How To DIY a Backyard Fire Pit | How To Anything

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[Music] hi I'm Ricky and you're watching Lowe's how to anything probably wondering what I'm doing with this big Stone where we are going to make a fire pit fire pits are a great way to socialize stay warm and yes they are an affordable easy DIY project so let's go prep our area location for your fire pit is very important I made sure I was at least 10 feet from any building I don't have any overhanging trees and we're not putting this thing in a roof structure so I took my hammer marked the center of my fire pit and now I measured out 23 inches which for this fire pit is the right distance to make a circle and place our bricks let's do some marking paint and then we'll dig [Music] and there you go a beautiful circle now what we need to do is dig two to three inches tap that down apply our paver base a little bit of water tap that down another layer of paver base and then we'll tap that down our last final one and that'll give us a nice smooth level surface for our blocks [Music] now that I'm at the surface I'm going to take this 2x4 and use it to smooth this whole area out before I check to make sure everything is level [Music] now that we have our base completed it's time to set our blocks we'll take these one at a time place them in the inside Perimeter and get it set in there with a mallet I'm tapping these on the sides to get them nice and close together now that we have our first row let's place the fire ring in the center see if we need to make any adjustments huh looks good let's keep going now when we do the second row we want to make sure we stagger the joints they have a nice beautiful look so now we've completed our second row but what we have to do now is remove two blocks at a time from that second row and apply our construction adhesive this is to ensure that the blocks don't go anywhere our third row is now finally complete we did the same as the second row we put the construction adhesive staggered the seams and we're ready to try the fire ring Perfect Fit we've got a fire pit well almost [Music] and there you go fire Pit's complete it's giving off some great warmth anything you need to build your own fire pit you can find at Lowes or and don't forget please like And subscribe and if you can comment and let us know what you want us to do our next video on in the meantime we'll see you next time and I'm gonna enjoy this marshmallow [Music] thank you
Channel: Lowe's Home Improvement
Views: 47,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how-to, how to, diy, lowe's, lowes, how to anything, how-to anything, how to build a backyard fire pit, diy fire pit, diy firepit, diy backyard fire pit, diy backyard firepit, how to diy a backyard fire pit, how to diy a backyard firepit, how to diy a fire pit, how to diy a firepit, fire pit, firepit, best backyard fire pit, best backyard firepit, best firepit, best fire pit, fire pit video, firepit video, fire pit instructional, how to design a fire pit, fire pit plans
Id: 8H4ftYLEcpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 48sec (228 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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