How to do the Terrazzo Flooring in your property

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome if you have seen some of our videos you will notice quite a bit of tile work although we may favor tiles in most residential settings we don't usually recommend them for all areas for our projects in cologne however we initially wanted to use tiles but after a thorough assessment and a number of brainstorming sessions we decided to use terrazzo instead this particular project is basically a production center or a workshop this means there would be a lot of foot traffic in addition to the use of heavy machinery although tiles are durable putting them under consistent stress and pressure will result in the towels cracking or being damaged after some time [Music] for this very reason we decided to use the terrazzo now we couldn't do just any type of terrazzo it had to fall in line with the vision that the client has for the place looking at the work we divided the project into two phases for the first phase you will be focusing primarily on the ground floor and for the second phase we will be focusing on the first floor now for the ground floor we suggested to the client that we use dark colors or more accurately dark gray as that would be a great fit for the place due to all the movement and heavy machinery using the dark ray might be the ideal option in this instance now the dark grey wasn't just going to be plain dark grey but it was going to have white pigments in there and having the white pigments against the dark gray would make the floor pop even more for the second phase we suggested using lighter colors since the first floor won't have as much traffic and will be used primarily for offices and maybe say a cutting room [Music] the first floor in our estimation was would serve as a contrast for the ground floor so in the end we chose a light shade of yellow that looks almost whitish and then we put white pigments in there and before the terrazzo we did screeding of all the floors and once the screening was done we decided to lay our strips on the floor the whole purpose of laying the strips is to stop the floors from cracking now why would these strips stop cracks the answer is simple thermal expansion when you fill a bowl with water and heat it up after a while some of the water will spill over that is if you fill the water to the brim and cover it the reason why the water will spill over is because as heat is applied to the water in the container the water molecules expand and as they expand some of the water will spill over when most materials are heated up they expand and then contract when they're cool this is the very reason why we use the strips in between the slabs so as the slab expands it will come into contact with the strip and the strip is a rubber materials and so when the slab expands and pushes up against the strips it just pushes it squeezes the strips on both ends that's because it's in slabs it squeezes both ends and it doesn't push up against each other if the slabs push up against each other over time they will crack so after fixing our strips we mixed our aggregates for the ratio of white to yellow we used twenty percent of the white and eighty percent of the yellow the yellow color works well with white and at this ratio the white aggregates stand out enough but not too much so with the process of the terrazzo first we ensure that the floor is even on all sides and corners if your floors are uneven then you have to go back and do your screening again but if the floors are even then you continue by laying the strips parallel to each other and then also in a perpendicular manner so in essence you're basically creating a square or a rectangle you don't just place the strips you make sure that you measure them accurately so that everything falls in line now after laying on the strips we cast the flow slabs the mixture of aggregates is usually dependent on what the client wants some clients who want less aggregates and more um more concrete slab some would want um more aggregates so that the floor doesn't look too boring it's usually dependent on what the client wants after the casting we do the rolling now the ruler runs across the floor and this serves two purposes the first one is to remove all excess water in the terrazzo and then the second reason is to compact the slab and the aggregate some more to properly bond them into one unit so at this stage all voids and spaces are thoroughly removed after this we allow the flow to cure completely and this sets up the next stage which is the grinding for grinding we use the diamond grinding disc after the grinding we do the polishing or what's or what some others refer to as transitioning once the polishing is done the surface of the terrazzo flow becomes reflective in nature once we reach this stage then we know that we are done with the terrazzo floor so this basically is the process that we went through whilst doing the terrazzo floor for our property in polygonal if you have any questions and suggestions you can leave them in the comment section below and we will do our best to answer them if you haven't subscribed to our channel kindly do so now because we post more interesting videos like this until next time cheers [Music]
Channel: Jacob West Ltd
Views: 124,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terrazzo floor, terrazzo, terrazzo in ghana
Id: opoljrMgupc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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