How to do a Turkey on the Weber Rotisserie

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hey what's up guys welcome back to jp barbecue i appreciate you guys tuning in today we're firing up the weather rotisserie we're gonna be doing turkey that's right turkey on the weapon roast history oh come on good you guys stay tuned and of course check it out [Music] here we go guys we got us a beautiful 15.5 almost close to 16 pounds 15 and a half pound beautiful uh turkey and you want to make sure anytime you're going to do a any type of heavy meat on the rotisserie that your your your spit can can handle that weight make sure that is rated for it i believe this one that i got from weber rotisserie is good for you know for up to 20 pounds so this turkey is is just perfect uh for it okay so all i'm gonna do i'm gonna spray on a little bit of canola oil on this turkey and i'm gonna be using one of my uh seasonings that i have and i'll show it to you in just a second that's all we're gonna do just and this canola oil it's more for just to serve as a as a binder for it okay that way the the seasoning will stick to it and the seasoning that i'm gonna use is this one this is my sexy chicken goes great on just about any kind of uh any kind of meat heck it even goes good on breakfast potatoes if you've never tried it on potatoes oh my gosh it's just uh it's just wonderful so i'll let that oil stick in there or or soak onto the skin before we put the seasoning the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to stuff this turkey so i got some onions and i hope all of this stuff fits in there and i want to put some red and green apples and and what this does is uh these types of fruit hold moisture and when it starts cooking that moisture will build up the steam on the inside of the of the cavity of your turkey and it'll start adding that flavor to the meat you know from the inside out so we're gonna put some carrots in there as well and i think maybe i can probably stick one more apple like one more red apple right here and maybe a another carrot so you know we're gonna we're gonna bind it together we're gonna trust it you know you wanna make sure that this stuff doesn't fall out on you but uh yeah that's it let me get this seasoning on there if you're interested in any of these products just visit the website uh i'll put a link to it right here it'll pop up right there in the corner and it'll definitely be down in the description uh as well so here we go i'm gonna add some of this oh man this stuff smells good and man this is this is a one big turkey tell you that just try to get it you know put some on the inside and get it on on the skin we're gonna drop some into the cavity as well stuff now i'm not an expert in uh entrusting a chicken or a turkey at that but i'm gonna do my best so we'll get enough of this string out we're gonna bind this starting from the back and you want to get like maybe close to the to the thighs and just tighten it up really good grab one leg grab another leg and maybe even cross them over there we go and i even heard some people come come around and grab the tail under it there we go and what we're gonna do is just bring it up between the legs get it under the wings and uh just grab a hold of the wings and you want and and the reason we trust it is because you know we don't want these uh uh parts you know just dangling you know they'll get into the rotisserie and they'll just start turning and you know and it'll just start flopping and when the meat gets nice and tender uh you know you don't want that you don't want it to fall apart on you so that's what she looks like and the next thing do is go ahead and get the spit in it and we'll be good to go here we go here's our setup right here guys i got two baskets of a charcoal lump charcoal on the side um and going to be using this as a measuring tool that way i get just enough or the right amount of uh charcoal to get started with you know if i fill up too big of a basket then i'll have extra charcoal and it'll be all it'll just get too hot too fast so that's roughly i got a full-size weber chimney and that's about maybe half to three-quarter full but yeah that'll work and what we're going to be using we're going to be using these uh 100 biomass fire starters you know they actually work pretty good but you know you use what you want whatever you got fine just drop three of them down in there and get them lit and just drop your chimney right on top give it a few minutes maybe 10-15 minutes and you'll be ready to go that's the one thing i like about this lump charcoal that that i'm using it's called the lumberjack i don't know if you guys can see the name in there i'll put it up here lumberjack premium hardwood lump charcoal it actually lights pretty fast and uh does pretty good job so we'll just leave that right there until it gets lit and we'll be ready to go in just a few seconds didn't take long guys just about 10-15 minutes the most so here we go got my hot gloves on we're gonna put half of it on this basket and we'll put the other half [Music] the nice thing about these gloves these gloves right here rated for high temp they're actually welding gloves uh they do make gloves that are you know 900 degrees thousand degrees rated but welding gloves work just fine so uh now don't leave it you know don't don't take that to the bank like don't leave the coal right on the glove you know but you can touch it move it really quick shouldn't give you no problem you know but if you leave it on there obviously it's going to burn so let's get this drip pan right in the middle i think we'll call it good right there get our rotisserie kit put in and you want to put the the motor you know opposite you're in and all that's left is to get the motor mounted and get the turkey on there we'll be ready to go so we'll let this bad boy come up to temp and it shouldn't take too long okay let's go ahead and get our spit uh put in there so what you want to do is try to aim you know under the legs and you want to play with it just a little bit and you may have to puncture a hole because it'll tap out but yeah once you got it through you know then you're good to go and i got these ex these different types of uh forks here that can really grab hold of uh you know the of the meat that you're cooking so that's it for that side and we'll put it turn it around and get one over on this side and uh i'll i will be turning it around so i can get it balanced out there we go so let me loosen this up loosen this one and what you want to do is try to get it as centered as possible right there the man that's a that's a pretty heavy turkey there we go tighten her down you know i've been to the gym 15 pounds just didn't seem that heavy but man i'm picking this turkey up and got some weight to it oh and that should do good holding the legs nice and tight you want to keep the vet you want and you want to do that that way the vegetables and your fruit that you got on the inside will stay in there because if not they're just going to fall out and fall into the basket but that's it let's go ahead and go put it on the on the rotisserie all right let's get her in let's get her in there there it is see if it holds together moment of truth it's all going to hold together or it's going to fall apart and the you see the wings you got to watch out for them wings right there because them wings start getting all floppy on you just watch it for a second and uh i may put some twine on it on this back side it's about 1 30. we're gonna let it run for about three hours we're gonna check it every hour see how it's coming along but it's uh we want to try to keep the temp at about 350 degrees uh if it drops below that come back out here put some more charcoal in there and uh just keep it going until we reach our desired temperature i want to say uh for poultry is usually about 175 degrees inside the breast once you get past 175 and 185 you know you're good you're good but all we got left to do is just wait on this turkey see what happens you guys stay tuned hey guys what's up this turkey is done we hit an internal temperature at the breast of 182 degrees and that's plenty of time brought it out here letting it rest for about uh it's been resting for about 20 minutes now and it's still nice and warm yes sir what i did with the aluminum inside the webber performer once it got to the collar that that i was happy with that you know that's what i wanted that's when i said i'm gonna wrap it because i didn't want it to get any darker i wanted to keep that color hopefully it came out the same color that i saw it uh back then but let's go ahead and open it up and and see what it's oh wow look at that oh my gosh i don't know if you guys can see that right there that bone right there at the top has already come separated the breast meat has come separated from that bone we're we're done guys with this let me get this uh stick out put that out over here go ahead and take this out on this side and i don't know if all my apples and vegetables are still in there oh yeah i got an apple i got an onion yep they still in there this uh let me see if i can take this off the aluminum without it breaking apart there we go all the vegetables fell through there we go we'll put them vegetables right there there we go throw this aluminum away and there she is i hope i hope the lighting uh is coming through i may have to change angles apologize for the sun guys is this just this is the direction i'm looking at it's about 5 30 and the sun is starting to set uh out there on the on the west so let's go ahead and cut this let me get this string off of it first and then we'll start with this piece i got more string right here there we go and what you want to do is get down into the bone or to where the joint is at cut it and there we go look at that beautiful piece of uh [Music] turkey quarter right there and we'll cut some of this breast off right here we'll just come down the bone the breast bone and just start slicing it don't get that breast completely off there we go oh yeah look at that that a gorgeous looking piece of piece of meat and uh oh man it is nice and tender you want to try that mama and give some to your mom yeah it will be hot there we go i'm gonna try some of this breast without the bone of course look at that man i hope the lighting is not messing it up here we go guys [Music] nice and tender and i got apples on the inside right here yes we use the apple to add a little bit of flavor to it see what this apple is all about oh yeah that's good i'm good well guys this is my presentation on doing turkey on the weber performer on the rotisserie came out fantastic beautiful color again it it went about three and a half hours uh cooking it at about 350 degrees on the rotisserie every now and then i had to go back and add some more charcoal just to keep that uh temp up but besides that once i got to the color that i wanted wrapped it in aluminum and brought it up to an internal temperature of 182 degrees and it just came out fantastic it's time for us to eat and just want to say thanks for watching this video if you like what i'm doing here do me a favor give it a thumbs up share it with your friends and click on that subscribe button and uh but besides that i appreciate you guys very much and i will see you guys on the next cookout you guys take care
Channel: J.P.BBQ
Views: 24,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: turkey recipe, rotisserie (product with ingredients), cooking channel, weber kettle, smoked turkey, weber rotisserie, turkey recipes simply recipes, weber kettle grill, turkey recipe tasty, weber kettle grill accessories, turkey on the rotisserie, stuffed turkey, jpbbq, easy turkey, lumberjack lump charcoal
Id: oY-v-RquJMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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