How to delineate a watershed in Google Earth?

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hello and welcome and in this video you'll learn how to delineate a watershed in google earth as you're watching this video the first thing you'll need to do is download google earth pro you can do this at earth and versions and please note when you download it and you open the file it should look like the image please pause the video and do so next you want to be able to bring in the usgs topography into google earth you can do this at topomaps and i've highlighted in yellow that button you will push when you reach it it says view within google earth when you pick this it will ask you to open up directly in google earth or save just open it up directly in google earth and when you've done that you should be able to see the following inside of google earth it will be highlighted in the as i shown in yellow where it says google earth so now let's go to google earth and try and delineate burbank canyon bourbon canyon we delineate by hand so first what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to create strings so we're going to use the line feature we're going to call it streams next we can change the color let's make it blue and maybe make it too thick so we can see it and now we can draw and highlight bourbon canyon just like we did by hand you cannot just keep on drawing more and more lines if you want to draw another line you need to create a tributary so we'll call this t1 and we'll start drawing a tributary still same blue color and draw a tributary so we can do this all throughout this watershed to help us visually see the watershed you could also draw high points if you need them next we want to do the boundaries so we're going to use the polygon feature and this is going to be our watershed boundary this time we're going to delineate it in a different color to make it easier so let's make it red red is brighter easy to see and let's make it thick again just like before where it's two you also want to make sure you only have an outline the color will make a block in our system so make sure you have it outlined and then we can start drawing and you can see i know burping canyon relatively well we've been delineating it in class i've done it in the video so i can do this relatively quickly however i can make lots of mistakes and so it could be beneficial for you to create some polylines or straight lines and then do the polygon after you've seen everything kind of like you were doing it manually it'll be much easier it's harder to make corrections but it is doable to correct inside of googler inside of google earth but once you've done you'll be able to create a closed loop around burbank canyon as shown and now once you have a closed you can actually find out the various attributes so you can actually figure out how large it is how many square miles how many acres the watershed is so in this case the watersheds 171 acres so now you know how to do the watershed delineation using google earth and feel free to test it out for the weekend video watching if you have any questions please shoot me an email
Channel: CPPCivilEngLibrary
Views: 2,620
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Google Earth, Topo, Topography, Watershed, Delineation, Area
Id: h84lBk9vF20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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