How to Downgrade/Go Back from HyperOS to MIUI

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hi guys this is s from and in this video we'll show you how to go back to the MIUI rom from the hyper OS ji eom so please take a backup of all the data on your phone and then let's get started please keep in mind that this video is regarding the zomi EU hyper OS ROM and not the stock hyper OS ROM so if that's well and good then let's get started first and foremost you will have to get hold of the Android SDK platform tools so get it from my guide and extract them onto your PC you you can extract them anywhere you want in my case I've done the extraction in C drive and these are the files of platform tools once you have done the extraction your next course of action is to unlock the boot this you already would have done because you are on a custom rom so let's move ahead with the next step now you will have to get hold of the Mi flash tool so you may get it from my guide and extract it onto your PC so let me show you how it will look just a minute so this is the Mi flash tool and please make sure to download this version itself which is of 28 May 2018 this is the version which works the best as of now so download this and extract them onto your PC once you have got hold of Mi flash tool you will now have to get hold of the zomi fast boot ROM for that you may get hold of the ROM from the third party site such as zy firware updator and once you have got the ROM the ROM will be in a tgz format so you'll have to extract it for extraction you may use a app such as 7even zip so install the app from his website then right click on the tgz format ROM and select X open with 7 file manager then upon extraction you will get a tar format file again extracted using 7zip and upon extracting the tar file you will get the ROM file let me show you this is the ROM file and you will get all these files so first all it will be in a DOT tgz format which you have to extract by szip upon extracting you will get AAR file which you will again have to extract using 7 and upon extracting the tar file you will then get this folder and inside this folder you will have all the files including the images file as well the partition files so with this we have got the fastbot ROM as well and let's move ahead with the next step so once you have got all the ROM file you will now have to boot your phone to fast boot mode for that first and foremost you will have to enable USB debugging on your phone so go to the settings menu as you could see currently I'm on the zomi hyper OS ROM so go to the settings menu and then go to info and specs from here tap on OS version seven times you will get a prompt that you are now a developer so go back and again go back then go to additional settings and you should now see developer option so go there and enable the toggle next to USB debugging you will get a prompt on your phone check mark I'm aware of all the risk and now you have to wait for 10 seconds once the time frame elapsed just tap on okay and with this debugging is enabled you might get an RC prompt as well in that case Tye on allow or okay and debugging is now enabled let's verify the debugging connection so go to platform to folder address bar type in CMD and hit enter this will launch command form inside platform tools now type in ad devices and make sure that you're getting a Serial ID if you're not getting any ID then unplug and replug your phone from the PC disable and reenable USB debugging tap on revoke USB debugging use the official cable that came with your phone and use the USB 2.0 port on your PC so carry out this USB TS and make sure that you're getting an ID once you're getting this ID let's now move ahead and boot your phone to fast boot mode so type in ADB reboot boot loader and hit enter and your phone will now reboot into fast boot mode it will take only a few seconds so let's just wait and as you could see it's about to boot into fast boot mode Let's now verify the connection as well so Type in Fast boot devices and hit enter and make sure that you're getting a Serial ID if you're not getting any ID then you'll have to install fastb drivers I made a separate guide and a video on the same you could refer to my guide and install those drivers as well from here once you install the drivers right click on the Windows icon and select device manager and then expand the Android phone section and make sure your phone is being shown as Android boot interface so this as well as the serial ID next to fast boot signify that your PC is able to read the phone in fast boot mode and we are now good to go ahead so next up let's now in install the zomi drivers although they might not be required but still just to be on safer side you should install them so for that first and foremost launch the Mi flash tool using its exe file it will take a few seconds to load once that is done go to the driver section and click on install it will now install all these drivers once the driver have been installed I will advise you to do a restart of your PC once that is done let's move ahead and now we will start with the process of doing a downgrade to MIUI from hyper OS so in this regard your first course of action is to click on the select button and now choose the extracted fastb ROM so in my case let me show you let me choose the folder let's go there and it should be I guess inside the downloads folder so let's select that as well so this is the download folder and make sure to select the entire folder as you could see the folder which has the code name make sure to choose the entire folder and not the images folder you don't have to choose the image folder instead you have to choose the folder just above the images folder which is this one so choose the folder and click on okay once you have made the selection click on the refresh button and make sure your phone is being shown as over here it's the same device ID which is shown in the CMD window as you could verify from here it's the same device ID once that is done now comes the most important part now over here you could see three options the first is the clean all save user user data and clean all and log so it's highly recommended that you choose the clean all option the first option will remove all the data from your phone but leave the bootloader unlocked the second option will not remove any data and leave the boot loer unlocked the third option will remove all the data but lock the boot as well this third option is the most riskiest because it will lock the boot loer and if something goes wrong then you will not be able to recover it on the other hand if you are doing a downgrade then you cannot save data you will have to do a format data so the best approach is to do a format data and let leave the boot unlocked because something goes wrong we could easily Electrify the issue since the book will be unlocked in our phone so please choose the clean all option and once that is done your phone is being shown here and you have made the selection as well simply hit the flash button and the flashing will now start it could take up to around 10 to 15 minutes in some cases so let's just wait for the flashing to complete so so guys while the flashing is going on I will also like to discuss one important aspect if for some reason you are not able to use the Mi flash tool then that's not a cause of concern simply go to the ROM folder where you have done the fraction and inside that you will see three batch files The Flash all. bat and then flash all except stor bat and Flash all log bat so in fact these three are the same files which the Mi flash tool is using currently as you can see from here in case you choose the clean all then it will use the flash all. bad file in case you use the save user data it will use Flash all except storage bat and if you use the clean all and log it will use the flash all log bat file so if the Mi flash tool is not working for you then you must simply launch the the batch file which as of now should be the flash all. batch file so simply launch this batch file it will automatically flash all the firware files do a format data and your phone will then move to the OS you may simply do the job done without the need for me flash tool as well we are using the tool just to get a UI and ux of the entire process but if you want you must simply do the job via the batch file as well which for now should be the flash all batch file these are the same files which the flash tool is also using as you could see from here it's the same file and nothing else so with that said let's not wait for the flashing to complete so guys the flashing is now complete you will get a flash done message as well as the success message and your phone should not reboot to the OS do keep in mind that the first bot up will take up some additional time frame this is completely normal and nothing to worry about and as of now our phon should now moot to the MIUI ecosystem so let's just wait for a boot up to complete and it's the MIUI logo as you could see and the old MIUI sound as well so it will take around a couple of more seconds for a phone to boot to the setup screen and after that we could then check out the OS as well so let's just wait for it to boot up so guys with this we are now in the setup screen let me quickly skip the initial setup process and take you to the OS if you want you may do a data restore right away I will not be doing that and skipping all the stuffs right now so let's skip this as well and I will take you to the OS and show you the result of the UI and ux of Mi UI just to be double sure that we are inside the OS and with this we should be booted to the MIUI 14 ROM in a matter of few seconds initially we were on the hyper OS zomi eom and from that we have done a downgrade to the MIUI 14 as you could see and this first time delay is just normal it will not happen from subsequent times so just give it a few seconds and with this we should now inside be in the OS and this is it and let me show you the settings menu about phone and we are in the MIUI 14 so Guys these were the steps to do a downgrade from the hyper OS zomi eom to the MIUI rom if you have any queries with regard to any of the steps do let me know in the comment section and thanks a lot for watching
Channel: Droidwin
Views: 3,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hyperos, miui, downgrade hyperos, downgrade hyperos to miui
Id: eO4CmTSEt-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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