How to do 3 Basic Shuffle Steps (Shuffle Dance Moves Tutorial) | Mihran Kirakosian

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hey guys welcome back to another tutorial my name is Miran Kiera Koshien today we're gonna focus on three shuffle steps we're gonna put them together now I've done all of these three shuffle steps separately so if you want to see those tutorials there's links in the description box also if you like the music in the tutorial and you want to download it and practice with it you can do it for free on my soundcloud page and you can see the link below so make sure to visit and also download the songs over there there's more songs you can choose from as well now I have two of my students with me one is six years old and they'll they want to start seeing we're gonna show you what these three shuffle steps look like with music and then I'm gonna break it down all right guys here we go let's start from the top so the first step we're gonna do we've already done this shuffle long time ago is to running my own shuffles so if you check out the description box there's a link to it so if you want to just focus on this step separately you could go ahead and do that I'm gonna do it a little faster than usual so we could get through all three shuffle steps okay here we go first one running man shuffle so we're gonna jump over crossing the right leg here on eight okay so not on one but on eight so we could start the running man on one okay here we go let's do that again so we're jumping and holding our position on eight here we go five six seven eight good from here you're gonna bring up the left leg and then we're gonna start the running man process here we go and one and two and three and then you're gonna turn on four to go to the right side and start the whole thing over there so you just did three jump four now this is a tricky jump you want to make sure um you flip over to the right side but your left leg needs to end up in the front again like that okay so if you're here five six seven eight jump now from here bring the right leg up right away and five six seven now you're gonna turn around jump again on eight okay so let's try to see if we can do a full eight count here we go again just remember if you're now used to doing this step there's a link in the description box that only explains this first step so you can work on that a little bit get comfortable and then come back and connect it okay here we got one more time five six seven eight and one and two and three jump four and five six seven eight alright guys so I'm doing it slow obviously we're gonna speed this up later on so just right now focus on the step and having full control okay just do it again we'll do it two more times here we go five six seven jump eight and one two three jump four and five six seven chump eight good so what you want to do is you want a time your jump okay so you can land exactly on the count four and count eight okay you want to land right on that count so you can bring up the other leg on an and start the process again okay let's do it one more time here we go five six seven eight and one two three four and one two three four good alright guys so let's do two eight counts of that same move and then we'll move on to the next step here we go five six seven eight go one two three four one two three four and one two three four go five six seven eight good you're gonna jump here on eight and then we're gonna move on to step number two step number two um again there's another step that I've already done and you can see the link to that in the description box I'm gonna kind of get through it really quick if you want to take your time with it and you're not familiar with the step work on this tutorial that's in the description box and then come back okay here we go so if you finish here right leg in the front left leg in the back you're gonna kick with the left leg okay six seven and you're going kick and switch okay so one more time kick here okay put the left leg down here and then you're gonna switch here one more time five six seven eight kick step switch good one more time six seven eight kick now when I kick the left leg as you can see I hop over with the right leg a little bit okay six seven eight one and then I go and land on that left leg twist my body a little bit take the right leg back left leg goes here okay here we go one last time and then we're gonna go to the other side five six seven eight go kick and step good from here moving on doing the same thing to the right side which means you're gonna start with the right leg kick and switch okay time 6 7 8 go kick and switch okay well last time 5 6 7 8 and kick and hold all right guys let's go one more time from the second step so if we had finished the first one right here right leg here left leg back we're gonna kick with the left leg onto the left side five six seven eight go one step switch and one step switch okay so there's that little end counting between that sets you up for the next side okay so watch that one more time seven eight one and two it's like a little prep here and okay so have full balance right legs in the back left leg is down you're you step on an to start this on three so seven eight three and four again prep on and keep going five and six and seven and eight okay let's do it one more time here we go we'll do it slow five six seven eight go one and two and three and four and five six and seven and eight and okay one more time but let's do two eights now okay so we did two eights of the first step we're gonna do two eights of the second step here we go 2 eights five six seven eight go one and two three and four five and six seven and eight one and two three and four five six and seven and eight okay so just a reminder guys we already did step one and step two we got one more step that step three if you're having a hard time I told you I've already broken down each step on a different tutorial you can see it in the description box so just go work on step one if you need to or step two or step three we're gonna move on with step three now again I'm gonna just go a little quicker than usual okay once you get here seven and eight you're going to do the same prep and and then we're going to go into the Charleston shuffle which I've already done link in the description box here we go from here you're gonna go 7 & 8 you prep on and step forward with the left leg you're gonna go 1 so you want to twist out on n step on one in this case you're coming from another move so just make sure you step 1 and then from there you'll go to and then take it back and three and four okay so that's one two three four okay so um just a quick reminder when you're doing the Charleston shuffle just make sure your toes and the twist is working properly you're going hit hey so let's do an eight count of just doing the feet and one and so here we go five six seven eight and one and two and three and four and five six seven eight alright so let's try it one more time now remember just keep that twist okay here we go five six seven eight twist step twist step twist step step and one two three four good keep the arms natural so yeah you can step forward sorry you're gonna step forward with the left leg which means the right arm is in the front here here here here and step step step step okay let's go back to step number two and connect the Charleston shuffle to that okay so let's just do one eight here we go kickin with the left leg six seven eight go one and switch two and switch three and switch four and switch and one two three four five six seven eight okay I don't know if you were able to connect that but let's try it one more time now you know where it comes in okay so you're gonna go kick and hit prep step okay here we go one more time five six seven go one and two three and four five six seven and eight and one two three four five six seven stop alright guys those are your three shuffle steps I've done all of these separately so you can see links in the description box if you want to just work on one step if you want to put it all together this is the tutorial for you so let's go one more time from the top through the first three steps all together a couple of times and then we'll do it with music together and then it's up to you just keep practicing keep doing it and leave your comments let me know what else you guys want to see okay so here we go one more time from the top five six five six seven jump eight go one two three four five six seven eight go one two three four five six seven eight and one and two three and four five six seven and eight go 1 2 3 4 5 6 it comes to switch 8 and step step 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop ok let's do that one more time ok again if you're having trouble with it one step just work on that one step you don't have to go over this the whole thing together if it's one step that's on giving you a hard time ok here we go one more time from the top don't forget that jump on 8 5 6 5 6 7 8 go one two three four five six seven eight and one two three four five six seven eight go kick shuffle kick hit and kick step step eight more counts 2 4 5 6 7 8 & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop hey guys let's try one music now it is a little faster than what we were doing you saw the reference in the beginning of the video let's see if you could catch up to the tempo if you're having a hard time keep drilling the steps as you get comfortable with it you'll be able to speed up the tempo okay here we go what music together that is a little faster so if you're not used to the steps yet keep working on it before you try music if you're good just go don't forget to jump on 8 5 6 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 stop hey what four five six seven go one two four Hey - whoa hey here we go quick one four five six seven oh hey guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial this was your first time on the channel and you liked what you saw make sure to subscribe and tell a friend about it also I did go faster than usual but that's only because I have tutorials for each of those steps and you can see the links to that in the description box so if you want to just go back and focus on one step you can if you want to clean up all three and then come back and put it together that's also a good idea as well now if you enjoy the music in this tutorial and you want to use it and download it and practice with it you could do that for free on my soundcloud page I have a link to it in the description box where I'll say music click on it and download if you are on soundcloud make sure to follow I will be putting out more music soon other than that guys you can see all of my social media links below my Instagram Facebook Twitter and snapchat so if you're on those platforms make sure to follow me there I do put different content on those channels as well I will see you guys next time with a new video [Music]
Channel: MihranTV
Views: 5,251,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Shuffle, Hip Hop Dance Moves, Dance Tutorial, How To, Shuffle, Shuffle Dance, Shuffle Tutorial, Shuffle Step, 3 basic shuffle steps, Hip Hop, Dance Moves, Tutorial, Hip Hop Dance Tutorial, Hip Hop Choreography, Hip Hop Tutorial, How to Dance Hip Hop, How to Dance, Dance Steps, Dance Class, Dance Lesson, Dance, Choreography, Moves, Steps, Class, Lesson, Step by Step, Instructions, Techniques, Footwork, Dancing, Break Down, For Beginners, Basics, Beginners, Mihran Kirakosian
Id: 29pQw2e1Ugg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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