How To Do A Website Audit For A Client (RIPPING Apart My Clients' Site)

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what's going on guys Matt Wasik here welcome back to the channel switching it up from the affiliate marketing content and getting back over to the digital marketing agency content for this video because I had something that I really wanted to show and share here on the channel if you're brand new to the channel my name is Matt Wasik I am the owner of landscape marketing pros which is a Doozer marketing agency and in addition to my agency I also do affiliate marketing primarily with paper called lead generation websites that I rank in the local search term and the reason being is that it coincides very well with what my agency does for local businesses when it comes to building WordPress websites and ranking them in the local search result anyways today I wanted to show you a site audit for one of my clients and actually know these guys pretty well as you can see the website here on the screen but I basically wanted to break down how to go about doing an audit and mate basically making some recommendations obviously these guys are already signed on board to have their website redesigned and do SEO and all that type of good stuff but when it comes to someone who is reaching out to your agency and wants either a proposal or just to talk with you get to know your business you want to look at their website right away and hopefully they have one if they don't they need one ASAP but what you want to be able to do is basically give them some recommendations and that's what I want to do with this video is show you how you can look at someone's website or look at a company's website and assess what they need to do what type of improvements need to be made so without further ado let's start this audit on this website right away we can tell one it's definitely not on WordPress it's been built with website builder from GoDaddy and it looks like and hey Austin or Brandon if you're watching they're the owners of this company I'm sorry but the website looks really bad Hostin know you spent a good amount of time building this but it looks really bad oddly enough though this website gets a lot of traffic at least in terms of a landscaping business it's not like it's Amazon but when you have a customer that spends anywhere between two hundred fifty dollars depending on the very very low end upwards of 10 20 50 thousand dollars on a project it does not take much traffic in order to make it really really valuable so oddly enough also it drives a lot of leads imagine what we can do when the website is actually optimized for conversion and actually and it looks good is built on WordPress so it can show up in the search results because right now it's not ranking for anything and that is going to change definitely in the future but right away we can tell obviously it's not built on WordPress that that is the first thing that we're going to change next thing you can tell there is no Facebook pixel another thing that needs to be changed I'm not a big fan of doing Facebook ads when it comes to local businesses at least when they're cold but retargeting is a very very powerful method that you can use to get people back to your website and not only increase your traffic but increase the conversion rate and decrease the advertising cost when it comes to getting someone to your site and getting that person to either call you or email or submit information on the contact form so the next thing that I noticed is that there is no dedicated services pay it's just this list here on an image in at least you can read it I've seen some websites where this is like a green color with a green background with the lawn that's right there and that just is terrible but the way things are in 2018 and beyond is that if you are not educating your prospective clients and they're reading through your content on your website because if someone's brand-new to home ownership or something they might not have any idea what an irrigation system blowout is or irrigation system startup you really have to be educating your website visitors on what it is that you do and why the services are beneficial to them that's what it is all about it's all about whoever can provide the most education and the most content and the most value without asking anything in return of the website once it's up it is up forever and after the initial foundation is laid it does not take too much afterwards for something as simple as just text content that explains what a particular service is and that is the first recommendation add a page or multiple pages with the different services and going into detail of what each one does and why it is beneficial to the prospective client next time notice that there is a trust seal badge for their home advisor profile which is a good thing because then people can go to their home advisor profile see the reviews I'm not going to scroll through the entire profile but the big thing to take note is that it's best to screenshot some of these reviews because obviously they're verified and take them as an image and put them on the website so that way someone doesn't have to leave your site in order to see reviews and that's what sells very very well is people seeing that this company gets results for its clients and obviously if they can get results through these people they can get results for me as well and that just that goes across the board for every type of business out there including my own agency which is why we go above and beyond when it comes to over delivering on our services and making sure our clients are happy and get the most value out of the service that they are paying for but this doesn't look too terrible it does go into a little bit of trust-building and listing out the benefits of the service so I can't knock it too bad it just looks really really really frickin bad also the multiple phone numbers it's whatever I mean it's easier for them to be just one phone number and that's actually one thing that will be changing is just putting one phone number on there and at least they have a link to mail right there from the website so someone's on their phone they can tap it once and then the email application will open up on their phone they can start typing if they wanted to do that right then and there there is no push to call but and I notice here that is something that we need to change as well and let's see if the link to the Facebook page goes anywhere no it does not okay goes right back to the website better is a change that needs to be done in a hall so now before we get into this gallery and just kind of the travesty that it is with that without Slade out because their work that they do is absolutely amazing I mean this is new sadly this is not a lawn that's been mowed that looks like this but before we get into that why the site needs to have an about Us page because people are not with social media and all the different platforms that are out there people get to know people very very very quickly and they want to know who they're buying from and I know I sound really really cliche but it's really really true so the definitely needs to be some information about the owners which would be Austin brand of this company and a little bit of the backstory how they got started maybe even an introductory video as well as including other accolades such as awards that were won or anything of the like basically just build trust and rapport with the people reading the website and that will increase the conversion right which again if you're brand new to internet marketing conversion rate is the amount of people that visit the site and turn into enquiries whether it's a phone call email submitting on the contact form whatever so bottom line you gotta have an about Us page on the site it is very very important to be able to connect with the people viewing your site it's gonna be a lot easier to sell to them they can actually see people behind the brand it's even a bonus if you have pictures of your team not every company out there's gonna have a staff of 50 people with multiple different managers that are actually in a more permanent position as opposed to just laborers that might be there for the summer but a picture of the team will build trust and rapport because you people can then see they have a dozen or more employees so they can get my job done efficiently and quickly and those are the things that just build trust and rapport it helps you stand out as well because there are a lot of companies out there that have just most generic trash about us page and it just looks terrible oddly enough it still gets conversion slit just like this site so anyways going through the gallery here which I personally believe you don't necessarily need to have a dedicated page for a gallery because usually when you have a ton of pictures that slows up the load time of the website and that's just not needed and that can be better done on Facebook or on Instagram where you can have a post of up to ten images all in one thing so you definitely want to connect your Instagram page linked to it or even embed it onto the page depending on the WordPress builder that is used however you definitely want to have imagery of the services on the individual service page so if you have an irrigation system installation page you'd want to have before during and after pictures and the same goes with basically any other service it's again just showings proof that you can do the work and your work quality is up to par and so on the third and final page I can't believe three pages all the site is but it gets the job done that's really all that matters and of course we are revamping it's going to look a lot better in the near future first the picture here is not as good as it could be it's taken against the Sun so I mean adds a little bit of cool effect and the irrigation is running either I'm really really picky when it comes to pictures so that's that's me but the contact form very simple I mean I like when questions are asked sometimes other people don't it really comes a personal preference but it helps with screaming potential clients where especially if you're someone who is very very short on time if you're a business that is doing maybe only $20,000 or more when it comes to your landscape installations or you won't take a client that's under five hundred dollars a month with maintenance something of the like you definitely want to have questions that will qualify your prospects so that way you know whether or not you should even be spending time talking with these and I know that that sounds rather facetious or whatever the word would be for it but your business owner at your time is your most valuable asset if your business is set up to run at that level you can't afford to spend time talking to people that have a budget of $100 a month or a thousand dollars for landscaping so anyways enough of a rant on that that is about it on this and that would be their office phone number and then address whatnot and also with this being what should be a link which obviously it should be you don't want to have to make the person type in face book and then go search you want to link straight to the page but on an opt-in page which is basically what this is you want it to be very very simple and plain and to the point so that way the person knows what they're doing on that side they don't get distracted by something like oh there's a link to Facebook oh I'm gonna go to Facebook and then oh I'll see five notifications pop up Oh better reply to those comments see that message answer that front request and then then they forget what they were doing on this website and they just close out and then boom you lost a lead so I don't necessarily like that I do like the trust badge right here however I would maybe make that not a clickable link on this particular page just so that way if someone clicks it they'll end up going here and you could potentially lose them obviously they're still ways to capture that lead here but you'd want to keep them on your site as long as possible let that pixel we'll be gathering some data and so there we have it that is a website audit for a local business in particular this one is the industry that I focus in with my agency which is landscaping irrigation green industry type companies that do outdoor sources on people's houses and on their business properties so hopefully this will help you out with doing audits for your prospective clients and being able to see what a website really should look like I want to know one last thing there are very little calls to action here on their page or on their site so that's something we're going to be improving as well at least three per page is what I like to have with the hall being either linked to the contact page or pushed to call links that way it makes it very easy for person scrolling on their phone to scroll through and then they can stop scrolling boom click the button to call make the phone call right then and there and it becomes very easy for them because again we want it to be all about the path of least resistance for the consumer so if you like this kind of content when it comes to ability does remark getting aged this is something that you can use as a very powerful sales tool because you can identify all kinds of problems where these types of businesses have people coming to their site and these people that are going to their site are obviously interested in the services that they have and if those people aren't calling them or emailing them or whatever that's money that they are losing and leaving on the table so it's something that you can basically use as a pain point and I'm not saying exploit it but you can basically say hey you don't have any call to action on your page keep your game breathing through it and then they just stop and then they're gonna leave their site or they'll be entering their contact information then they see a link to go to Facebook and then they go to Facebook and then BOOM they're gone because they got distracted by whatever was in their newsfeed so that's something you can use as a very very powerful sales tool in order to entice someone to want to use your service of optimizing their site or rebuilding their website doing SEO all that type of stuff anyways I will be taking you on the journey of building out a new site for this company and ranking it in the search engines and all that type of good stuff so be sure to go down below and smash that subscribe button and hit the bell for notifications so that way you know when the newest content comes live and you can stay up to date on this journey and apply it to your agency and put it to work and hopefully you get some clients are able to do the same thing as well and make money for your clients and of course make money for your agency so my name is Matt Wasik thank you for checking out my channel I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Matt Wacek
Views: 14,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt Wacek, How To Do A Website Audit For A Client, how to do a website audit, how to design a website using wordpress, how to design a website 2018, how to create a website for a client, how to create a website for a business, Landscape Marketing Pros, how to design website, how to do a website seo audit, how to do a website using wordpress, wordpress website development, Lush Landsape and Irrigation, wordpress website for local business, auditing a client website, seo audit
Id: JpLoQKvz_Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.