQOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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