How to Decorate Boho

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[Music] hi guys it's nick welcome or welcome back to my channel today we're going to be talking about the boho interior design style so if you're not familiar on this channel i like to go through different interior design styles and do like a whole breakdown of the design style so we're talking about what the style is about we're talking about tips to achieve that look in your own home we're talking where i like to go to shop what are the benefits of the different interior design styles who is this design style not for would you like a full breakdown of the interior design style so buckle in let's start talking about boho so this style is really defined by being unconventional right this is a style that breaks the rules this is a style that sort of emulates a nomadic life where you you know travel and you pick up different trinkets and different pieces from your from your travels and your journey in life and you sort of really incorporate that into your space it's a very personal design style and it's really like by definition very eclectic okay so let's go over some of the benefits of this style i think the first one is it's usually doesn't have to be but it's usually very colorful i see you all in the comments some of you really don't love the fact that a lot of interior design over the last decade or so has been really favoring neutrals right people like these sort of really clean white kitchens gray has been really popular this last decade and people have been like where is the color well you know what if you love color and you love that sort of energetic pop of color in your space and you want to see all these colors play off each other boho is a really great way to do it so by using this kind of design style some of the principles we talk about and bringing them together you can sort of really play and have a lot of fun with color so if you love color this style might be good for you another advantage of boho is that it's super eclectic and fun this is a style that is very casual it's very homey it feels comfortable and i think if you want to have a lot of fun with your design style um i think you really like boho no one can say it's boring you know like it's definitely interesting it's definitely fun and i really love that about boho and the third benefit of boho is that it's very personal to you i mentioned this before i think it's really important to know that boho done right is very personal it feels very uh it reflects the person that lives there very closely and i think that's kind of really great because sometimes a lot of design styles can feel a little bit um manufactured and the boho style does not it feels very like it's individual to the person and i love that okay so who is this style not for generally i would say people that are looking for kind of really sophisticated clean contemporary spaces are probably going to not like boho i also think people that are minimalist won't really love boho either because again this is about gathering things from your travels or maybe faking it here and there um to sort of make a kind of cohesive look out of that so if you admire really sort of really clean and open minimal spaces boho might look really cluttered so if you're looking at the pictures in this video that i'm going to show you and you think this looks like a cluttered hot mess then i think boho is not for you but if you think this looks fun and colorful and funky then you might be boho okay so let's get into some tips for how you can achieve boho in your own home so tip number one is to really create a beautiful color palette now this design style loves color it works really well with color it's a way that you can bring really random colors together and sort of break some of the conventional rules and it still looks cohesive because it sort of has this unifying boho look to it um so you can be as colorful as you want to be if you want to go for sort of a classic boho you can go for something uh with really big rich jewel tones you can use emerald you can use ruby you can use lots of gold right you can use teal you can use purple you can use all these really rich beautiful colors and they're really sort of brought together in this boho style but you don't have to necessarily use these big rich beautiful colors that's kind of the classic boho that we all think of you can also use really muted tones you can use a lot of pastels you can go incredibly neutral you can just do like almost like a white and cream space you can also go for like a really sort of masculine look go for a lot of like black and white boho overall though it's just really important in order for it to be cohesive is to really define that color palette um again this is a style that is quite eclectic so you have a lot of leeway here in terms of what colors you bring in but i still think it's really important that you clearly define it because it's going to make the space look more cohesive and put together okay tip number two is to use pattern so boho loves pattern so you can use like southwestern you can use moroccan you can use tribal like for like a tribal rug or something like you can use all these really cool patterns um that you wouldn't necessarily think would really work together but layering all those patterns together is going to give you that really signature boho look again sticking with the color palette that we talked about in tip number one but really layering in different palettes so that can be rugs that can be pillows that can be throws that can be in the art that you use you really can get creative in terms of how you want to layer in pattern but the best thing i want you to take away is that in boho busy is actually totally okay here so in other designs you maybe want to be really careful with pattern you may go for like a patterned rug but you may go for a bunch of other neutrals in the space but boho is really just about kind of pulling in all these things together so layering pattern on pattern can work really well in a boho style okay tip number three is to get personal um again like i've mentioned this design style is really about pulling in those kind of treasured possessions that you have accumulated over the years and bringing them into your space and really showing them off so it always feels really personal sometimes for me if i see a boho space and just looks really manufactured i think it can look cool but it doesn't necessarily have the same impact to me as when you see people that can describe hey you know this is where i went to morocco and i picked up this beautiful poof now there's no shame in if you didn't go to morocco i've never been of buying that poof on wayfair but if you can incorporate personal items that you've accumulated over the years that's a really great thing in boho because it sort of really brings in that lifestyle of you know being a you know wanderlust traveling picking up different items and bringing them into your space right and there's some easy easy ways to do that even if you haven't done a lot of traveling and that brings me to tip number four which is to add a gallery wall a gallery wall is really a great way uh to sort of add that personality but also really get creative with things like the frames that you use or use some macrame on your wall or different kind of art pieces um preferably something that you have found in your travels but if not something that you've purchased that you really like so again the rules of boho are quite loose so if you wanted to use you know maybe like a bright gold frame that has like lots and lots of detail and then you know couple that with a very simple basic black frame that can totally work in a boho style you're not trying to get everything to be really consistent because it's eclectic by design so bringing in different pieces different art pieces or different frames that come from different places different colors uh that can really work well the only thing i do recommend is that of course we're sticking to that color palette that we talked about earlier so yes again the color palette is loose just like the rules of boho were loose but i think if you want to have that really cohesive look it's nice to sort of repeat some of the colors that you've maybe used in the patterns um that we previously discussed or some of the colors that you've clearly defined tip number five is to layer your rugs so um rugs are really really really important in boho because texture and pattern are really important in boho so one tip that i have for you is that if you can't afford or you don't want to do one really big large rug because the bigger rugs tend to be really expensive um a really great tip is to layer a few different rugs i recommend that they're probably a similar thickness because you don't necessarily want to have it all really wonky on your floors but i think having multiple rugs and layering them in a really cool pattern um can really sort of create a little bit of dimension into your space and it just looks really fun and really comfortable and a little bit different again you can't always get away with this in other design styles but in boho like it just feels very lived in and comfortable and texture is really important just to really kind of warm up the space and make it feel really cozy and comfortable which is what boho's all about and that brings me to tip number six which is to layer in texture so again we're talking the rugs yes but we're also talking about lots of different other decor pieces or the furniture that you're using in the space so this can be like cotton this can be wool this can be leather this can be crochet like if you've got a crochet blanket that your grandma gave you like throw that in there like that that type of stuff if it's really warm and comfortable that's what boho is all about so you want to keep it really casual and just really comfortable and a great way to do that is just to layer in different textures on top of each other so tip number seven you guys is to bring plants into your home so boho style uses a lot of plants because remember we're really trying to recreate or kind of emulate that sort of uh nomadic lifestyle where you're you're always on adventures and sort of bringing in that outdoors into the space uh just really brings that life and that kind of casual warm vibe that you really want in your boho space okay tip number eight is to use wicker and rattan in your space particularly so we talked a little bit about texture before and how important it is to bring in texture um but also in boho like there's also a 70s coolness that you're really getting from a boho vibe um and i think that rattan and wicker is a great way of really bringing back that sort of 70s feel it just is really light it's really warm and it's kind of got this really organic sort of feel to it so the other reason i really like wicker and rattan besides just kind of its warmth is that wicker and rattan can really create some beautiful kind of patterns so while other design styles that we've talked about on this channel tend to favor kind of really clean simple lines uh boho is a little bit wild and crazy and tends to favor big pattern and tends to like lots of curvature and just really a lot of detail in its work okay so tip number nine is to really mix in vintage this is a design style that really favors sort of found pieces that you have collected so if you've been gifted something by say a relative or you've picked up something at a flea market or an estate sale this can work really really well in boho because you can really go as kind of ornate or as simple as you want in sort of some of these styles so you can really bring in sort of like a vintage wall clock that you've maybe found at a flea market that would work really well in boho because it's found it's something that is really personal to you there's a little bit of a story there and you can say how you found this really wonderful clock and you can sort of mix it in and you can really kind of go as clean and simple as you want or you can start to really lean in in some of these traditional or a little bit more ornate sort of design styles if you've received like a buffet and hutch from your grandmother mix that into your boho space like there's a story there there's something really cool and vintage and found that you can get from some of these pieces and bringing them into boho is totally gonna work okay so now let's go over some of my favorite places to shop for boho and my first pick isn't a shop at all and that is for you to work with pieces that you already have so i'm gonna bet that a lot of you have inherited some really beautiful quality pieces um that maybe you know you were given or gifted by somebody or maybe you inherited it somehow using these pieces and working it into your space is like a classic boho look because it's personal it means something to you and you know it's just a nice beautiful found item and again this is a style that is defined by being eclectic so if you've got different pieces that you're like i'm not sure this is going to work together in a boho style if you do it kind of in with using the tips that i've already discussed you can work it into the design that you've created the second choice that i have is to diy things yourself now i am not a diyer i'm going to be honest this is not the sorry girls channel i am not the lone fox i hate glue guns like i am not a diyer okay but you might be so if you're handy and you like are the type of person that loves to take like an old um you know bar cabinet and you want to bust out your chalk paint and you want to make it your own then you go do that like that is this is the style that is going to work for you because even if it's a little rough around the edges even if it's a little bit maybe not super super super perfect um it's gonna work in this style because there's a story there it's personal it's a casual space and it's gonna work for you so even if you are a good diy or i mean if you're an amazing diyer then that's my second option is that you can always create some pieces yourself create your own art and it's gonna work in a boho space okay so let's now talk about some retailers because sometimes um although we love to think that we have these far-off travels to morocco for that poof sometimes you just want to buy it on wafer and there's no shame in that either so let's talk about some of my favorite retailers where you can actually just go and kind of buy this look by the way i'm getting some questions on whether or not this is sponsored no this is not sponsored all these opinions are my own there are affiliate links in the description down below for you guys to check out to support the channel that would be amazing um but this is not sponsored ikea doesn't pay i i'll happily take their money i would like happily take ikea's money but they're not sending me anything i'll fully disclose if any of this is ever sponsored okay so here's some retailers so first of all the retailer i want to highlight kind of building off my diy thing and if you're like me and you're more of a let somebody else do it rather than a do-it-yourselfer then etsy is a really great option because etsy features a ton of really handcrafted products that people that are way handier than me are creating and putting on etsy and they make some really beautiful pieces they're usually really reasonably priced i mean here's this beautiful um rattan wall hanging that is gorgeous and this person is charging 35 canadian in my opinion they're under charging i would charge way more for that if i went through that sort of effort etsy's not that expensive and usually these products are handcrafted by people that you know you really want to support so that has a little bit more of a story a little bit more character to it than just buying it at a shop other retailers that i think are really great for boho i really always think of anthropology when i think of boho so there's these vallarta ceramic planters so if you don't maybe go to puerto vallarta to grab them then maybe pick them up at anthropology um these anthropology has a lot of really funky colorful pieces that i think just really fits the boho vibe another really great retailer's article i've talked about them on this channel before i really love all their patio stuff i've got a video specifically talking about article patio furniture i love it so much but they have lots of really really cool boho pieces especially like things that are rattan um or things that are wicker they've got this daisy chair which is really really cool so i find article quality is really good but i find overall that it's a really tremendous value so uh generally you're getting really quality pieces but they're quite an affordable price point speaking of rattan you know i also really love ikea um i've got my video here that i'm gonna link which is my favorite affordable products that from ikea that look more expensive than they are um and i think that a lot of those products that i talked about in the video would work really really well for boho as well another really great uh retailer i think for rugs is ruggable so they're an online retailer but all of the rugs are machine washable which you know if you've ever had your rug cleaned it can be a bit of a hassle especially if you're getting it professionally done it's a big kind of big deal but you can just throw this one in the washer so i think that's great i'm going to link to some of my favorites there but again if we're talking about layering different pattern rugs they've got lots of different patterns lots of different boho styles that'll work for you you can pick up either one big one or as i mentioned earlier you could pick up a bunch of small ones it would totally work okay guys that's all i have for today on boho i'm going to link to my playlist for all my other interior design styles i go over different interior design styles i do the same thing where i go in depth with all of them and i'll see y'all in the next video thanks bye
Channel: Nick Lewis
Views: 347,967
Rating: 4.9547319 out of 5
Keywords: how to decorate boho, how to decorate boho style, boho decor, decorate in boho, boho interior design, boho home decor, boho decorating ideas, boho style decor, bohemian decor, how to get the boho look, decorating boho, bohemian style furniture, bohemian style living room, decorating boho style, how to shop for a boho design style, best boho retailers, places to shop boho, boho chic, boho ideas, get the boho look, modern boho, boho living room, boho decor tips
Id: ixUC389IEu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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