How to do gel rebalance. Quick and easy glitter ombre nails. Luraco E-file review

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hi guys the rata paliska international new artist and educator here and today i will be showing you how to do my nails with some glitter encapsulation quick rebalance but also i would like to present you an amazing e-file as well i'm really surprised how it's working and uh how quiet and efficient it is but just have a look in this video if you're new in here hit the subscribe button as there is lots of tutorials in here and if you existing subscriber thank you so much guys for being with me for such a long time let's start [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are going to quickly um infill rebalance those nails with some glitter just so it's kind of much this hand and we kind of go into the spring summer image but also i want to show you the e-file which is absolutely awesome i'm so impressed how quiet it is and you guys know that i love my k38 and i will compare it again to this one because this has been like my best friend for the last probably six years um and i never had any issues with it but i want to let you hear this one because it's amazing uh so the speed is a 40 40 000 which is awesome compared to the other one which is 35 thousands and i really love it the fact like it comes in silver color but you can choose a different colors as well let me show you that i just grab it out of box so i wouldn't be probably using the holder like i like it this way so let's get rid of the holder that's just a charger get rid of the charger and the hand piece so it's quite nice and small which i like you don't want to have a too heavy device because obviously um you are going to work with it quite a lot and same you don't want any vibration on it and i'm actually impressed but i want you to listen to it so let me grab some beat because that's the bit we will be also using okay so there is um there we are so you've got the speed in here and we are going forward and listen to it so that's a maximum speed it's absolutely amazing and then i also let you listen to this one act because there is a big difference so i've got the maximum speed on now there we are so that's that's a full power on my k38 and it feels like and this is a tractor or something like it's so noisy where normally i felt like this is so nice and quiet and and there is no vibration so i'm pretty impressed um like how quiet this one is you can listen to it again so that's a full power and you can hardly hear it so i'm really curious how this is going to behave during the working process as well of doing a rebounds on those nails but that sounds just fantastic and awesome and i think it will be great also for a video tutorials as well and if it passed all my tests i will be using it instead of the k38 so uh what i'm doing i'm clipping of the crystals obviously the snake lose the eye when i was doing some gardening so just clip the old crystals and then we can file those nails and get them ready for rebalance they very old nails like um normally i would probably ideally i should cut them off and just start fresh set because they are not nice anymore to be honest so i'm just clipping off the crystals if i can catch them and the last one you can see it like how grown my natural nails are underneath especially the index fingers they always grows the fastest like because they've got the high hyponicum but let me grab some wipe and let's see how this e file behaves uh to be honest i never test like i didn't try it today yet so i'm kind of excited myself because i'm pretty happy like how quiet it is so let me put it on i will go just halfway so you cannot really even hear it okay let's go faster wow okay it is awesome and there is no vibration at all like at all wow okay it behaves really nice and it doesn't stop really nice and fast job i think as much because it can go faster it's so much quicker to remove the old product i mean look at this mess i think i need to invest into the dust collector in a house as well for the recording but that's most of the product off so i'm just going to quickly clean it and i'm i'm so happy like how it sounds like absolutely amazing i'm actually quite curious now to compare it with this one i'm just quickly going to swap the bead no can the the noise is so different oh my goodness unbelievable i think the the other e file is going to might be my new favorite and i'm definitely going to use it uh so yeah bye bye k38 you have been so good with me for so many years but this is such a huge difference like in the quality of the filing the speech the the how quiet it is like no vibration at all nothing so i'm definitely going to swap for uh this file like 100 okay but when we're doing the rebalance sorry i'm just excited guys like really i am excited because it's a fantastic stuff so basically when you remove the most of the product because we are going to go for the glitter encapsulation i'm just going to file a little bit more just so i've got less hand filing and the safety bit is awesome because you can like touch the skin so i'm always going like nice and close to the cuticle but let's thin out the free edge remove the product from the side so free edge has to be really nice and thin because we are going to put a beautiful glitter in there and it's a brushless uh infile which is awesome because i think that's a big trouble that you have to kind of replace the brushes sometimes in the uh the files so this is another advantage of it but okay that's that's the messy part dawn so i'm just going to quickly clean it and swap to the hand filing so remove this mess and then we are going to do a little bit of the hand filing so you can see it like they already look pretty okay but we need to shorten the free edge so just shortening the free edge and then file it into a coffin shape okay nice and straight nice and straight same on this one shorten it a little bit and file the coffin shape and the next one [Music] so doing a rebalance is really quick and pretty easy job if there is no lifting and with the fiberglass and good channel prep i can guys see there is no lifting on those nails well we need to shorten them and then just file a little bit from the top great so messy okay the next step is to push back my cuticles because we need to prep the natural nail as well so i'm just pushing the cuticles of course there's such a big mess like they they weren't done for quite a long time so big mess in there okay push them back and then do a bit of the cuticle work so i'm going one side but you can see it i'm only removing the cuticles from the natural nail plate okay so i'm only cleaning my nail plate i'm not touching the new folds yet then put it to the reverse and do the other side okay all the cuticles from the new plate after i have cleaned that i can do a little bit work on my nail fold but just a little bit you don't want to overdo it because we are going to still do much more filing so the main thing is we cannot have any cuticle on the nail plate okay so no cuticle on the nail plate and that's what always your teachers mean if they say remove the cuticle so we are removing the cuticles from the nail plate remove the dust and now there is no cuticle on the nail plate so we can um scratch the surface of the nail plate and blend the place where the gel starts so i'm just giving couple scrunches to my natural nail plate and i'm blending the old product with the nail as well i can still thin out the end a little bit because we are going to go for this glitter and i really don't want to over file the glitter later on same on this one of course you could do this part with the e file as well but i have no fun so it is a bit messy okay scratch the natural nail same on this one blend that out and the last new i was actually fed up of these colors and a black and white they were so sad and for this time of the year the other news so i'm really glad it got a time to change it great so clean them and then we are going to apply the gel and also i've got a new gel i'm not going to use it this time just so i'm using a blue scrap now to dehydrate neon plate like completely gosh the snail grows so much down okay so dehydrate them well then extra meal prep this is like a dehydrator as well so i just like to dehydrate them twice universal air bone this is going to be a super quick set as well i think i talk more than i do in the work so universal airborne only on top of the natural nail and normally i'm using the light rules and that's what i have used on those nails as well but um some of you have say that i'm so horrible person because i don't stock the other stuff which people like and you're absolutely right 100 i'm horrible like i'm so egoistic because i'm only stocking the products which i use and i'm actually got it now because i got a new color which is a dark nude and fiber gel and to be honest guys i don't understand why i didn't stopped it before so the light rose is awesome um for like kind of natural looking nails but then sometimes we want some stronger cover gel and this one is a much stronger coverage like an you can see it as it's more pigmented than the light rose let me show you both of them so i'm really curious and i think it will look fantastic for a french like a clean pink and white set uh or just even a need with some uh chrome pigment over it like the one which you can see through so i've got lots of ideas for this gel as well and yeah we will be stocking it uh on the website two same there is a white one as well like a milky white uh so just so i stopped the egoistic and i will also get this stuff which is um useful for other people as well now for glitter encapsulation and because this is a rebalance we are going to go straight away for a glitter i have prepared those magic glitters because they change the color depending on the light like change the color i mean maybe not to change the color they reflect differ different colors so here is a pink and blue and there is a tutorial on this set as well but let me quickly show you what is our next step so i'm just going to open them all up they come as a set of six colors oh my goodness i'm all over the place today like showing you the new e-files showing you glitters and new new gel but yeah we have been kind of pretty busy with grabbing the stock which we didn't stock okay so for the glitter i'm just going to apply let me let's go like this okay we are going to apply nice and thin layer so nice and thin layer like really thin layer again another scoop nice and thin layer so when i will be working on a client this is exactly the same way i would do it give them a nice and thin layer and then the next one very close to the cuticle and look how i'm pressing with my brush i'm really strongly pressing then another very small scoop of the product which goes in here where the growth is do not apply it too close to the cuticle because we need to have a time to apply the glitter so do not apply it too close to the cuticle and do not apply it too close to the sides only kind of in the middle and then press it hard to remove the excess okay another scoop just just to fill up this gap and look i'm not losing the time to perfected it because by the time i slap the glitter on it this will all self-level so i would do it normally on all five nails because it's such a thin layer that i don't have to worry about it and this is going to run and now we are going to do the ombre so we are going to go for yellow it's just so to be honest i'm curious like how different colors looks as well that's why i wanted to do it in all colors then we're going for an orange so the first one is an orange then we going for the orange and the free edge and those beautiful coral that's a nice combination and then again the coral goes for a free edge and then the pink it's so quick to like do those kind of glitter ombres and they look really not as pretty i would say on the pictures because it's hard to catch the glitter on the picture but they look so amazing in real life like absolutely unbelievable and my brush is completely dry like because when i'm touching i'm kind of picking up a little bit of the gel with it as well so don't have too much gel if you've got too much gel on your dry brush just take a wipe and clean it because otherwise the glitter is going to stick too much to the brush rather than to the nail okay so that's a wee tip for you guys and then the blue so on the thumb will be blue and then the green so we have used all the six uh full set of the six glitters uh just so you know now side view i really don't like my index finger clean the brush and you could use either a sponge like to dab it in with the sponge or you could do it with the brush like kind of making sure the glitter is flattened okay so there is no sticking out bits and pieces and you can always see that only on the side view then once you're happy with this you can cook them in the lamp okay that's me happy now that's that's better compared to those dark mood news look at this sparkle oh it looks pretty in a camera sorry cameraman i'm going to get out of focus wow it looks really pretty awesome anyway stop this excitement and give them a cure and the next step is to just apply clear gel over it and basically shape it file it and that could be the finished set so it doesn't take long at all that's why i like the glitter encapsulation especially when it's so pretty like this one so let's close them when i'm cooking and then we can quickly put the clear gel shape them i will show you maybe on one on two nails and then we'll do some design i think it will be nice to put maybe some flower free handed some flower on top of it and uh yeah and then this set will be finished so clear gel no that's a lot that's a sheer rose that's the clear one but i cannot wait when i definitely this news are not going to stay with me a long time because um that's my natural nails halfway through so next time i'm going to use those dark nude fiber gel because i'm really curious how this is going to look on the nails it reminds me of some um new perfect cover gel which they had it before and i really loved it so i'm really excited to use it now i've got a wipe which i'm going to remove the any excess of the glitter but what i'm doing is i'm not just applying a very thin layer of the gel kind of pressing and you lose glitter because with the glitter encapsulation at this stage we can still have some loose places like where the glitter didn't stick to the gel because i don't like to use too much of it okay so just a nice and thin layer like kind of brushing away any loose pieces and i'm always having two parts one for glitters one for clear encapsulations or each time before you put your brush into the pot just clean it okay and then we are going to pick up a scoop of the product because we need to build up our apex again and then side view and kind of one side other side one side other side more to the middle because by the time we put it to the lamp the gel might run of course this should get cut this nail the only way to fix it is i could drill it from underneath and then reshape it by so time consuming that is sometimes better just to cut it and give it a fresh one and it's always my index finger which does that okay that's plenty another scoop and another scoop for a pinky very tiny scoop and i love the fact that the gel enlarged the particles of the glitter as well giving them even more interesting look this one is huge remove that axis cool and then once you're happy with it give it a cure okay a couple seconds longer and then we can shape them and move on into the design so just clean the inhibition layer and then shape them so one side and look how the shaping is changing the look of the nail like when we go nice and straight on the side same this one then just file it a bit from the top blend everything around the cuticle area like you don't want any catchy places there okay then the next one when we file the glitter it's become smart and then once we apply the top coat it is a beautiful one again okay i'm just filling out the free edge i don't like it when it's too thick same on the sides because the shape was already there like we don't have to file too much especially the nails like except this one this one i have to find more but the ring finger and the middle finger pinky they have been quite okay so we're really just smoothing out the entire nail and blending everything around the cuticle area and you kind of know where you almost reach the glitter so that's the time when you kind of stop filing because you don't want to overfile the glitter and i'm almost there on those new that's enough the rest is with the buffer okay same on this one get this free edge nice and thin blend the cuticle area if there is no places to catch the extensions are never going to lift okay clean it that's a cute set we could paint some sky over it and then take a buffer just to smooth it out especially like around the cuticle area so we can quickly just file it around the cuticle area at this angle like all of them and then just smooth them out so then nice and smooth okay and they already look better and just before i start painting the design i'm having like a final look on them so i can see i could improve the shape a little bit in here maybe in there yeah and that's pretty nice and decent okay so clean this mess and now we are going to bring some water to paint like a quick flower to finish this design okay so they clean we just need to do the cuticle work uh new folds and they're not too bad but i'm just going to after all the filing i'm just going to touch them up again and i always do it before applying the top coat or gel polish just because during the shaping we quite often touch this area as well and it might happen that you don't even have to do any any more work on this part they actually looked really bad on the beginning now they are pretty good so what i'm doing is i'm just really touching it up i don't have to cut anything just a little file again if you're not trying how to use the a file do not do it like because you can really hurt yourself and that's plenty because once we apply the cuticle oil nothing is going to be visible okay let's do decorate those nails and also doing like a check how the glitter is looking we're giving them wipe yes cool so the design i think i will paint on those two nails so it's kind of similar to the set so i don't work like a stranger and i don't have mixing palette with me so i will be just using this piece of paper and some acrylic paints so i'm squeezing a drop of white and a pink and i think i'm going to stick with the pink but maybe a drop of the magenta that's a number 13 13 is our lucky number and i think that's why i like this color i mean not maybe not that's why but it looks cool on the nails and we are going to use the d master brush really nice and fine brush so i'm picking up white on the one side magenta on the other side give it two three movements yes this will be too dark so white and then pink makes it just on the same place so we've got a really nice combination of the color and now let's paint just a simple flowers so we're going to go like kind of sidewise actually pick up more it will be more visible once we apply the topcoat over it so i've got one two three or five petal flower and then some parting on the top and on the bottom do it just like a touches of the brush i'm going to pigment my flower a little bit more just because it's on the glitter is good to go twice over it and then we paint the same flower is it visible in a camera actually okay cool because i was worried because of the shape of the brush doesn't matter what movement kind of i do i always get nice petals with it something on the top and some one on the bottom i don't want to cover too much of the glitter great so clean my brush actually i'm going to maybe pigment the middle a little bit more so lots of water in and just give a little bit more pigment to the bottom of the flower great now the next part is the foil design gel [Applause] and the d liner brush oh see i find my mixing palette i shouldn't be using a brush for picking it up okay now we are going to paint the design around those flowers i think it will look super cool okay we live in here so lots of little leaves a couple dots inside okay same on this one see it i'm kind of shaking with my brush just to get the leaves painted quicker okay and now we are going to outline the flowers so i'm just going to shape my brush properly because those parts we want it really nice and thin okay i have to remove the excess of the gel because if you've got too much product on your brush the brush doesn't behave nice so really clean it well and then only on the tip of your brush we are going to pick up a small amount of the product to outline the flower okay in this way we've got a much nicer and thinner lines because for this part like if we would outline it too heavy it wouldn't just look nice so very delicate outline okay same on this one nice and thin and she makes a big thick block blob that's because i've got again too much so remove the excess like for painting the smallest lines you really should have hardly some like hardly any product on your brush just adding more detail check how they look okay for a balance i need to add something more in here great and then give it a cure so we are going to cure 60 seconds and then wrap some gold from pigment i actually really love this go we could use the rose gold as well but i think gold will stand out even better so just cook it in okay and we can apply this gold i am this is the mortal ones yeah model ones [Music] eyeshadow from pigment i give it a link in the description of this video to the products i have used today so i'm just picking up a small amount of it and it stays on absolutely fantastic with it goes on absolutely fantastic on top of the foil design gel this is so pretty it looks okay with the black as well but i think with the gold it's just so much nicer you could do it with silver as well or any other color you prefer absolutely amazing yeah and now i've got some kind of summary needles finally then just remove the excess and we can apply the top coat on those cute set i hope you have guys enjoy it it's a slightly different video i think uh just like showing you everything all together and but i didn't want it to just cut and bend those nails i wanted to show you glitter encapsulations and then i can cut them because you can see i really don't like this new like really we should drill it from underneath but that looks pretty once it's top coated because the glitter is showing through from underneath and then we've got a really nice glitter ombre here and when i'm applying the topcoat i still perfect my shape like so if there is any places i feel like i should maybe add it on i would do that during the top coat application i do it the same for the clients as well like a final touches if you do that then you have to freeze them like even five seconds and then you can paint the next meal this one is so beautiful you can guys see it like it doesn't take us long time i think like i don't know like it is really possible to do it like an encapsulated glitter on the client with the new art 45 minutes on the normal size of the nails clean that well check it and then give it a cure so after the cure i can show you the final results and i hope you have really enjoyed watching this tutorial of doing a rebalance if you did hit the like button or a share button i really appreciate and if you're new and here hit the subscribe button so there is lots of lots of tutorials coming up on those channels with a great tips and useful tips but yeah that's my set cook so you can have a wee preview of it at different angles so nice and summery like show you this way as well so we come raman oh now you can see the flowered and the gold and glittered and everything and one more time like this i need to get rid of the snake skin it just doesn't feel like we should have those kind of news at this time of the year oh that's nice and look at this glitter like it does really change the color like the orange one looks uh yellowish now uh and then it can go orange so i really like this glitter because it looks different at different angles of the light yeah i'm sending you glittery hacks and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Dorota Palicka Nails
Views: 25,748
Rating: 4.9181819 out of 5
Keywords: easy ombre glitter nails, easy nails, summer nails, gel nails infill, gel rebalance, nail Perfect, gel nails, gel tutorial, luraco efile, lurako Pro nail, luraco, nail file, glitter flakes encapsulation, how to apply glitter on nails, glitter nails, summer ombre nails, ombre with glitter, unas, ungie, paznokcie
Id: NJYsexU1z-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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