How To Derestrict Bosch Smart System EMTB's

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good day and welcome to epbx today we're going to show you how to unlock the Bosch smart system with an e+ tuning chip this Chip's compatible with bikes with the Bosch smart system and the speed sensor mounted in your rear disc brake you can look at the the disc rotor and you'll see a little magnet there that shows you that that your model has the speed sensor in the dis uh if you have the rim Lock speed sensor which is Loc ated on the rim where you inflate the tire then a different chip is required and that's a more difficult process that we may tackle in a future video so let's get started and we'll show you how to unlock your BOS smart system bike all right first thing we're going to do is remove the crank arm here so we can get access to this plastic cover we'll need a crank tool to do this so we're going to thread that in all right next we're going to take out these three little screws here now we'll remove the plastic cover now we have access to the motor plugs all right the plugs are a little trickier than previous Motors so to get easy access we're going to take off this bash guard as well we're going to start with these two Allen keys then we're going to move around to the back where there's another two LM Cas there we go all right here's the e+ smart system chip that we're going to install so this chip will unlock the speed limit also allow customization via the e+ tuning app so the first thing we're going to do is remove these two motor plugs start with the bottom one so you can see here we've got white on the top we've got a flat Edge in line with that white and then four little pins so if we get the e+ connector and we find the one here that has four little pins inside then you'll notice we got a white mark on the top of it so that is to line up with this white Mark here can double check by looking inside and you'll be able to see where the flat Edge is inside the plug you want to just carefully clip that in there like that you want to make sure you check this so that you don't bend any of the pins inside these connectors by trying to put it in the wrong way next we'll get the top plug this is a gray plug it's got a raise rectangle here at the top so we're going to use that as our alignment with the white dot on this plug this is just a two pin plug it's got two big holes and two little holes and on the e+ connector that's just two pins so you'll feel just a gentle click when you connect those plugs all right so we've got the two connectors on the e+ chip here here to plug back in where the motor plugs were so we're going to start with this one here with the flat Edge the four pins so that one goes in the top clip the clip closest to the crank um if you face that white bit up towards your seat put that in it should slide in and then you've got to push it and you'll get a nice clip in the other plug the same we've got a white mark on it we're going to face towards the bottom of your seat you get a nice click when it's in correctly now we've got to tuck away all our cables and put the bash guard back on in this case I think I'm going to go over the middle of the motor and under this side of the cover all right we can see the e+ connectors for the chip there we're going to tuck this plastic guard in at the bottom here and start putting it in [Music] final step we'll put the crank arm back on now we'll show you how to activate the chip using the app first thing we're going to do is turn on the bike then we're going to go to our phone and open the e+ tuning app once the bike's on we're going to click scan to look for the chip now we can see the chips popped up we're going to click on that and you'll see the details of the chip start to load you'll see the firmware version whether it's Advanced or standard wheel circumference and whether you want it unlocked when you turn the bike on or not click to the racing tab we can now use speed unlock this is how we activate the chip so now the speed is unlocked to 50 we can change that to 35 50 or 75 it's necessary to use the race mapping if you want it set to 75 so if we go to the tuning page now we can see the bike is in race mode these e+ mappings allow you to change how the power is applied over each of the standard Bosch modes uh in a different way so race is the most powerful mode and then some of the other modes have different mappings that you can try as well or you're welcome to create your own user mapping as well so here you can adjust the output at each speed set here which will change how the bike feels to ride at those speeds all right with the e+ app on the bars you can have correct speed on this B display your speed will be about half of your actual speed all right thanks for watching now that you've got the chip installed you can enjoy your bike to its full potential without that limit holding you back if you like these videos please consider liking and subscribing to our Channel and leaving any comments that you may have or questions thank [Music] you
Channel: Epic eBikes
Views: 15,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 63FkNNS2VkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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