How to Do a Digital Journal

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hello my name is mitch thanks for joining me i'm here to talk about digital journaling now if you're like me in the past you may have had or maybe you still do have one of these journals that you keep all of your stuff in and it gets started to get thick and it's going to break and anyway for me i was inconsistent with that type of journaling and it was not really convenient because you don't carry that around with you and frankly it's not really shareable so about four years ago i had been trying to do a journal and i was sitting in a doctor's office and i downloaded a journaling app and i started from that moment to do a journal and since then it has been an incredible and wonderful experience because my journal is now in my pocket and my phone all the time and so i thought well let's share with how this works for me how i do it and maybe some of the tricks and some of the cool things and hopefully you're inspired to say hmm i need to try this digital journaling stuff because it can benefit me so i'm going to jump into my app for these purposes today i'm going to use an app called day one that's where i keep my primary journal and so let's jump in all right i've got my app up some really cool things to note when you do a digital journal there are so many possibilities and and we're going to talk about a couple of different apps that you may explore or consider and the ones that i share with you all have a free version and a paid version as well so this this particular one that i'm using is day one and you can see on my screen here i have an entry it says on this day there are eight entries the cool thing about a digital journal is you have the capability of going back so easily and finding things searchable you can search tags you can search the content you can say oh it's it's incredible and sometimes people even like my wife will say well hey when did when did that happen let me check it was probably in my journal so i have a couple of journal entries here that i wanted to share with you just to show you how i actually do my digital journaling in an app like this you can you can simply click on the plus button at the bottom and you can say oh i want to um oh wow here's my daily prompt it says have you ever performed on stage or given a speech and i can answer that and that becomes my journal entry maybe this is what i'll do tonight this will be my journal entry for today but i can share an audio on this particular app i can do video i can do pictures i can do a i can take a picture with my camera i can even draw on it it's it's super super cool anyway let me show you a couple of journal entries here so this is an example of something really short why not apparently i was not having the best day or it was just one of those days i needed an ice cream bar so i did that labeled it ice cream and a picture of me eating an ice cream bar something like this uh i look for important parts and aspects of my life to say you know what do i want to remember i'm not going to share with you the the more personal type things that i would want to keep to myself or maybe share with my close friends and family but but this for example i love nectarines we have this goofy nectarine tree that i almost yanked out years ago it produces the absolute best nectarine i've ever had in my entire life something like this can be a short entry a screenshot when we when we visited st george utah it was hot so boom that became the journal entry all right um awesome experience that i had hiking with my family i took a video this this app allowed me to put a video on here um do a little bit of text and take some pictures super awesome uh the cool thing about digital journaling as well is you get time stamps you also get in this case it was 79 degrees you can see at the very bottom there um it was where it was the you went to wasatch cache national forest all this wonderful information that you get another thing i like to to say food is my big thing i love food and this meal reminded me of my childhood it was my mom i was visiting her and she said what do you want to eat and this was the answer and it was an incredible experience so that's what i wanted to remember for that day other things like when i was traveling in the airport and i tried to use my face recognition and it wouldn't work my wife suggested we'll just change your facial recognition and apple said no your face is obstructed try removing anything that may be covering your face so i thought that was kind of funny uh that apple said no no you can't do this because my face was covered at any rate you can see that that was in the salt lake international airport i cleaned the garage that was a monumental day in my life um here's another picture of me getting ice cream yes i snuck into the garage with a spoon and had a couple of very large spoonfuls of ice cream so there are so many different things uh also fun thing about digital journaling is you can you can capture moments uh with a with a picture and then come back and add it later and and uh this is this funny cat we were getting ready to go on vacation and the cat decided this was going to be a good place to take a little take a little rest needed a new lawnmower this was a big event in our lives we got a brand new lawnmower we had needed one for a while and i broke the old one so here we are uh this one uh this one's fun my my my daughter drew a picture of my my son and this was this was so fun for us and so i thought that that was really sweet uh this one she she made my my daughter made this little kite uh and and created a rule book for it tiny you can see the little thumbnail pictures here but the rules on a kite don't break it have fun don't fall don't be rude the end so so many cool things you can do with the digital journal um the other fun thing about a digital journal is you have the ability to not only edit stuff but you can also share it so if i wanted to do a shareable i i can copy it i can view it as a pdf i can create a little card like a meme that you can share with a picture and and and the text super awesome super transferable if i wanted to move to another journal app so this is is what i do and that's how i journal so some posts are long some posts are short some posts are just a picture or a few words i told you earlier i was going to let you know a couple of different options for journaling so let's talk about a couple of different options for journaling digitally when it comes to picking the right app or the right program to to start your digital journaling there are a couple of options that i would recommend all of the options that i talk about have a free version and a paid version the one that i started with in the doctor's office four years ago and i've used it a lot is called journey fantastic program works both on apple and android another another one that you could could explore is called momento and that's an app that's it's only used for apple but it'll it'll bring in like your instagram feed and and put a timeline together so if you're big into social media momento may be a good option for you the one that i demonstrated today and one that i use on a daily basis is day one again free version and a paid version once you get into this you may decide to opt in for the paid version but if not that's totally cool as well you could even send an email to yourself and keep it in a folder or archive it somewhere there's so many ways to do a digital journal and i would recommend that you just go in and download a couple of the free apps try them out see what you like see what you don't like pick the one that works for you and stick with it again your journal entries don't have to be long they can be fun they can be short videos pictures whatever your app allows whatever your appetite desires and encourage you to keep a journal and share it it's been the most fun to share my journal entries yay come here son this is what you were saying when you were you know two years old this is what you look like this is what we did that day it's been an awesome way to get my family involved and it's really a fun pastime so encourage you to do some digital journaling and check out the other content here thanks for joining me for a few minutes have a wonderful day you
Channel: FamilySearch
Views: 1,687
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: ancestry, archival research, archives, documents, family history, family history research, family search, family tree, familysearch, genealogy, genealogy basics, genealogy research, genealogy research methodology, genealogy research plan, genealogy research process, genealogy research tips, getting started, historical records, how to, preservation, preserving family memories, rootstech 2021, rootstech connect 2021, safeguard, digital journal, How to Do a Digital Journal, journaling
Id: Onu3kmfpQv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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