How To DELETE Your Online Identity | Go Incognito 2.4

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now that we've cleaned up our local identities it's time to move over to the Internet so far everything leading up to this point has been pretty straightforward and simple to do this is going to be the first lesson where many of you are going to find your limits erasing your online identity is very tough and many of your accounts you've been using most likely for a good part of your life and some of you may use them every day so yes this is the true beginning of a clean slate let's start with a wake [Music] thanks for watching go incognito by far the best way you can support the course is by sharing it with your friends and family word of mouth is the best way to not only spread the course but the message is it fights for for the support methods visit the course support page on tech Lord tech that is all and enjoy the lesson the first thing I want you to do is log into your main email and search sign up in the search bar to get an unofficial list of emails you sign up for you should also search verified as well it might shock you to see how many services have your personal information if one of these services experiences a breach most of your other accounts will also be exposed assuming you supply similar or even the same information the sheer amount of services we mindlessly sign up for it can be pretty insane next if you have a Google account go to Google's my activity page and browse through all of the information collected by Google this can be very unsettling for me it was the recordings of every time I said ok Google that freaked me out next let's go to a good friend I want you to type in your email address that's it it's not uncommon to find a random websites where people post your email with the password to get into an account right there from the search engine this comes from hex and/or leaks and this is how a lot of people are able to get into unprotected accounts you can also search your full name phone number and other personal details to see if your info is out there after that go to have I've been pwned and type in your email address to see if any of your information has been leaked from data breaches more than likely you're going to find some stuff you don't want to see if there's nothing then Congrats you haven't suffered a leak with that email lastly go to pipl comm and type your name here to see if your personal profile is available for anybody to view a lot of you will have a profile here there's also anywho calm which has a reverse phone lookup I you try out these are just a few of the dozens of people searching websites out there after doing all of that my hope is that you'll at least see the potential risks in blatantly signing up for services with your personal information now you might be asking higher information gets on these websites well a lot of it comes from online services you sign up for who sell your data post offices and other agencies could also be responsible and we'll cover that in Section six the goal is to configure your browsing habits so this is unlikely to ever happen again which we will cover later in the course but for now let's work on removing what's already online [Music] remember that search you did within your email well for every service you signed up for that you no longer need go to that services website login and find a place to delete your account before you delete the account though I'd recommend faking any personal information since we don't know if services are actually going to delete your data from their servers and this could one day be breached and released publicly now yes faking personal information is totally legal as long as you're not using it for fraud or illegal activities you can fake information by changing the email to a randomly generated one on ten male org changing your phone number to one on free phone number teaching your password to something random that you'll never remember again and removing any personally identifiable information about yourself some services are freakin stubborn and won't alights delete an account first try searching on Google the services name followed by delete account a lot of times you'll find instructions there there is in fact no way to delete an account which does happen just falsify your information email and password and never touch the account again deceit dummy offers a convenient service that scans your emails for any accounts you opened which is really nice but keep in mind you are handing over all of your information to another company so I would not wreck going this route if possible if you're trying to delete an email account I would recommend deleting all your emails and flooding the email account with mail bottles to spam the inbox with random information to help clear out any of your personal data another good resource to spark your memory for rogue accounts is just elite me XYZ which has a list of different services that may help you remember I also like using this as a resource before creating accounts to see how difficult it is deleted down the road if something is too difficult to delete I just won't open the account now I know how difficult it is to entirely delete some accounts so what if you aren't comfortable deleting a service you still want to keep first if it's something you use consistently make sure you're utilizing privacy settings and giving the least amount of personal information possible if you aren't deleting the service because you have some form of data on there and you don't want deleted like maybe a cloud storage service see if you can move that data to an external hard drive or any other local type of storage so you can finally delete that account and still keep your data next up is Google's my activity page go to delete activity by select all time and all products then go to activity controls and turn everything off to stop this data collection if you're looking to go to the next level and advise the leading google altogether this is very tough to do but for those of you who really value privacy this is a necessary step I've put together a video breaking down the entire journey as for alternatives for individual Google services these will all be discussed throughout the course like safe messaging platforms cloud storage emails etc [Music] moving on if you've found anything exposing your real email password or any other information about you in a Google search or have I been pwned then you've got a problem do not ignore this you must immediately change your passwords on these accounts immediately don't forget about your other accounts which you may use the same password alternatively you can shut these accounts down altogether which is what I'd recommend as for exposed personal information this is going to depend on whether or not you have the ability to remove it if you do then simply remove the identifiable information from the service and wait for Google to update its search engine if you can't change or remove it then contact the owner or writer of the page to see what they can do about it expose pictures are a bit easier to track though you can find them by dragging the image into Google images to do a reverse image look up and find where that picture is posted on the internet another website which does the almost exact same thing with slightly different results is 10i if you do find something on a site you have control of simply log in and remove the image yourself if you don't have control of the website there are a couple options one contact the site support team and tell them you don't give permission to have that image on their website they will typically honor this if they don't the second option is to file a DMCA request by following instructions in the link found in the course sources this should be a last call though since it dives into legal waters and it could get you into trouble if you're misrepresenting the request let's discuss your favorite topic social media the obvious goal is to delete it altogether to dramatically improve your privacy but I know a lot of you may not want to take that route no matter what avoid using your full name if possible make sure your accounts are private enable as many privacy settings as possible and avoid entering any information that isn't needed Facebook does not need to know your address or birthday so why give it to them bonus points if your public profile picture doesn't include your full face so strangers don't know what you look without adding you as a friend I'd also recommend you go on a friend that / follower purge where you remove everybody you don't actually know from your account to avoid rogue snoops in your life once again I'd advise removing it altogether but I know some of you don't want to do that but just know there is some severe privacy invasion going on and it has been shown to negatively impact your mental health just something to think about the very last thing you need to take care of is the people searching websites how do you remove your information on these sites sadly you're going to have to reach out to all of these companies individually and request them to remove your information it's very tedious and every website has a different removal process Computerworld wrote an excellent guide going through people searching websites and how to remove your data on all of the major pages this other website also has a guide which lays out the manual process and they offer a service you can purchase to do it for you although I would recommend going manual okay at this point you should hopefully hopefully have removed a good chunk of the services you don't use any more falsified any information for the ones that don't need your information and only kept your actual information on as few services as possible this is your clean slate now there's no other place to say it's in the course so I'm saying it here you don't need to register for services like LifeLock you're wasting your money time and giving up information to a company that doesn't need to have it everything we've gone through in this lesson accomplishes the same thing as a Lifeloc and this entire course will teach you how to protect yourself so you won't need to worry about identity theft and other invasions of privacy not to mention LifeLock is partnered with Equifax who suffered with largest leaks in American history not only did Equifax suffer from this leak but they profited from it through services like LifeLock oh okay that's going to wrap up erasing your online identity it's very difficult to cover in one lesson but that just about covered everything the rest will come later when we retouch on the subject more in depth hopefully if you follow a lot of these steps you'll get the feeling of digital control maybe for the first time in your life and this is just the beginning I hope you enjoyed this lesson and thank you for watching I will see you
Channel: Techlore
Views: 149,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: online, identity, delete, remove, pwned, tempmail, DMCA, security, privacy, go incognito, techlore, incognito, course, guide, go, udemy, dark web, tails os, deep web, switched to linux, crash course, section 2, setup, complete, free, tutorial, safe, encryption, facebook, anonymous, anonymity, tor, VPN, Linux, Windows, full guide, overview, chrome, telegram, youtube, software, best vpn, free vpn, google, password, open source, public, open source software, best, how to mine bitcoin, tineye, 2.4, justdeleteme
Id: ot_modpLo8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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