How to Design a Dark Theme Using Material (Google I/O'19)

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[GOOGLE LOGO MUSIC] JAVIER LOPEZ: Today I will be talking to you guys about designing a dark theme using material design. A dark theme is a low light UI that displays mostly dark surfaces with accents and colors on top of it. We have heard a number of you guys request a dark theme approach from us, and we've heard it. So that's why we have put out some guidance. But let me start with our beginnings. In 2014, we launched material design. Material design of a system for creating bold, beautiful, consistent digital products. You guys may have heard some of our talks earlier, there was plenty of talk about teaming, theming, so I apologize if some of the content that I'm going to talk about up front may seem a little bit repetitive, but I really think it would be helpful for us to talk about some of the foundations and principles that we saw in material design that would have helped us get to where we are today. I picked a few of them. First, we [INAUDIBLE] paper. With material design, we wanted to create a UI that was familiar to the user. So we wanted to build on this metaphor of using paper, and taking visual cues from the physical world in order to bring them to the digital side. In here, I'm actually displaying the use of shadows and elevation. Using those same concepts, we have created a spatial model that allows users to find components in consistent spaces. What this means is that this dimensionality affords users interactions. In the elevation model, every component has a spot, and it is a consistent spot. Our stylistic choices are also used to create hierarchy and emphasis, giving clear signals to users as to what to see, how to guide them through the UI, and how to move forward from one screen to the next. We were glad to see how people have used material design. It unified millions of applications out there in the world, and it created a consistent experience on Android, IOS, and web. That consistency was great for usability. Users knew how to use user interfaces in different platforms. However, there were a few problems. Here we have Gmail on the left, and we have a third party mail app on the right. I believe that the similarities are super clear and, that was a problem. Users, especially teams that were implementing material design, felt like they couldn't go beyond the aesthetic or the interaction choices that we were making with Gmail. So that sent us back to the drawing board. It was exciting to think through this problem. How might we allow for brand expression by building on the usability of material? In 2017, we introduced material theming. Material theming is built on a foundation of material design, and it gives you the control that you need in order to express your brand through UI. Material theming is about the sum of small, customized components that add up to deliver a branded and thoughtful experience. It is about injecting brand in the UI, as opposed to just slapping a logo on top of it. By adjusting different systems inside of material, brands can utilize color, shape, typography, and other systems to build expressive components that resonate with their users. That brings me to do today's topic, Dark theme, one of the most requested features over the past year. We have been working in collaboration with the Android team to create an approach, to create a dark theme. A dark theme, like I said, is a low light UI that occupies the majority of the space with dark surfaces, and uses color as an accent throughout. Dark themes also reduce the luminescence emitted by the screen devices, while still meeting minimum color requirements in order to improve visual ergonomics. It also reduces eye strain. In products that required efficiency, such as OLED screens, dark theme actually conserves battery. By turning a pixel completely off, we actually use less energy. We also accommodate existing dark theme users, such as those with low visibility, by meeting accessibility color contrast standards. We also apply limited color actions in the UI. So the majority of the space is actually dedicated to dark surfaces. In dark theme, we conserve energy, we enhance accessibility, and we use color as an accent. Using these principles, with a fine material design, dark themes by the following properties. First, contrast. We need to make sure that the surface color that we're using is contrastful enough to the content that appears on top of it. Color type colored iconography. Depth. At higher levels of elevation, surfaces become lighter. A little bit more following this. Desaturation. We desaturate our primary colors in order for them to be contrastful enough against the dark surface, and we reduce the amount of use that we have for that color in the UI. Those properties give us a really good set of constraints for working. As many of the designers in the room may know, constraints are actually super helpful for knowing how to play, and how to build your different concepts. As you know, material is comprised of multiple systems that work together in order to make a UI. We were able to adjust two of those systems in order to create a dark theme. We also were able to leave the other systems intact. I would like to walk you through what we did on the two. I'm going to start today with elevation. In light mode, we use shadows to express elevation. The higher surface gets, the wider of a shadow it casts. In dark theme, the same approach wouldn't work. It's hard to see a shadow against a dark background. In addition to using a shadow in dark theme, we illuminate the surface of each level at a rate that's closest to the implied light source. The higher surface's elevation, the lighter that surface becomes. That is expressed through the application of a same eye transparent overlay over our component surface. The surface overlay values are designed to maximize legibility, while ensuring that different elevations levels are discernible from one another. Here, I'm actually depicting all the different elevations that we have in our elevation system with the different values for the transparent overlays. Overlays also add contrast between surfaces and their shadows, making the edges of each component more discernible and readable. The elevation of overlays are also not applied to colored components. Here, I wanted to show you an example of what a top up bar looks like next to a card. A top up bar actually has a higher elevation than a card. The difference is actually seamless, and helps us see enough difference between the two components, while still continuing to keep a consistent experience throughout the UI. In comparison, a light theme relies on shadows, while a dark theme relies on both a shadow and a semi transparent overlay to express elevation. I'm going to move to color. At the risk of stating the obvious, we know that inverting colors would not be enough, right? Yes, it works for black and white, no, it doesn't work for your primary color. Instead, using the material tool color palette generator, we're able to generate a tonal palette for any brand color. That translates into a set of different choices, so you can pick a desaturated tone of your same primary. In dark theme, we recommend that you keep your choices between 50% of the 200 level in order for that color to be contrastful enough against a surface background. That was not enough. We also needed to consider strategically, how do we deploy color in dark theme? It is not enough for us to just be able to say, hey, desaturate all the colors and continue to do the same thing in a dark theme. We also needed to think a little bit farther about, what is it that we do with this color. A dark theme should avoid using a saturated color, as it does impact accessibility standards, but it also vibrates against the dark background, right? Here, I have an example of the primary coming from our light theme against the dark background, and it's really hard to see. It also induces eye strain. Instead, by having a desaturated color as an alternative, material design dark theme allows for this color to be noticeable enough against a dark background, and also can serve as an accent throughout the UI. One of the most important relationships in the color system is that of the container color versus the un-container color. What do I mean by that? If you have an application that is using white as a container as a color container for something such as a card, you need an on surface color for it. That's what you use to place your text, your icons on top of it. That works very well on light theme. We pick a white and we pick a black. However, when we pick a primary, it's a little bit of a different thing. Right? Our primary needs to also take into account what color would live on top of it. If we have a button that may have a primary color, such as a purple, we need to figure out what colored icons should be on top of it in order to meet to be contrastful enough and meet accessibility standards. In our case, we actually picked a white. In dark theme, inverting doesn't really quite work, right? On certain the surface case, yeah, it's an easy one. We make our surface dark, and we make our un-surface white. However, the primary color, remember, has been desaturated. So applying the same white color that we had before wouldn't necessarily work. Instead, we actually pick a dark color to live on top of that desaturated color. The translation of that is that, at a component level, the color relationship adjustment let us ensure that text can remain legible, and meeting WCAG's-- meeting contrast ratio standards on both light and dark theme. Here's a comparison of both a button on light and dark theme. In comparison, a color scheme in dark theme would not just be a one to one translation of a light theme. It also minimizes the amount of slots that we have. Like I said earlier, with an adjusted color scheme, also came a change in our strategic approach to the use of color. Here, we have also thought through the mappings of these colors to different components. To give you an example, in a top up bar, in light mode, we would actually use our primary as a container color, instead, in dark theme, we actually rely on the surface color in order to be the container color. Those default mappings have already been changed, so you wouldn't have to do that work yourself, it would just happen automatically. We also had to consider the implications of these changes to the state system. States visually communicate the status of a component or interactive element through the use of overlays. In dark theme, we keep those same values, but we leave them flexible enough so you can change them in order to meet accessibility standards. A dark theme also uses dark gray rather than black, and I know that this has been at a point of contention in different approaches. We actually decided to go with a gray color. Reason being, the dark gray surfaces can express a wider range of color, elevation, and depth because it is easier to see a shadow on top of a gray color, instead of a black color. Dark gray surfaces also reduce eye strain, as light text on dark gray surfaces have less contrast than light text on a black surface. Surface color needs to be dark enough in order to accommodate other UI colors and make them legible on elevation surfaces. I'm going to walk you through the process of how we tested these changes. In order to meet AA standards, it is recommended that we meet at least 4.5 to 1 contrast ratios between the surface and the content that lays on top of it. In material, we also rely on transparencies to communicate elevation in typography and iconography. This approach allows us to simplify color choices, and we didn't really want to compromise that. In dark theme, we also needed to take into account the difference in elevated surfaces. As surfaces actually become higher, there's a subtle difference in color. So we also needed to make sure that we thought through all those details in order for them to be accessible. We needed to find a greater contrast ratio than that require a AA standard. Because the contrast ratio actually decreases as you go higher up in elevation. Thanks a lot, elevation system. That's how we arrive to this number. 15.8 to 1. Through testing multiple colors, we'd realize that, in order to call a surface color dark enough, we needed to meet a contrast ratio of 15.8 to 1 between the surface color and the white text on top of it in order for this to accommodate for the threshold that changes through elevation. Testing that was very fun. This is actually a screenshot of my colleagues artboard. We did extensive testing on what is this threshold. But we felt that it was very important, because it really allowed us to arrive to the next part. What if you don't like our gray? Right. You can still customize it. So our approach is to take the primary, the desaturated primary, use it as an overlay on top of the gray that we provide, and it just gives you the subtle hint of color that would feel more harmonious with the rest of the application. Using that new dark primary and our newly minted 15.8 to one contrast ratio, we recommend that you run the same text on large and normal text. Make sure that white text meets or exceeds AA contrast ratios on all elevation levels. Here, I took the lowest elevation and the highest elevation in order for us to do the testing. The result is a surface color that can feel more harmonious with the rest of the UI and other color elements that may appear. As you probably know by now, our team is actually obsessed with testing our own guidelines. What a better way to do that than go back to our own case studies? That's how we came up with them. It was a way for us to test our theming. And we decided to go and take it for a spin. We set out to create a set of dark themes for each one of our case studies in order to test our guidelines. I'm going to walk you through one of them. I'm going to walk you through Owl. Owl is an educational app that provides courses for people who want to explore and learn new skills in design art, architecture, and fashion. Owl's design is bold in its use of color, shape, and typography in order to express its brand. Owl is divided in three sections. Learn, browse, and personalize. Today, in the interest of time, I'm going to walk you through one of these themes, learn, in order to show you what we did. As you know, a dark theme fills the UI with a dark surface color, and uses color as an accent. Owl was tricky. It was already colorful enough. Making it gray would not have worked. So we needed to preserve the boldness of the color expression. First things first. We needed to find a less saturated version of each brand color. Using our tonal palettes, we were able to move to find an alternative at the 200 level in order to preserve a little bit of the boldness of the color. Second, using our desaturated primary, we were able to figure out a new dark primary. Using that dark primary, we were able to generate different elevation levels to use in the app. Running it through the same text also allowed us to meet accessibility standards on both the lowest and the highest elevation. The updated dark primary also preserved some of the brand expression that the app already had, while being more harmonious with other elements in the screen. We also use a desaturated primary for UI, but, however, we retained the light themes primary in order to preserve key branded components. We limited the use to one or two branded elements that highly correlate to the brand. Here's where we landed. A dark theme that applies color strategically and remains bold in its aesthetic. All of these findings would not work unless we make it work for Google. In collaboration with multiple Google teams, we were able to generate a Google material theme which has been adopted widely. You may have already seen it in your own products. We needed to create a supplemental dark theme for the Google material theme, while meeting functional and experiential requirements that are already ubiquitous to the brand. First, Google material uses a gray from our own palette as a background. Using gray reduces the amount of high intensity contrast elements like text and icons on top of the color. Using dark gray surfaces also displays a wider range of color and elevation than that of a black color. It also makes shadows easier to see. In dark theme, Google's materials color palette desaturates our primary colors while still allowing the same amount of breadth of use coming from the palette against a dark background. It focuses on extending the UI. By desaturating our primary colors, we are able to still have a UI color that works for the majority of the application, and we were also able to keep our highly branded elements that correlate to the brand in the same colors that they had before. We also decided to move the Google color and the Google lookup from using the four colors that we are known for, to use only using one against the dark background. There are multiple strategies that our teams have adopted in order to implement dark theme. I want to take a moment to highlight a few of them. I'm going to start with Google Photos. As you may know, photos automatically organizes all your photos and makes them as accessible on multiple platforms. In light mode, photos builds from white. By building from white, they also are able to use a primary color as an accent throughout the application. It was important for us to preserve the same experience in a dark theme. And, also, it was very important to leave photography intact. We didn't really want to mess with user generated photography. Here are a few highlights of what we did. First, we use a dark gray as a background. Second, we elevate different components. In this case, the search bar is a little bit higher with a white overlay so it stands out a little bit more against the background. Third, we actually move our lockup to just using a monochromatic white. By using a dark surface color, we are able to differentiate other components against it. Again, you can see elevated compounds above it, you can also see other actions that relate better to this gray color. The app keeps the application of this UI color intact. And what do I mean by that? In a light theme, you may use a blue color as the primary accent, so that means that your buttons may actually bring that blue into the fill button, as well as an outline button. We didn't really want to mess with that relationship. So, by desaturating the colors, we're able to preserve everything in the same way just by making one color change. With that desaturation logic, we were also able to introduce other colors into the theme. In this case, adding a red color for badging just felt right at home next to the blue that was already present. The photo team worked around constantly on making different iterations for this. They also are working with content that is changing all the time. Your photos, my photos are uploaded into an application, so every experience is different. Their implementation of dark theme really highlights the hero of the app-- our photos, and by making them feel more like a virtual gallery. Speaking of cool images, the Google team also worked hard on implementing a dark theme, and I've been very excited to see what they have come up with. One of the things that I wanted to highlight today is how they figure out an approach for turning illustrations from light to dark theme. I know it's kind of a tricky subject already, because illustration is a tricky element for a systems designer. A good illustration is already independent and has a lot of expression when it's done well, and it captures the audience's attention while telling complex stories in a very simple way. Needless to say, adopting an illustration from dark theme cannot just be an automatic switch of colors. We wanted to preserve the artistic integrity of an illustrator's work, and give them a set of tools to use when creating an alternative for a dark theme. Let me show you what we did. Again, I'm going to start back in color. In dark theme, we wanted to remain flexible with the use of color, so we provided our illustrators with a desaturated side of the palette. And, with that, we started to work. So here we have a Hira illustration. As you know, a Hira illustration has a background in a subject. Both of those have different approaches for dark theme. I'm going to start with the background. On the left side, you can see a background that is coming from a light theme. Colors are saturated already, so they start to vibrate and they're hard to tell against a dark surface. Making those same colors darker is not enough. We are losing a little bit of detail on the example on the left. Instead, color shift to grayscale, and we shift the lightest tone into its darkest count gray counterpart in order to avoid the stark contrast. Let's move on to the subject. A subject instead needs to remain the focus of attention in an illustration, and in order for us to turn it from a light to a dark theme, we use a desaturated set of colors in order to color the subject. We also alter different elements of the illustration to set up context in order to surface moments of the light. Notice the light coming out of the lamp on the left example. The result is an illustration that can be placed on a dark surface, retaining important communication elements like highlighting. The subject of the main point of focus, and allowing the background to provide context. The app also has feature icons or monotone illustrations. These illustrations were already using a desaturated side of the palette. So we really didn't need to do much there. We did some small tweaking in making some of the colors fall in line within the range of the desaturated colors, but other than that, they worked great. And they can still stand out against the dark surface. Speaking of color, let's talk about Google Calendar. In Calendar, our users rely on color quite a bit, and for many different reasons, right? So users actually use color to differentiate between multiple calendars. They also use it to differentiate different events. They may even go into a light or a dark theme at different times in the day in multiple occasions. So changing color was not an easy thing. You're already Messing with a system that has a lot of meaning inside of the application. Needless to say, colors are actually perceived differently depending on their background. Something stands out against a light background feels different than a dark background. The calendar team created a systematic approach to desaturate user generated colors by keeping the color saturation and brightness to a shorter threshold. All of these, while ensuring the appropriate contrast and both light and dark theme. It's very hard to notice the difference in these two colors, but it goes a long way to help ensure the text is readable against a color background in a dark theme. Yet, the adjustment of all these user generated colors that fit harmoniously also needed to fit with other primary colors. In this case, we know that desaturated blue coming for from the Google material palette needed to also fit with these user generated colors. Needless to say, these colors also need to work in elevated surfaces. It's not only a matter of placing it at the lowest elevation, but also placing it at the highest. So here I highlighted a couple of examples of the primary blue being used for something like highlighting the day, and the user generated colors to showcase tips or badges on the left side. And one more thing. That Google branded fab keeps the regular Google colors, and it feels right at home. Feels like a brand in there. The calendar team also implemented a very thoughtful approach for color on typography, the use of dark gray helps make light gray text readable against it. It also showcases a lot of emphasis and hierarchy. The result is that is an app that uses color in a strategic, expressive, and functional way. Speaking of functional, you guys may have seen a little bit about Android Auto, and, if you haven't, I encourage you to check out Tuesday session, "What's New on Android for Cars." Android Auto was designed with safety in mind. It has a different set of constraints, but one of the things that really stood out to me is that they design with larger touch targets in mind. Also, they need to simplify the interface in order to minimize distraction. Android Auto appears on all the displays inside cars, and these displays have the capability of turning pixels off. That means that you're saving more battery, you're reducing the luminescence. It also uses dark theme in both day and night. One more thing is that the car's physical conditions changes throughout the day. You may be driving today in a very sunny day, you may be driving tomorrow in a very rainy one, and the lighting conditions change. Also, car makers tend to use a lot of dark colors already in their dashboards, in their screens, and their accents. So we need to consider this case very carefully and figure out an appropriate approach for it. The first thing that we did is, the foundation of the Android Auto Color strategy is building from black. The team also adjusts the primary desaturated color to work appropriately for light and dark physical conditions. Remember the physical condition that I told you earlier. If we have a very sunny day, that light is really going to change the saturation of your color. So altering that color was very key. The team did a set of many tests in order to figure out what was the right hue for that blue. They also implemented the elevation system with small tweaks. In order to make elevated surfaces stand out against this black background, and also to minimize distraction. Basing the interface colors on black makes for a more consistent user experience for Android Auto, and the drastic changes of lighting between night and day. In summary, material design dark theme is defined by three things. Building from a dark color, ensuring that color has enough contrast between light and dark, creating depth by displaying a lighter surface color as the cost components move higher in elevation, and third, desaturating color and using it as an accent throughout the UI. That brings me to the last part of my talk. Resources. We have prepared a sketch sticker sheet for Android devices following our Android Q support, and you can find it on We have also set up a design lab here at IO, so you're welcome to go ahead and try it and take it for a spin. Tell us why do you think. And we have also set up a project to help you get started creating a dark theme for Android. So, if you have Android Studio or you are a developer yourself for Android, you are able to download this code base today and take it for a spin. If you guys have any questions, I'm going to go hang out of the material design sandbox right after this talk, so please free to stop by and chat. That's it for me. [GOOGLE LOGO MUSIC]
Channel: Google Design
Views: 46,854
Rating: 4.8954606 out of 5
Keywords: type: Conference Talk (Full production);, pr_pr: Google I/O, purpose: Educate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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