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hey guys how you doing I hope you're doing well this printer is HP djet 3772 and this one is HP DJ 3755 you switch it on from here and likewise this is the on button here okay so bring it out the paper will rest here if we open it up okay this is the in C holder with this printer now I can see this is the LCD screen this button here is for you to copy color this is for you to copy black this is the web and this is the Wi-Fi button information button resume and cancel okay and this is this one here sting okay you can see the end cartriges and this is the rear rear paper feed re paper feed so now with this printer to REM move the ink press okay and for you to remove the ink and to install the ink what you need to do you need to go in so the color goes to the left and black goes to the right just need to go in push it upwards and the same is applicable to this so go in push it up and now this printer before you do anything first of all put this this printer in a wireless mode and to do this you need to press the Wi-Fi button and cancel button together okay to put the printer in a wireless mode so press the WiFi and the cancel button together okay and you can see the printer will start to flash the next thing to do is for you to go ahead and look for this printer use using your phone go to your Play Store okay type HP smart app HP smart app open it up okay download it on your phone once you downloaded click it open this is HP smart app and this is HP smart app okay now to connect this printer to Wi what you need to do you need to go to plus sign okay then select choose the type of printer you want to add a new printer start okay then select WiFi okay select WiFi then select continue select continue and it will ask using location device location select okay and allow HP smart app to access device location select only this time turn the Bluetooth on HP is asking to turn the Bluetooth select allow okay and once the Bluetooth is on it will start to sech for available device so what he doing now is searching for this printer and it's also showing us my printer is not listed select again search again like I said earlier you need to make sure you put the printer in a wireless mode by pressing the cancel and Wii button okay select find my printer connect device to HP we use a temporary Wii you can see HP set up HP 3,700 set select on it so if you found the printer okay and it's communicating the next thing to do you need to select continue now what is doing is going to do is going to pick up the network to for us to be able to connect this printer and you can see you find the network available so I'm going to select the particular one now connect printer to Wi-Fi network so what I'm going to do now is to put the password I have the password here sometimes people ask where do you get the information you get the information for the Wi-Fi from the back of the router okay so I'm going to put the password then we go ahead and follow the instruction if he ask you to put capital letter put capital letter if he ask you to put a small letter so it it's case sensitive okay and I'm happy you can also press the I sign to check if information you put if you're happy with it I'm happy with the information then the next thing we need to do we need to select done okay select continue and you can see printer is found okay so the printer is found the next is prepared printer prepared the next now is obtaining the IP address for this printer IP address obtain finishing connection here we go printer connected to Wi-Fi network and it can see it so this printer now is connected and if you look here you will see that the Wi-Fi light is steady and also the web light okay all of them are now steady this is to show you that the printer is connected the only thing that is missing here is for us to load the paper but now this printer is connected you just need to select continue to go ahead and finish up the connection so this is exactly how to connect this printer now the next thing is for you just to add a paper so this is the paper can just add small amount and adjust it accordingly this is the paper tray here okay so this is how to load the paper okay and you can see it's showing us zero if you remove this paper now you will see a warning sign okay it will also show you that the paper is missing just need to load the paper and go ahead so at the moment we just need to wait for this process to complete you can load various size of paper you can load A4 pepper now the next thing is you need to find the pin okay so to find the pin okay the next thing to do open up the printer here there's a PIN number guess you're connecting this printer this is where to find the pin okay to go ahead so the pin is here so you need this pin to be able to finish up the connection okay so I'm going to add the pin okay once you put the pin number click submit can see it's telling thank you for in checking the printer status once you put the pin number then here we go so it's getting ready okay connected printing service click accept all just need to select click accept all okay now it's asking not create an HP account already start to sign in I've already have account with HP you can also skip this okay I have account already select sign in or you skip this the reason I will encourage you to sign in is for you to be able to scan and do so many you can see select to continue once you sign in to the HP account you're able to go ahead and scan document and do so many things with this printer so it's getting ready but this is exactly what things you need to do for you to be able to use this spr now you see auto update select automatic update select apply here we go set up complete let's print so now once you done that you just need to select print a document you can also skip okay now select print click okay there we go so is printing the document the next thing is asking us now print from other device you can send the link or not right now select not right now okay here we go so this hp+ showing us the printer here HP 3,700 series it's ready okay and this the printer welcome so guys this is how to connect this printer to Wi-Fi network if you're happy with this please do me a favor like share and subscribe it help the channel
Channel: Vinnel TV
Views: 4
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1FdhxytiV5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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