HOW TO DISGUISE UNDEREYE HOLLOWS | Over 50 (Actually, "Over 60"!)

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I have some pretty serious tear troughs or under eye Hollows and I want to show you how I correct them now in this video I'm going to show you two different ways using one product one uses a little bit less of the product and one uses more of the product on each eye and then we'll also check out how it looks later in the day [Music] hi I'm Lori B and this is Glory Be TV a Lifestyle Channel for mature women who want to look fabulous feel amazing and age gracefully I'm 62 years old now and my under eye tear toss or under eye Hollows are not going away if anything I think they get worse as we age so mine actually goes in I don't have a puffiness I have it goes in and I have no plans to go to any doctor to fix that so it's expensive and I'm not doing that so I do it with makeup so in the next clip we'll start with the on camera tutorial demo showing how I do it and let's get right to it I'm ready to use my corrector I use the pixie correction concentrate now um this one only comes in two colors however pixie is one tenth of an ounce that's how much is in here for twelve dollars unfortunately I haven't been able to find it at Target a lot of times they're just out of it and Ulta started carrying pixie but they don't carry this and I have messaged them about that but I found out that pixie when you order from the company pixie they have free shipping on 25 or more which is great so I ordered two of these and one of their lip icings their lip icings are so nice you can wear them by themselves it's a lip gloss with some Shimmer to it or you can wear it on top of a lipstick it's gorgeous and that was my 25 now Bobby Brown also makes a corrector it comes in a lot more colors however it's half as much product it's .05 of an ounce for 32 dollars so it's half as much product for more than twice the price so I think this one is good I get it in the brightening Peach which is the lighter of the two colors and then there's a darker color so go online and check out the two colors I have Links of course in the description box I'm going to tell you now if you don't know how to open the description box I totally understand it especially on a phone so if you're watching on a phone or a mobile device you go below the video and on the right side there's a little V tap Little V it opens up the description box and everything that I'm talking about today all link style products and other things that I want to share with you are down there if you're watching on a computer go below the video on the left side you'll see the word show more click those words show more and that opens the description box and everything is there so you definitely want to check out the products I'm talking about and then all the other things I'm wearing my my face later those are in there too under what else I'm wearing now another YouTuber applies this to her eyes not using our regular concealer brush I use this elf concealer brush it only costs a couple dollars it's really cheap and it works really well however she uses just an eyeliner brush just a small any eyeliner brush you want so I'm going to use the eyeliner brush method on this eye so that's on your left I believe and on my right and she only applies a little bit and then we'll smooth it out with this one then I'll apply to this eye using my regular method but I also want to put on some other face makeup in front of you so that you can see what it looks like and then off camera I'll put off on the rest of my makeup and then later in the day I want to see how both of these under eyes look so you see that I have these troughs my tear troughs which I've shown a couple other videos but they're not getting better I'm 62 years old now so yeah they're not getting better so I try to disguise them and um today I'm also going to brighten that area because usually I wasn't doing that but I'm doing that a little bit now because I found a concealer to put on top of the foundation that I like better and then I have a way to set it so let's get started with this I'm just going to put a little bit of the product on the brush and I'm just going to put it like one line you see that one line there and then I'm going to dab some of it in the center Corner because I have darkness in that inner Corner as well and then I'm going to take the elf brush and just feather it in to the area hmm okay so that's very little product on that side but it already looks better now for the other side I'm just going to use this brush I'll probably be putting a lot more product but again we see it's the finished look when I'm out and about in public or doing videos it's the finished looks that people will see not how it looks in the middle so here I'm just putting it into this area and I actually use I actually use my finger usually my ring finger and the warmth of my finger actually my fingers cold because it's cold today where I live and um just Pat that in and then I can take the extra because I have some discolorations and where I have these little discolorations I can just dab a little bit of this corrector I was a freckle face kid and I can just dab on the corrector and then smooth it with my finger now of course I'm going to be putting foundation on top of this and um I have a lot of Foundations which you know more recently I was doing Foundation comparison videos with two or three foundations per video and I'll link to that playlist so if there are any brands that you wanted to see how they looked on my face you can check that out now the thing is most of those were full coverage but I chose a foundation to put on today that is more of a medium coverage and that is by a brand most of you haven't heard of but I I wear it a lot and that's emlin they don't really work with social media influencers so that's why you haven't heard of them but they've been around a long time and instead of applying it and then to my face and then putting it on with a brush that I use I'm going to use a damp Beauty blender this is stamped still from yesterday from washing it so I have the color this one is the second color that they have the burnish fawn I have some Tanner on my face I should do another updated video on my Clarins face Tanner because it's really nice and this is the travel bottle it usually it comes in a one ounce glass bottle with a paddle which I love but this I got as a promotional piece I do end up using more when I apply it with a sponge because I'm never sure how much to put on the back of my hand so I'm just going to dab this in there and then get my close-up mirror and what I'm going to do is speed up the video now when I'm doing the rest of my makeup later and I'm in a makeup mirror that I can see a little better I'm going to feather out some of these edges but of course what I'm most interested in is what's going on under here because the whole idea of the corrector under the foundation and doing all this is that when looking at me that you don't see those tear troughs like without makeup okay so that's Foundation next I'm going to put on the tarte um double duty shape tape and this is going to the color 20b now some people apply this to the back of their hand too I'm not going to do that I'm going to put little dots directly under my eye and then that inner corner all right and then I'm going to take another damp sponge and just I mean and this is damp from yesterday for me I don't like a really wet sponge even if I roll it in a towel so I washed it yesterday after doing this and I found it cleans better with a solid bar of soap then liquid soap and then I wring it out really well and then roll it in the towel okay this is a challenge for me to see okay so I brighten up that area a little bit but before I set it I'm going to do two things just so it has a little time to do its own setting and I'm going to do some contouring I'm using the Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour stick in mink and I'm going to put a little line here just a few oh I see some spots here and my lighting do a little of it there and two lines here and then I have a flat ecotools brush I like to do that jawline there we go and then for one highlighting this is my other emlin product this is their under eye cover cream but I don't use it for that anymore now in my mirror I place it along the sides of my nose as a highlighter foreign do every day sometimes I will use it at the top of my cheekbone especially if I'm not doing the highlighter under my eye and I take another ecotools flat brush and blend that out now I'm ready to set that under eye this is a little trick I picked up a while ago I start with a makeup setting spray this is the Urban Decay all-nighter actually I need to clean the back of my hand first I'm going to spray the back of my hand and clean it because I need the back of my hand again where I'm going to spray this lightly take my ring finger and I'm just going to tap the under eye area lightly and take a little bit more tip the other eye and I keep tapping until it's fairly dry and next I'm taking a translucent powder I like a pressed powder but you can use a loose right now I have the it bye bye pores translucent this one's a little more expensive I also like the Nyx translucent and I'm just taking another after elf brush pinches lightly tamping into it of course I'm not looking at a mirror but I need to do that I need to look in a mirror as I do this and a really close-up mirror is good for me 10x Okay so I'm gonna get really close to the camera so you can see my under eyes really close up all right now I have a couple other things that I want to apply to my face before I go off camera and that is a little bit of pressed powder because I'm going to be putting on Powder blush and when I'm in camera this part looks shiny so I'm going to take I just use Rimmel stay matte I don't need a lot of powder so I don't spend a lot of money on powder I'm gonna just do my cheeks a little bit go down my nose since I'm wearing pink today I'll do a pink blush I'm using the MAC blush baby color and whenever I put blush on it looks normal in person but on the camera it looks like way too much so I'll do and I am trying to match okay and then I got rid of my big so I'm going to correct some of this off camera I'm gonna put on my eye makeup and do my hair and I'll be right back this is the finished look I told you I was going to put on some of my Pixie lip icing this is in the color cookie on top of my lipstick colors and yeah it just gives it that little nice pop okay so now looking at my tear troughs these under eye Hollows if I put my head down you can't see it as much as you did before I put makeup on so it does look better I want to get one close-up with the camera instead of doing the edit in my video editor so here's closer and if I look at you this way that's when you can really see the hollows looking down or put it tilting my head down and looking up so that's close up in the next clip we're going to look at my skin close up later in the day just to see how it's looking now remember this is the side where I used the very small brush and then patted it in and this is where I use the normal concealer brush and put on more of the corrector product it's about 4 30 and I'm staying in front of a window and the light is bouncing off the house next door so I get good Sun good light I don't like my nose I don't like how my nose looks in my iPhone so but you can see my under eyes all right so this is the eye where I did the smaller amount of product with the eyeliner brush this is the eye where I use the elf concealer brush to apply the product now what do you see and I'll put my head down too because that's where you can really see tear troughs with no makeup on but with makeup on okay do you see any difference it's a little brighter if I go this way okay in my studio room so you know you be the judge um does it look good and is there a difference between the two methods but this is a really either one is a good method and a good product to use to do this and it has to be a corrector that you use under your foundation even if you're going to use concealer after so that's how I get rid of my tear troughs my under eye Hollows now which did you like better on me did you like this particular eye where I put less product on with the eyeliner brush or did you like this side where I put more product on so let me know in the comments below and then go try it yourself try either the pixie under eye corrector or the Bobbi Brown or if you find something else that you like better try it with a smaller brush the larger brush and then come back and write a comment and tell me what worked for you and then go check out one of my other videos I'll even link uh one of my at least one of my Foundation videos on the right side of your screen plus another video you can just tap it or click it to watch that one and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: GloryB-TV
Views: 114,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: women over 50, women over 60, anti aging tips, disguise undereye, hollows, concealer, how to conceal undereyes, mature eyes, eye bags, puffy undereyes, eye hollows, bobbi brown, bobbi brown concealer, sisley, sisley concealer, anne p makeup and more, annep makeup and more, mature skin, over 50, antiaging, luxury makeup, viral makeup tips, beauty expert, dark circles, under eye dark circles, beautygbtv1, dark circles under eyes
Id: 5kR6fNzF8LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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