How to do a Technical SEO Audit (Easy with Screaming Frog tool)

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okay so I'm going to change the view here and right now we are inside my upwork profile as you can see here and I came across this particular job description here our company named shoe they recently lost traffic and they don't know why and I've already reviewed their site so I know a little bit more about it but let's say that you wanted to verify you know if you could perform the this job at hand so what you could do before that is look at the activity of this job right have a lot of people applied 50 plus I would say that's a lot but um just keep that in mind last reviewed by client so they were active about 30 minutes ago and they're interviewing a lot of people almost 20 people personally probably wouldn't even apply for this position just giving those numbers but for the example purposes of this video I'll be showing you guys how to do a quick technical analysis for SEO even if you're a complete beginner so I'm going to copy the URL and you could do this you can go about just a couple of ways right you can just tool like semrush which is a bit more expensive or you could pay a one-time fee for a tool like screaming frog which is what I have here and they have a free trial where you can crawl 500 urls per website so there is a free version I'm going to paste the company's name right there and there's a couple of things too I could do actually if you get the paid version which is optional right then you can go to configuration spider and I know that this website has a lot of images and I don't want this crawl to take too long so I'm just going to deselect all that hit OK and then click start again and I'll kind of walk you guys through how some of this program works because I know uh if you're a complete beginner this can look a bit intimidating I get that but you can look at different tabs here on the left side like the internal internal external security response codes URLs and then you can basically read all that most of this stuff is for on-page SEO like I know most of you guys know what the headers are so that those are here content information like the word count is there images Etc and I'm getting ahead of myself so typically you'd wait until this is at a 100 and then you can start reviewing you know what's what's wrong with the website you know like thing are things being indexed or are web pages being indexed which aren't and which are and are there any important uh web pages that aren't indexed that should be and are those you know those are some things that you could take a look at is there a lot of duplicate content is that why there's a lot of you know chemicalized uh indexed statuses but before getting too into it you can um let me restart that you can basically get most of the information you need from this right here issues once this is done running I'm gonna pause it right but you get the idea once this loads to 100 you're gonna have all the information you need to make a better recommendation from an SEO perspective obviously as you guys probably know looking reviewing on page off-page and Technical SEO analysis is important for all websites but this is just a quick little way to get a lot of information with the really simple tool and Powerful tool called scriven frog and here you can see right away and you can make this bigger you know what are the errors and what do they pertain to right so these are issues you have warnings opportunities Etc so all this information here are essentially best practices for SEO for the most part and it's going to be up to you guys as the SEO specialist to determine you know which areas are priority and which aren't so for example this is a really easy you know when if we were to make these recommendations if the page titles are too long then that's bad because they're going to be truncated in Google search and let's see if we could find a good example here so this is the title that pops up in the Google search results or it's supposed to but when you click on the serp snippet you could see here that that's what it looks like it stops at three mistakes to avoid right and that's for this URL so if I take this URL and I paste it into Google it says three mistakes to avoid actually that does populate there but typically for the most part let me compare them side by side how to store shoes with photos oh it's a missingness so it's missing the 16 strategies and so when people go to Google and find this particular blog post you know there's this discrepancy between the full page title that this owner of this website wanted but this is what ends up showing because this is way too long of a title it's over 60 characters in length as you can see here and so by and then Google what what they do by default is they truncate it because it's not the best SEO practices to have such a long title and that's basically what we're seeing here and they have about about 17 URLs so anyways I would say that this is the quick and easy way to look at errors for you know for a website's errors in particular but another way to go about it is looking at the overview and we can see the same thing so you can see that I clicked on this and it took me here we have 17 URLs that are over 60 characters in length which means that when they populate in Google they'll be truncated so they're not using best SEO practices and so just rewriting these to be more short and concise to fit the this character limit is ideal and that's all that's saying um another really useful feature that we could see here are missing meta descriptions so we could see that some of these pages may or may not be as important as your blog post or your product pages right but it's still a good idea to include some of these missing meta descriptions that we could see if there are any really long URLs over 155 characters which we do see and if I click on this once or twice it'll sort them an order from a most to from greatest to least greatest or for most to to less basically and let's see what else in descending order that's the word I was looking for we can also see if these uh what is the Semitic keywords I believe that pertains to this here you know including meta keywords can is important but it's not a direct ranking Factor uh so I'm going to skip over this but you should probably include a main keyword inside your meta description and that these two things relate to each other and then as you guys know or may or may not know which probably do it's the best practices to include at least one each one inside a website and then organize the page content with H2S h3-4s Etc um but yeah you could see a lot of information here and another really important easy win for these website owners are including all text so this website is not missing any alt text but um since I optimized the crop I told the spider configuration not to you know scan the images so that's probably why we're we're seeing all zeros here but if I were to scan the entire website I'm sure I could find a missing all text images and probably show you guys what that would look like perhaps maybe try opening this up so if I select any pair of shoes and I clicked right click on it on the image and click on inspect I could see the image class here source data and I do have an ALT text you can see that alt text I didn't have it but who knows maybe they have some images that um that don't have an ALT text maybe like this one anyways that's how you do that and some other things that you can look at here are yeah I wouldn't mind too much around the paganation directives hreflang it's a bit more advanced JavaScript non-descriptive anchor text in internal outlinks so that means let me see if they let me shrink this so we could see that inside these Pages here they're linking out to other internal pages but they don't have a descriptive anchor text and that's what it's saying here we could see that some of these links say skip content hip pain read the full article Etc but if I want to find that link see best shoes for hip pain there we go what's this one anyway some other things to look at would be the page speed of the site and where you could do it so before I showed you guys that for the most part you'll probably be under internal urls I believe that's what it stands for but you can basically see all the URLs that appear on a website right here um don't really know what this means I think it's just like HTML coding information that's not necessary for for SEO status codes that's good to know you know which pages are doing okay and you can see the status here as well which ones have been moved permanently redirected what's their index status Etc and I believe they have just a lot more information here as to where the old URLs redirect redirected to and we can see that here let's see you can see external URLs so we could see that this is a review page here or blog post that's linking out to Amazon and that's all we're seeing here that's the information there security I'm not sure I use that response codes as we've seen Header information header 2 some of the content and we could see if they have a low word count we can see that here I don't trust the word counters here or in any program followed out well because uh they all vary it doesn't matter what you use and so I would just take it with just keep that in mind structured data information that's a good one and if you wanted to see like the layout structure of the website you could click list these little four little characters here and I'll be honest with you it's a bit hard to read for me but kind of get the idea here inside the website URL we have an about folder which pertains to this page here category pages and that's these are the different subfolders within that category folder you can see their URLs here and then you have a lot of different reviews Pages contact Pages Etc so if you wanted to get a quick overview on how to do you know a technical SEO audit you could click on issues and you could quickly scan the website here in case you didn't know that and or alternatively you can go here and then just scan different things that pertain to the website you can get a lot of information with this particular tool so I recommend it if you wanted something a bit more visual then you could use a tool like a semrush to kind of see you know what the website would look like from a technical audit point of view but with more visuals and so that's that so that's a quick little a way to do a technical SEO audit I didn't want to get too deep into the details because it's going to take a long time but uh yeah that's kind of how you do it and also if you're a complete beginner in SEO and you'd like to learn about some of the ways that I've you know gone about making you know money as a complete beginner and SEO self-taught and everything and I'm an independent freelancer and I do most of my work on upwork but if you want some of my tips on what I did to earn an income as an independent freelancer then go ahead and I'm going to provide you this link where you can go ahead and grab that information you could sign up for my newsletter and I'll send you the PDF infographic after you put your first name last name and your email then I'll give you the five hidden tips to start making more money with SEO so if that sounds interesting then go ahead and sign up for my newsletter I'll send you the PDF right away so yeah check out my other videos and I'll be making more videos soon until next time
Channel: Solving SEO
Views: 4,815
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Keywords: How to do a Technical SEO Audit, what is a technical seo audit, technical seo report, website technical audit, screaming frog audit, technical seo audit, how to do an seo audit, seo audit for beginners, free technical seo audit, technical seo audit service, seo tutorial for beginners, Solving seo channel, Luis Cota SEO Specialist, Luis Cota the SEO Specialist
Id: binXnpehdKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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