How To Do Your Makeup Over 75 Featuring My Mom | Nikol Johnson

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hey ladies welcome back to Fierce aging we are so excited to have our new set and to share it with you today we are going to be featuring my mother she's 76 years young and she was featured back in 2019 on my series when I actually started the series I started in March of 2019 I featured Four Women in the Decades of 50 607s and 80s since then we've had women from all over the world on my channel we even had a woman that was 101 and it's been so exciting this really fires me up and I'm so excited to share my mom's Beauty with you today we're still working out the Kinks there's a lot of things that aren't really working as we expected but bear with us we are going to be featuring this series every week and we can't wait to meet you so ladies are you ready let's get this beauty [Music] started so what I'm going to do is going to prep my mother's skin first I'm just going to use to make it easy I my cellar water and I'm going to use this all over the face next I'm going to use really light Emulsion this is from Lam mer it's the hydrating infused Emulsion I'm just going to use this to just give her that nice hydration but not weighting down the skin what's really important is you want to hydrate the skin prep the skin properly so your makeup goes on really nice and smooth it doesn't catch it doesn't grab on to dry spots so this is a really important part for mature women to really get that skin hydrated and prepped how your skin feel feels really good um what the water is just for moisturizer and this is what is this so the mellar water is going to just cleanse any kind of residue anything off your skin that you didn't get with your cleanser and then this is a Emulsion it's like a milk so it's just going to really hydrate but it's light so you don't feel like it's very heavy on the skin gives you a nice dewy look that felt nice next I'm going to take the lam eye concentrate and this is going to prep the eyes to make sure that we have this very delicate eye area nice and hydrated so what I wanted to try this was an experiment we tried recently where I used face tape on my mother just to see what it would do and we actually really like the results so we thought we would try it today I'm going to just take alcohol pad just on the very end of our temples to see about just lifting the jaw a little bit here and kind of giving her more confidence so this is a natural face lift we thought it was very fun and exciting so we wanted to try it with you today so I'm going to just let that dry and we are going to take the tape and we're going to just go right right at the end of the temples here above the ear and then this is an elastic piece that pulls around and it's going to just lift the face so it's going to feel nice and lifted and then at night after an event a wedding you can take it off and you can be back to normal so it's kind of like your little secret it's like a Hollywood little secret that they've been doing forever so you can see how subtle this is right here we just want to work with a little bit of this jawline here and then we bring it around the head take off the other adhesive how does that feel that feels good so we have the tape on the sides of the face here just giving us a subtle lift it's really it's really nice you don't feel like it's too tight right no no so what we're going to do is we're just going to put that down the hair a little bit over this tape here so you don't see it it conceals it also my mom has had her hair in the velcro curlers for some time now so we want the hair just just to relax a little bit while we're working and make sure that this little elastic doesn't get caught on any of the hair what I'm going to do is keep the two relro curlers away from her face and then we're going to go right into eye primer so one of my first steps that I do when I'm doing makeup for myself or anybody is to do the eyes and this is an eye primer that's going to neutralize out your eyes it's going to prepare it for your eyeshadow so it's going to last and be true and just really have a nice application do love using your eye primer or do you not use an eye primer I use an eye primer always keep them eyes closed it's the first time my eye shadow stayed in place with this one with this eye primer with this eye primer yeah because you weren't using one before no and then you got all the makeup in your creases this is perfect so you can see my mom that she does have very fair skin so you're going to see the blue veins you're going to see a little bit of purple down at the base near her lash line and this really is a nice veil of color that's going to help her just neutralize out as you can see this is where she has the purples and then some kind of Blues and discoloration this is just a very thin you don't need a lot I'm using our concealer brush that has the lip brush on the other end it's retractable so we're just going to do this eye the same way all right so the eye primer is on setting this up beautifully for our eyes Shadow now I'm going to do the brows this is my favorite part I want to bring the face together and structure it out before I get into color so I have two different brow pencils I have my skinny brow pencil in dark blonde and I have my skinny brow pencil in soft gray this is such a great opportunity for you to see how you can do an ombre brow my mom has silver hair but she has dark brows and she does have a couple little Grays coming out not too many but we really need to structure this brow and it's not going to be just blonde and it's not going to be just gray I want to give her this very natural structured brow and I'm going to show you how I do that so I'm going to take first I'm going to take the dark blonde now if you need help with your brows and you don't know how to shape them or you don't know how to structure them I do have our brow stencils that came back into stock and these are custom brow stencils that I created for you I actually created these shapes based off of the fact that I was doing brows every single day in my studio so we have a slim Arch a classic Arch a full full Arch and a bold Arch so you can use this template and you can put it on your brow and just fill in so it'll help you when you don't know where to structure your brows you have a little guide and then once you really get great at doing your brows you might not need the guide anymore but it really helps to give you that kind of pinpoint the areas that you need to concentrate on so what I'm going to do is you can see my mom has hair that's right here and then she does have hair here but it's very light so what I want to do is I want to give her this natural brow that continues I'm just following her natural hair so we're going to see with this dark blonde if we want to add in a little bit more of that soft gray to give her that Dimension that she needs so what I like to do also is take the spoolie on the other end if you feel like you got too much color in one area just disperse it by going like this or just combing through the brow so you can see how nice and soft it gets again it's a light application you don't have to go too hard on the brow and then you're going to go to the end of the eye right about here is where she should naturally end I'm bringing the brow out though I'm not bringing it down just to recap where you start you can put the pencil on the corner of the nose straight up is where you're supposed to start ball of your nose over the iris right here is where you Arch according to your bone structure and then corner of the nose corner of the eye you would finish about right here I like to go a tiny bit shorter so we're not bringing down dragging down the brow so I'm going to just fill in this brow just like I did the other one so I just did the dark blonde for her eyebrows shaping them out making them look natural having them extend so you'll see that she has darker hair here and then it's this dark blonde I don't want to have that definitive dark brow and then a lighter brow where there is really no hair so that's where I take the soft gray and it's all about your Technique and your application of giving those like little wispy Strokes it's going to come all together so you can see how dark this is and then then you have this kind of dark blonde I'm going to just stream through these brows here and then continue it just so it looks like that dark hair continues through the brow doesn't doesn't have to be dark I'm not making a template and coloring it all in I'm just giving soft Strokes so it will continue to look more natural and just remember ladies there's no makeup on my mom's very fair so of course the Brows are going to be like oh wo I don't know you have to trust the process again this is going to all come together but we have to Define her brows they're basically the framework of her face and if we forget about them or we're too light or if we don't go for it we're going to be unbalanced so now we're going to go in with our beautiful fresh Beauty eyeshadow palette I'm using our essential makeup brush kit I created this brush kit for you because this is all you need you don't need a ton of brushes this is just a very simple travel friendly brush kit 100% vegan and I'm going to be using the ey Shadow brush and a couple other ones to create this look I also have all of the names of the brushes on the handle so you never will have to guess and forget which ones go where I know that helps you a lot with your brushes oh definitely do you forget some time on what brushes for what uh yes all the time so I'm going to be using the shadow brush I'm going to use the middle color here and I thought that this would really look beautiful with my mom's complexion did we ever use fresh Beauty before on you we did I don't think so we did bottle blonde we did sweet Carol I don't think we did so I'm going to just load up the brush with the middle color we're going to sweep across now this is a Sheen very soft beautiful Sheen for the eye it is not a matte sh Shadow so I do like to pop the eyes for mature women with a little bit of life it doesn't have to be matte and flat there's nothing wrong with matte shadows but when we want to bring a little life to the eyes we're going to just do a nice little wash of a beautiful color like this so I'm going to take the darkest color I started a little bit on that left eye and I'm using my tapered blending brush I'm just going to give a nice beautiful wash of color you can see I started in this kind of th this V but I'm just pulling it through so it really nicely Blends and then we can take the blending brush and just go over it again though this is about enhancing your beauty this isn't about covering up or doing tons of makeup making you look like a different person it's not my style I just want my mom to feel really confident and really beautiful and fresh so these eyeshadows are made in Italy and they're very blendable and I also made them without telk because that was one of your biggest request so that's another really beautiful thing about our eyeshadows so you can see that it just really nicely Blends not a lot of effort and then we're going to go back with the lightest color and just give a little bit of a highlight to the brow bone so I normally would curl my mom's lashes but we've gone through this multiple times about knowing that my mom's lashes are very very thin and they are very delicate so we don't use anything on them we're going to go right into our Plum waterproof ey eyeliner and this is really smooth and you know what did you say to me when you started first using this eyeliner oh it was so smooth and soft yeah creamy creamy and you liked it compared to what you're using before it didn't pull the eyelid it it just goes on really smoothly and I really really liked it still do okay turn to me what I did with the eyeliner is I stayed very close to the Lash line I did this really beautiful wash a color I wanted it to be really a definition for her eyes so when I come in just right at this base is really really important and then you can see I've got this beautiful line that's not too much now I can go back with our smudge brush and I can really diffuse that so that's what I'm going to do so I'm just building it up I don't need too much I still want it to look really natural really beautiful and if you have more hooded eyes or you find that your eyes are drooping down here at the end and using the face tape will pull back that skin and you'll be able to do tiny bit of a baby Wing or give your eyes a different shape that's what's so beautiful about playing around with the tape I'm going to take this short smudge brush I like to call it my Eraser brush so if you make any mistakes don't worry you can just sweep it across the Lash line where you have your eyeliner it just Smooths it out it just gives it a really nice soft look so I just diffuse both eyes and then what I like to do is I'm going to take underneath just a little bit look up I'm going to just take I'm almost kind of just dotting it on this outer Corner same thing over here just to balance it out mom had a little remnant of her old makeup right here at the base so we're just going to incorporate it I'm just taking an all my makeup remover pad and just cleaning up any of these little things that I see on the skin just to make sure that everything everything's perfect before we go into our color corrector what I'm going to do is I'm going to use my volume up mascara this actually was a very important mascara when I formulated to really grab small lashes cuz my mother has these very delicate lashes and I was always on top of her about her mascara and I'm like did you put mascara on today she's like yes and I said well I can't see it so that was a real focal point for me because I wanted her to enjoy mascara and have a wand that would pick up all of the little baby lashes and so she could see them so what I like to do when I do her makeup is I put on a couple little false lashes because it's always fun it's always an event and you always request them right yeah I love them that's why I love putting on a little bit of those cluster bols lashes to open up the eye and still look natural so we're just going to top her lashes off with little clusters very simple and easy just to put on actually you did do a video of me teaching you how to put these on you can refer back to that video so I actually teach my mom and then she does it herself so you can see how easy it is to do so you can see the power of just adding a little bit of clusters it adds more Dimension to the eye makes you look like you have more eyeliner on these were just separated I probably used let me see about five on each eye very simple it just gives you a little bit more especially when you have thin lashes and you want to give them a little bit of extra you like that don't you I love it so we're going to go in with our color corrector called just peachy this is going to help with any of these Blues my mom doesn't have a lot of Darkness underneath her eyes but what I like to do is I like to just neutralize out any of this redness and this slight blue cast that I see I'll bring it down just a little bit here it's really up in this area here and the just peachy goes on beautifully because I have moisturized the eye I prep the skin I pre the eyes so right in this corner here I see that gray that blue I really want to get rid of that so she has this really pretty brigh eyed look going to bring it down go right underneath the eye here I'm just taking the concealer brush and I'm going to just work this into the skin so it's nice and Blended I could take a little no redness but I'm going to just take my just peachy and go where I see this little pigmentation of redness right here in the upper lip here I'm going to use my creamy concealer in lights this is going to go right over my color corrector and I'm going to just add a little bit where I see that Darkness just going to take my buffing brush and I'm going to just buff this into the skin it's going to really look like airbrushed underneath the eye area I didn't add that much concealer I'm going to be using our BB cream in light this is a really wonderful very silky very lightweight BB cream that's going to just even out the complexion it's not going to be weighty on the skin it's not going to be greasy or shiny or too glowy I created it to be that semi matte to be really beautiful and to kind of airbrush out the skin I just didn't want you to feel that your skin was covered and it was super super heavy so what I'll do is I'll buff this with my Foundation buffing brush just right around that tape don't worry you can go a little bit over it it's not going to make a big difference cuz once we do the hair it's all going to come together how does this BB cream feel on your skin because I know you've been using it every day since I relaunched this formula it feels really light it doesn't feel heavy or you know too thick or do you like how your skin looks when you're wearing this compared to not wearing anything at all or Tinted Moisturizer yes because it almost Smooths out your skin very nicely that it doesn't look like like you have makeup on like a foundation it's just really nice nice and light and by the way my mom doesn't always say nice things about my products and I use her a lot for that she gives me real feedback which is nice so I always ask her cuz I I want to know cu the whole purpose is to have the skin as we're aging feel amazing but also look incredible and not feel like you you're covering up or someone's going to see like oh my gosh do I have a lot of makeup on or I think we just want to feel a little bit more free from makeup as we're aging I'm going to use a little Nikita banana just to set the BB cream on the skin I'm using my powder brush I'm going to pick up just a little bit right underneath the eyes and in this like T-Zone area so this is the fun part we're going to add color to the skin so everything now is neutralized it's beautiful even toned and I'm going to take St Bart's it's a cream blush very silky on the skin also so I'm going to just take it a little bit higher on her cheekbone here and then we'll work it in with the with the fingers which is really nice you can blend this you can add more if you feel like oh you know what I need a little bit more you just want to add some beautiful color in the skin if you want to bring it down a little bit more you can do that I'm going to take our waterproof lip liner in Ros all day this is going to really complement the look I'm going to just do her lips like I normally would I'm not overlining I'm just going to bring it down a little bit cheating so I'm not going out too wide so I have two options I can do it for a lipstick to give you this option with Rosé all day pretty smart or actually I can gorgeous mix them together use them alone or we're just going to take to keep it very simple today Coco 13 it's actually one of my mom's favorite so we're just going to gloss her lips so you can see how fresh and how alive her skin comes with a very beautiful glossy lip now it's not heavy sticky goopy it is more of a opaque it's not going to be super sheer so we are pulling the color together and we just have a couple more steps to do I'm using my cremet hybrid bronzer you can see how fair my mom is it's cut with this cream so it is going to be really beautiful on the skin it has shea butter in it so it's going to just really illuminate the skin but give her some warmth just around the face area here this looks so beautiful kind of like where the sun would hit you I'm down here on the jawline on the other side so we have crumber on we're going to take out the rest of the velcro curlers I'm just using one of my favorite hairsprays which is orb and this is called super fine hairspray so it's not going to be heavy especially when you have finer hair like my mother you don't want something that's going to really be too heavy or too crispy on the on the hair I'm going to end the makeup with a rose water Spritz just a little hydration for the face so we just completed a really beautiful fresh makeup look for your' 7s and this is just really utilizing a lighter palette for the eyes neutralizing out the skin adding some color in and just a really fresh lip I love having that glossy lip and just really looking beautiful and I think the face tape is going to be a very big dramatic difference for you ladies because it's going to give you a different perspective on what you can do with your face you can change your face shape they've been doing it in Hollywood for years decades and I'm going to show you how you look so we don't have our larger mirror right now so we're going to look in this mirror and see what you think about your new look oh wow wow I love it I love it I love all the colors do you feel a difference with the tape though with changing your face just tweaking it a little very subtle very subtle but yeah definitely it uh it's nice I really like it really do do you feel confident well I feel like I look a lot like a different person really I I like the look I think it's very pretty thank you do feel that your face is tight or do you feel that this could be something you could wear like if you were going to a luncheon or oh yeah no I think initially you feel a little tightness but um you get over that within about 10 minutes it does it's not uncomfortable it feels good but uh then you just forget about it so I I think it's wonderful wonderful well I'm so happy to have you back happy to be here and you shared your beauty with everyone and we are now in full swing with Fierce aging good all right ladies and so until my next video I'll see you later
Channel: Nikol Johnson
Views: 68,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nikol johnson beauty, mature beauty, nikol cosmetics, nicole johnson, over 50, over 60, over 40, mature women beauty tips, beautiful mature women, makeup for mature skin, empowering women to show up, unapologetic beauty, embrace your authentic self, beauty tips, mature beauty bloggers, mature skin makeup, gray hair, silver hair, nikol johnson, nikol johnson eyebrows, fierce aging, nikol johnson bob, makeup over 70, makeup for women over 75, dark circles under eyes
Id: k4_eysJHQFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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