How To Do Keyword Research & Structure Blogs So They Rank #1

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hey what is up guys it is harrison marron on the moon entrepreneur and in this video we are going to be covering everything that you need to do from keyword research to actually writing an article that is going to rank online now before you guys are like oh this is another seo video i honestly was so blown away by the process that i've kind of developed that i ranked an article on the second page of google in less than a week and on the first page of google in about 15 to 14 days somewhere in there mind-blowing results i already made the video on it but i was like yeah you know what i'm gonna post it and see what happens and it was on the first page of google within 15 days now this is rare that it happens like this but good keyword research following this video and ultimately implementing what you're about to learn is going to set you up for success now i'm not just saying this once again i had an incredible result and i want to share that with you guys so we're going to be diving into my computer i've cut out all of the fluff this is exactly what you need to do step by step in order to succeed in this process now ultimately why do you want to do this i live by one thing more traffic means more customers right even if you have a one percent conversion rate on your website would it be nicer to have a higher percent of course it would but if you can get more people to your website you really have to worry about the conversion rate all that much so let's jump into this here i'm gonna show you guys exactly what you need to do now i'm also not gonna lie i've preloaded some of this stuff just to save me some editing and some loading times so this will be a smooth process for you or at least as smooth as i can make it so let's jump into this here so right off the bat there's a gentleman by the name of neil patel he's quite famous on youtube by the way and he has a program called ubersuggest now it took me a little while to think about what i actually wanted to write about so i'm going to write about online courses right this is going to be from my personal website which is always down in the links below but ultimately this is the keyword that i want to target or around this keyword right i've already started to go after some different keywords that i normally would this being one of them and the first thing i'm looking for is actually not necessarily the competition of the keywords i want to see how competitive it is so over here you'll see your keyword you have your volume you have your cost per click you have your paid difficulty and then your seo difficulty and right now i'm just looking for how many green bars there are and it looks like the majority is actually easier than i would think right online course of graphic design online course of interior design right the word online course is definitely super competitive and that's okay online course free right super competitive online courses super competitive but that means that there's a lot of longer tail keywords so these are keywords that are two three four five words um and there's a lot of options in here right this this is fantastic so now i have a good idea of like what kind of words i want to go after right so maybe it's online course for digital marketing this could be something i mean why not right online course for digital marketing perfect there's about 1 300 results uh per month it has an seo score of about 29 right paid difficulty of 28 and this falls in line with just what i was thinking so online course on digital marketing for digital marketing in digital marketing right so on digital marketing is gonna be super competitive but maybe online course in digital marketing or for digital marketing is a little less competitive right and then we have the best online course for digital marketing so right off the bat we have these these four results but three of which are super easy to rank for that is exactly what i was looking for now i actually didn't know this when i'm making this video i just originally searched online course and saw that a lot of the longer tail keywords are very open so guess what i'm going to be creating in the next few months an online course for digital marketing uh and if you'd like to get a hold of that i'm sure there will be a link down below but that's not the point of this video the point of this video is to show you guys the seo process so now that i have a general idea of what the keyword is right we have online course and this is going to be this is a program called writer zen uh it's absolutely one of my favorite programs out there there are competitors to it but honestly it's just so good um and with the results that i've already gotten from it i'm i'm shocked at how important i'm overwhelmingly impressed by how good it actually is so i've already pre-loaded online course and this is just going to pull up some information so it's still collecting some ideas and you'll see here that there is a bunch of good information so the term online course 18 000 searches cost per click is about 25 cost per click that's really high keyword ideas 5600 total search volume over the course of i believe a 12 month period is this is over through the world is 1.7 million searches fantastic great information for me to know and you can see some of the big people that show up in the serps so we have coursera udemy right i don't know what that is free online courses harvard university khan academy right these are some pretty big names in uh the course creation world and ultimately what i did what i want to do is the same exact thing that i was just doing on uber suggest this is just a little bit more of a digested uh more granular set of information here so online course free right online courses and i'm just looking for a couple different categories in here how many words there are the cost per click right the volume i definitely want to look at the volume the trend of where this is going and the all-in title so they have their own kind of ratios for these i would definitely recommend doing some homework on them but ultimately i just want to make sure that there is some decent volume behind it the ppc competition isn't that high and the golden score is pretty good now in here you can see the golden score right so keywords uh will be filtered by its probability to rank quickly on uh selected serp positions the more well structured and optimize your website and your seo plan are the higher the probability will be this will serve better for newer websites right and then you could show that hey i want to rank for uh the top 20 right for keywords with a higher probability to rank on the top 20 that's exactly what you need to know right 2 900 keywords and then you can actually search this and this is actually going to show you exactly what you need to know when it talks about ranking early so online courses for graphic design online course for harvard university online course for driver's license right obviously there's a lot to search in here so next i'm going to do and i want to see what kind of content ideas i could come up with so i'm going to go to the home and i already have an idea of what i want to do right i really like this online course for digital marketing idea so i'm just going to take that and run with it because i've already found that there's a lot of results there's a lot of similar results but those keywords are actually really low in competition which is fantastic so now i'm going to do the keyword online course for digital marketing and i want to search this and this is going to help me come up with some new topics right because topics are probably the hardest thing to actually come up with you can't just write online course for digital marketing right that's the most unattractive i don't even want to say repulsive but it's just it's not something that's going to convert you want somebody to search that right so what are they searching right what is the best online course for digital marketing right free online courses for digital marketing things like that right alternatives to that original thought that are going to give you some good data this matters because now you can take that data and you can actually do something with it so maybe it's like the best online course for digital marketing beginners now you're like oh that sounds great perfect that's exactly what you want so let's jump back in here to my computer and you have your main topic and now it's the cool part about this is it's actually going to give you some different subtopics right and some other ideas that you might want to use for your course idea or for your better yet your your uh the this is for an online course idea but for that topic and that set of keywords so we have online course of digital marketing main topic right and it's gonna give you a bunch of ideas relevancy hi so five best online courses for digital marketing 2021 right best online course for digital marketing from the experts these are fantastic titles and the cool part is it actually gives you the insights as to you know what google would suggest if you were to put these in here which online course is best for digital marketing right which course is best for digital marketing our online digital marketing course is worth it i mean this is giving you a ton of information the really cool part is if you wanted to you could just add these topics to a list and then just start going through that list and creating content around those areas here so i mean the amount of data that's going to give you is fantastic and it's going to give you some other alternatives right and it always has these cool little research tips this company firmly believes in the user experience and i absolutely love it and it also gives you this cool little braintree of like what you should go do and what the the main areas are in it i like the little dis i like this display preferably but you can go through there as well online business marketing fundamentals of google online course for digital marketing right show ideas and it's just going to show you what the alternatives are for that topic idea but ultimately i'm just going to go with this right i want to know what the topic discovery is and these are some other ideas that i can have in here what are the questions right and that's really it that's all i'm looking for right now so now that i have the idea of what i want to do now i could go in and actually start to create it right i know that there's about 1600 visits i know that these are some other areas right some headlines some relevancy these are all good things that i need to see because if i saw that this is a relevancy low right there's really not that many searches on the side it's a red flag that says i probably shouldn't be doing that or there's just not enough search volume here now when you're starting out on a new website i really do recommend with going with the absolute lowest score on here so going back to the neil patel right so yes there's only 10 on here online digital marketing course university right difficulty 5. start to look at those super super super low results because those are going to be the easiest to rank for and keep in mind this is just a guesstimate this isn't exactly how many searches there are so just because it says zero ranking number one might bring you an extra 100 or 200 clicks per month but ultimately go back to your topic discovery and now that we know hey this is what we need to do we need to do some comparisons we need to talk about some best online courses right this is really good information that now i can go make a good article about so back to my dashboard here and this is the last and final piece to the entire puzzle so i want to do i want to create a new project here and i want to do the project name of online course for digital marketing and i'm going to hit add and now it's going to pull up some information all of this information is fantastic i want to put that in here as the online course digital marketing writer's name notes i don't really need any of this but if you were having people use your account this would be tremendously important and then you also have the nlp which is um you don't have enough ai credits but if you were to go buy the ai credits um it'll say neuro-linguistics programming that's what nlp is it'll just give you some thoughts and ideas on how to make it more attractive to google is it necessary once you start to write on a regular basis it's really not necessary i'd be lying if i did say that right it's good to have especially if you're one of those people like wants all their you know eyes and t's crossed and all that kind of good stuff then go get it but for the most part if you just think about writing and writing and writing and you start writing more and more and more you're gonna start to figure out like what people like what you like to write about and ultimately when you send it out to your friends and family for feedback on that content you now have a really good basis of people saying like hey this is a really good title or hey you should add this and it'll start to roll it'll you'll start to figure it i know it sounds super weird but the more you do it the better you're going to become just like anything else right practice makes permanent but if you do it right you follow this video to the t and then you practice you're going to be sickeningly good at this please don't take any of my google spots online thank you in advance so now that we have this right it's going to give us a ton of new information so we have digital marketing courses and ultimately it's giving me a lot of information we have 35 uh of the first page google the higher the percentage the better the article will do for this keyword so it's telling me that only 35 of the first page on google is is blogs that's super super competitive and that's okay i'm not worried about it but it's going to tell me exactly who's on there and why they're on there and it could show all your competitors it'll go up to the first 20 spots on google which is perfect and then it'll give you some key insights down below online course for digital marketing online course for digital marketing free google online course for digital marketing relevance it wants me to answer all of these questions from google from reddit from topics people discuss i mean what more do you want out of a tool it's the best thing in the world now i like to overachieve i'm not really an underachiever so i want to make sure that i am longer than 90 of the competitors so this is competing for anybody that has similar keywords and is currently ranking so this means i need approximately right 2 000 words to be ahead of 90 percent of the competition right because once i hit that 1900 oh yeah about 1950 uh is is when it breaks that so i need to hit at least 2 000 words which is easy quite honestly uh it tells me that i need eight headings eight paragraphs and eight images uh inside of here and sorry that's a little cut off but the screen the screen doesn't really fit i'm sorry guys what can i say um oh that'll help look at that in real time fixing these problems modern day problems require modern day solutions but now that i have all this i know that i need a minimum of 2000 keywords right or words and if i really want to be an overachiever it's really only 2 500 keywords or words i keep saying keywords words that's cake right headings nine nine paragraphs nine images easy layup especially because i like to write longer articles for the sake of this i'm just gonna stick it at 2 000 words because it's just it's a good number right and now i need the title i need that juicy juicy title for online course for digital marketing right here uh everything now i usually go to about 70 characters and the reason why is because when you search something on google the first 66 ish characters show up uh on here so this is where it'll start to truncate right free and paid free and paid so just keep that in mind when you're going through it i like 70 70 seems to be a sweet number for me and then i can always drop a word or something like that to fit it in there especially for the results and then the description so what i want to start to do is i want to look at what other people's descriptions are right i don't particularly care unless it says the word blog on any of these which is the only thing that matters because for me to outrank coursera it's going to be super difficult but what i can do is i could take maybe number spots number five or number six on google or maybe number seven and then i can go through and make a really educated uh guess on what i need to create and here's hubspot's article right they have 1984 words on here and that's a lot of words they have a lot of topics on here and that's a really good starting point so i'm just gonna cheat i'm gonna just copy looking to brush up in digital marketing skills start with these uh free online marketing classes in your content marketing social media and seo and more right so perfect now i have that and i'm not saying i'm gonna steal that i think stealing is not good and plagiarizing is horrible but now i just have an idea of what i want it to say and i'm going to keep going through and i'm going to keep locating right which there's no marketing course should you take to boost your okay so i like that right and i'm just going to come and formulate a thought on this and this is only for the description right so when somebody says what's this about right or what's the title now what's your description right when you look at a movie you read a book it's kind of like that back cover of the book you're gonna figure out what the what it's about that's the most important thing so in here i just want to see what other people are writing right best digital marketing courses uh this is from a let's explore the best digital marketing courses perfect right and i'm going to go back and i'm gonna formulate this but for the sake of time in this video this is what i need to do now i need to go through and i need to find a description but after that i have to actually structure my article which is really really important so i want to start looking at some of the more impressive blogs so if i rank number one chances are pretty good or better one in blogs i'm probably gonna beat out hubspot for position number six fantastic right they have about 1984 keywords or words this has 22 keywords this has 1500 words 1800 words i really need to stop saying the word keywords but you're gonna start to see okay great i mean realistically it's probably not that hard to compete the 10 best online courses for digital marketing free and paid okay so it's a little more competitive 4 300 words but for the most part i could probably write an article that might that may very well outrank a lot of these and what i want to do is i want to start to pull in some information here so i'm gonna go through the hubspot crm platform freehubs.crm right i don't i don't particularly care about any of that stuff although i do love hubspot i am a hubspot partner um i need to just figure out free on free email marketing courses right this isn't really exactly what i want to be talking about but i want to start to go through and i want to comb through and see who has what on all of their articles and this is really really really important because now i can start to see you know where are people what are people adding what are people not adding and sadly this is a slow process right building this is the most important thing it's important to have a very good foundation when you're building an article just like you'd build a house right if you just whip up a house in two minutes you're probably not going to have the results that you want you need to have a rock solid foundation so realistically this may take as long if not longer to do effectively than it would be to actually write the article and i'm i'm not going to go through the entire process of kind of what i use on on this because it's there is no secret sauce it's finding out and seeing what people are talking about right digital marketing courses a global standard perfect i love that right and all you have to do is click it and it's going to bring it over into the body and it's actually even going to label it as an h2 right certified digital marketing professional we could maybe right these are something good and if you're not sure about what it is don't hesitate to go to the website and look at it there's plenty of information out here right top five free to free online courses for digital marketers which marketing see like this is fantastic right online google online marketing challenge word streams ppc university social media quick starter guide inbound digital marketing courses i mean this is fantastic it's kind of giving me a breakdown of what i need to know for this which is the top five free online courses for digital marketers right now i have some food for thought things that i can go after and now i have to go build this so for the sake of this video i'm just gonna grab some of the other people's uh heading tags because i want similar variations of it right i don't think that there's probably anything that i'm going to gain by not having that so i want to see what other people have and that's the beauty of this it'll just give you some bullet points some headings if you want to grab somebody's headings right hubspot inbound marketing training uh no time to learn ppc download our free guide right word streams ppc mit open courseware i mean there's a lot of really really good information in some of these and i just need to figure out what exactly it is get getting started with digital marketing digital skills right courses 24 courses now we're starting to find the nitty gritty details right this just tells me this probably could rank higher if there was more words so this is a good article to look at and yes it's currently ranking 15 but they've laid out a lot of the hard work for you and we're just gonna go and make something similar because we're not stealing um getting you know getting started with digital marketing right these are all great topics i'm a huge fan of this google ads course for beginners zero to ppc ppc hero great digital uh marketing skills with accenture uh study digital marketing online choosing a digital marketing course right um and then okay so we got some good topics out of this one and you're gonna just keep going through all of these and you're gonna look through the top 10 or top 20 and you're going to start to build this out now based on what i have i have eight headings and eight paragraphs so currently i don't have or i just have eight headings and then each one of these headings is going to be followed by a paragraph so the bare minimum i could probably get this to rank pretty quickly right and now i'm going to go and hit save and set up keywords which is conveniently right behind my picture right there uh but now i'm going to go click that and now it's going to give me other keywords to start adding in because it's already started to pull some of the other keywords that i need to add so course is digital marketing right it wants me to add 10 of those digital marketing agency nine of those digital marketing certificate eight of those digital marketing certification now you're never gonna be able to hit all of these you'd go crazy trying to hit all of these but the more you can hit the better right we're definitely gonna talk about some digital marketing in here it'll tell me how many times to use it right marketing courses i don't know maybe you know let's throw that in there uh social media i don't particularly want to fight for the social media realm it's very very very very competitive uh maybe some search engine right i would i'd be okay with going search engine and it'll tell you the relevancy the volume of that keyword right online digital marketing perfect that's definitely a keyword i want to make sure i add at least two of right marketing strategy of course i want to add that digital marketing professional right perfect these are all fantastic and it's going to recommend all of these to me digital marketing skills and now i have a ton of keywords that i can actually go after now these are actually keywords opportunity keywords competitor keywords and it's going to tell me what it thinks that i have a good chance of ranking for online course for digital marketing right digital marketing course online free i'll try it doesn't mean i'm going to hit it best digital marketing courses right google digital marketing course uh digital marketing course near me no google free online marketing degree online marketing courses okay so we got some good keywords we have a lot of keywords to go after here and the more that i can turn these green after i'm writing it the better and now i can hit save and begin which is currently again right behind my picture right there we're gonna hit save and begin here and now we have our actual outline and it's literally as simple as writing so i'm gonna this is exactly what you do you'd follow your entire outline and if you want to add something you you can just add it or you could copy it to the editor which is also conveniently behind my image and sorry for throwing you guys all over the place here right there so copy to editor i'm pointing at my little screen and not doing it on the main screen i'm sorry it's been a while it took off for a little while all right i'm buying a house i apologize and my whole office is about to change i'm super excited about that also so now i have all of these topics and now all i have to do is i just have to go and write a a a small paragraph or a paragraph behind or yeah behind each and every single one of these and the likelihood of me winning in any of these is very high right we've already passed the right amount of headings right it says i have one paragraph just because of that line here and i already have 62 keywords of the 2000 that i need to hit so it is a fantastic tool and once again this this tool writers end they give you a bunch of free content on there so how to write content they will walk you through if you forget you don't want to watch this video all over again you can watch their video all over again so i will show you guys an article that currently ranked kajabi block i believe is the one that is already ranking on google here uh and let's see everything you want to know about kajabi log and why you need one right so spelling grammar's not perfect yet i usually take this and run it through grammarly but you'll see here 3 500 words 12 out of 8 headings 43 paragraphs i always add the images before i actually post it uh assuming i need the images which i definitely do still uh but we could just go to kajabi blog and i should be ranking pretty high so i'm sitting on page uh 1 average position is 9.1 currently and i should be sitting right am i where did i go did i vanish am i on page 2 now don't tell me i'm on page 2 this is not good as i'm giving an seo course i am on page two they did me dirty i need to add some images to this i don't have enough images oh maybe i do so i gotta go back and tweak this a little bit but there you go right this is this is is this the same article this should be the same article everything you want to know about and why need one yeah so august 21st i'm already right i was already ranking uh it's been two months now and now i'm just sitting on uh position 11 or 12. so i got to go back tweak this up a little bit but this is it this is your whole piece of content right here of what you need to read what you need to do and how to really succeed with this and there it is that's the exact structure though the entire process start to end on how to write an article that will rank on google once again you're going to see a lot of red i always go back and do that in post and i have more than eight images on there i mean it's loaded with images as i scroll through no images but that's the fun of this right go have fun go write something that you absolutely adore and you will knock it out of the park but this is how this is the structure this is how you follow it and then it's as simple as exporting it uh and you can just import it into another piece of content right it's i mean it's that simple you can import content you can export content you can file print it i mean the it's it's all the tools are there it's there to make you succeed this is the process that won me and now i'm sitting on page two now i'm gonna go back and tweak it a little bit but that's it that's the whole process as far as doing seo doing keyword research creating an outline and then executing on that and seeing exactly what you need to hit right it removes all of the oh did i put enough of this keyword did i put enough of this keyword in it's that simple there's no questions asked this whole video is 26 minutes you can consume this in one sitting you can follow along pause the video as you need and i guarantee you you will absolutely knock it out of the park right and you got to keep in mind that article has only been on for two months most articles don't really even rank for three to six months so i'm already doing way better than most of my competitors so i hope this video helps hope you guys enjoyed this one i'll see you guys on the next video other than that i love you guys bye [Music] you
Channel: The Millennial Entrepreneur Harrison Baron
Views: 92
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Millennial Entrepreneur, Millennial Entreprenuership, Volunteer Firefighter Entrepreneur, search engine optimization, best keyword research tool 2021, best youtube keyword research tool 2021, keyword research 2021, search engine optimization shopify, keyword research for google ads, ahrefs keyword research 2021, search engine optimization tutorial for beginners, how to write a blog post that actually gets traffic, seo keyword research 2021, seo keyword research 2020
Id: FuYLjXbf_Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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