How To Deal With Household Enemies (Household witchcraft)

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welcome back to my youtube channel everyone thank you so much for taking your time to be here god bless you thank you so much for your support this family is growing and i'm so grateful to god that indeed god is faithful and so if this is your first time here welcome and to all of you who keep on coming back god bless you abundantly in this video i will talk about how to deal with your household enemies this video has been requested by many of you and so i thought i should talk about this today if you haven't subscribed yet please make sure that you are connected to this family god is doing wonderful things and everything i show you if you take time to commit god gets committed god cares about you he's concerned about your well-being he desires that you prosper and you're in good health he wants you to get both physical and spiritual blessings your growth and your work with him should be on point every single day because that's where the strength comes from we do not trust in chariots knowing horses we trust in the most high god we trust in jesus in the holy spirit so that's what we are doing on this channel and this video is so important today because god wants you to get every blessing let no power anywhere be blocking your progress this video is coming from what i shared already in the previous one about household enemies these people are very close to you like i mentioned in the previous video these household enemies can be your children your own mother husband wife siblings uncles aunties all these people that are very close to you you cannot even suspect them those are the ones can really be wicked they take advantage of the relationship you have with them so i'm going to talk about how you can deal with household enemies in this video and i pray that the holy spirit will reveal something to you and you're not going to be the same again i talk a lot about spiritual warfare because i know that no child of god should be harassed pushed around by the enemy all powers of the enemy are under the feet of jesus christ and because jesus is great in you no power anywhere should succeed to oppress you and you see me very passionate about it because i've been there i know what it means to not progress to stay on the same spot for years and years whatever you do doesn't go anywhere and so you are not going to be spiritually ignorant in this family you are going to wake up and fight for what belongs to you i am going to push you in each and every video until you become who god has called you to be it's only possible through the finished work of jesus christ hallelujah when we look at how much he suffered on that cross why should you be suffering this is where you should sit down and say why should the witch somewhere be harassing my life when i am called a child of god justified by the blood of jesus and i sit here oppressed and pushed around you are not going to be ignorant anymore you will stand and fight in the name of jesus and you win the battle i'm going to show you how you can do that and it's up to you to take it or leave it this is the truth about your work with the lord anything that is going on in your life right now can be changed by you taking charge and taking control over your destiny it doesn't mean that god is not in control but you cannot leave everything to god you have to take responsibility you are the one who stand to say enough is enough i'm not going to allow any uncle somewhere in the village or anywhere these wicked household enemies to harass my life and block my destiny god is not going to do that for you so you can say god is all knowing why is he not fighting these enemies he knows yes but he has given you power over every work of the enemy over every scheme of the devil including witches wherever they are you have power over them and it's only to know how to do it what to do at the right time and then you win the battle it's not one in one day you have to persist determined to pray until something happens i've seen god come through for me so i know what i'm talking about i know that you can take back everything the enemy has stolen from you and if you are angry enough you will get your blessings back and this is what we are doing in this family hallelujah thank you jesus you want to know that so many destinies have been stopped because of witchcraft household witchcraft and these enemies use spiritual weapons to attack your career your business money your children everything about you you've seen families where someone educated goes to a certain level in life and all of a sudden everything is lost if life is not lost the person becomes useless these are household enemies witchcraft where the person can be in your family and you are even helping these people sure they love you they will even be celebrating with you but behind the scenes they know what they are going to do a friend told me a story that touched my heart so much and i was like these things are real this guy the household enemy was his own mother he was in uk he studied there and got a job he was doing well and all of a sudden because of what the mother was doing back home wanting power so the son was the one who was sacrificed on this otter and what was happening to this guy was no matter how much money you would send to the mother it was never enough she was always complaining she always wanted more because they are looking for faults it wasn't enough and it became worse that this guy started to feel strange he didn't want to work anymore he started to feel sick like homesick he wanted to go back home and he pushed to go home when he went there the mother knew that she was the one calling the son's spirit to go home and this guy arrived there it didn't take long he got mad and people wondered what happened to him from being this person that had his life well ended up in his home country i'm not going to mention the name became mentally disturbed and this guy ended up in the street that's a very sad story knowing that a mother was supposed to take care of her children should do something like this how can a mother feel good seeing her own son in the street begging you someone is spirit to come and suffer and the suffering becomes your joy this is what witchcraft is about they are not happy about where you are going they are not happy at all that you are where you are and what is happening in your life some of you have some things happening in your life are not normal and you might be suffering in the hands of these household witches why should people do that wickedness when people become so wicked they forget there's even a small trace of love the bible says a man's enemies are those of his own household micah chapter 7 verse 6. if you see that your life is under constant bondage frustrations everywhere continuous delays nothing you do works you might be dealing with something deeper than you know one wicked person in your family can affect everything about your life including your unborn children so this is the time to deal with such powers and you can do that by the power of the holy ghost the spirit of god is about to terminate any power anywhere any other any wickedness in the village whatever they are doing god can even expose them if they are not exposed those things can be bent by the power of the spirit of god and so you have to make friends with the holy spirit to win this battle i can sit here and tell you stories and stories about witchcraft i receive so many emails and i look at these emails i'm like this is a person who is under attack your money doesn't go far before you receive that paycheck it has already been spent in the spirit things are programmed over your destiny someone spoke things into existence and here you are you don't even know where all these things are coming from and if you sit back and think spiritual warfare is just for those people who see demons everywhere and they just want to fight fight jesus came and and i am an overcomer and all these confessions you will be under attack you and your family for generations and generations to come there's a reason why you are watching this video and let me be honest there are messages meant for certain people and god opened your eyes to see in the spirit and one way of singing the spirit is listening if you do nothing about it nothing will work for you you have been given power to overcome there's no way the enemy can overpower you you are an overcomer somebody commented and said we are not supposed to pray against our enemies we are supposed to pray for them let me tell you about that kind of thinking there are two different kinds of enemies of household enemies i should say number one there are those enemies you know they are against you but not to an extent where they are able to do evil evil things they might be jealous envious of you saying lies against you just to bring you down but not to kill you or to see you go down or even become mad those are enemies where you can sit and say lord have mercy on these people i don't know why they hate me so much remove every mark of hatred out of my life whatever they are seeing over my life lord i pray that they'll see me for who i am these are people that you can pray for and ask god that let my enemies repent let them be filled with your love and open their eyes to see there are those who have gone deep they are into deep deep thing in the dark world they've gone into witchcraft and their mission is to see you gone if they don't kill you they'll make sure that nothing works in your life so you live in this life without achieving anything except that you have a chance that one day you can go through deliverance and you can collect back everything they've stolen from you ask god ask the holy spirit to open your eyes what does first peter 5 8 say verse 8 talks about being sober because the devil rose like a lion looking for whom to destroy these wicked household enemies it means be watchful watching prayer that's how you deal with household enemies while others are sleeping you watch if you are not able to pray between midnight and 3 a.m you better gather up some strength and start doing that because if you have a witch who is after your destiny what will be sleeping eight ten hours help you with nothing you want your life to advance because there are things that have been programmed against your destiny and you have to revoke them how do you do that if you are sleeping and you are not even speaking anything over your destiny you are going to do that through the word of god the promises of god will raise anything witches have stayed against your life these people are not coming physically to attack you no you just wake up and see things not happening the way you want you've seen people where they have a lot of money but they don't know how the money has been spent someone is stealing their money all this can be removed by declaring the word of god the promises of god because that is life that's the opposite of of what these wicked people are doing you must have light with you to remove darkness out of your destiny and you do that in prayer i talk about this a lot if you're in this family you have to up your game every time pray because you pray without seizing and we don't want any any demon anywhere any power anywhere harassing you and you cannot even do anything i'm so helpless i don't even know what to do my life is going down there's something you can do there's something you can do right now and you don't need money to do it wherever you are in life you won't say i need money to to believe in jesus i don't have a million dollars so i cannot have access to to the weapons that i need to fight back you can start right now witches use words to wreck your life they will attack your marital destiny your business it might be doing well they will be watching ah let's see doing well for two three months when now you are thinking ah things are going well their words kicking you go down and you don't recover from that loss don't sit down and watch these things happen to you i want you to go and watch the video i did about household enemies at the end of it i showed you how you can pray in fast you have weapons and the weapons of your warfare are not physical these wicked people are not attacking you physically you have to change things in the spirit everything you see now is controlled by the spiritual realm the breakthrough you are looking for will start in the spirit face if you win the battle in the spirit you have one in the physical and things will start manifesting in the physical i remember when we had a problem in my family people were dying every june and july i gave this testimony in one of the videos when we came to this light this revelation how powerful it is to to have knowledge you don't have to just carry a bible in this life it's not enough to read scriptures you have to know what you can do to advance your spiritual work with the lord and so my cousin and i were fortunate enough to belong to a church where they were teaching spiritual warfare in fasting that time i remember we are on our 21 days of fasting and we said let's pray for our family it's so strange that every june or july someone has to die you have to do certain things to reprogram things in the spirit and how do you do that you reprogram by the word of god you declare the promises of god deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1-13 speak the blessing of god over your life tell yourself that my body do not cooperate with anything that is coming from the territory of the enemy whoever is speaking against my destiny i command those words to fall down and bear no fruit in the name of jesus christ anything that has been programmed against you be consumed by the fire of god you start to speak what you want to see and remove what you don't want to see this can be done by the power of the holy ghost make the spirit of god your friend pray in tongues you know some of the prayer points i like father send confusion in the camp of the enemy baptize my enemies with confusion let them not agree concerning my case confuse them lord and anything that has been programmed against your destiny your career your marriage your your relationships your money your business anything concerning your life reject it and let the fire of god remove any evil programming against your destiny doing this will paralyze any witch anywhere they cannot stand the power of god that's how you deal with household enemies you wake up and they'll be looking at you and be so angry inside but they'll be laughing at the same time because they don't want to show that they're upset with you when you pray at night the camp of the enemy knows and because you are blocking them they can't see you anymore let any mirror they are using break into pieces in the name of jesus you have the authority in the name of jesus you have the power god has given you authority to use the name of his son jesus christ don't sit there helpless the next point is to make sure that your relationship is on point with god you cannot mention the name of jesus when jesus is not your lord and savior he's not going to respond so for him to respond when you say in the name of jesus you have to make sure that you have a relationship with him your relationship with him is important than you attacking those witches god will help you win the battle because you have jesus in your heart and you don't want to miss heaven while fighting all these things here on earth because the word of god is the only thing that will remain the rest to pass away situations will change and to be transformed but let the word of god remain with you you don't know when jesus is coming how else do you deal with these household enemies there was a plague in israel and david was king when he saw that that plague was not going away he sacrificed to the lord and after he did that he prayed and god ended that plague you can win spiritual battles by just touching the heart of god how do you touch the heart of god do good look after the orphans the widows and all these less fortunate god is going to be fighting your battles you stand in his presence and you say lord remember to bless the work of my hands because i want to be a blessing to others god is going to answer whoever is attacking your finances will go down because god himself will come and defend you and here i'm not talking about you taking your money to one anointed man of god and saying i sacrifice in this church and my problems are going to go away if you do that without knowledge you are going to continue in that problem and you will be frustrated thinking that god doesn't answer you have to do those kind of things with knowledge and understanding let the holy spirit be the one to lead you not because someone said if you sacrifice today by next month your all your problems are going to go away that's very manipulative i would rather you take your money direct to the poor to the needy and ask the holy spirit to direct you to those people that will please the lord and you know what the bible says he says that when a man's ways pleases the lord he makes even his enemies at peace with him let your ways please the lord god is faithful if you do these things with all your heart god is going to come through for you you want the next generation to to be free and not be under any bondage of any witch in your family in the light of jesus christ to continue to shine over your life because now you have the knowledge and understanding to know that when these things are happening it means that something has been done in the spirit and it's by the spirit of god that these things can be removed and so i hope that this video has been helpful thank you so much for watching and keep commenting i'll find time to respond to your comments if you haven't subscribed yet please take time to do so and click that notification bell so that you don't miss out on anything that god is doing in this family stay blessed and i'll see you in the next one bye for now
Channel: Mumbi Inspired
Views: 194,649
Rating: 4.9126902 out of 5
Keywords: household enemies, household witches, how to deal with household enemies, prophetic warning, prayer against household enemies, mumbi inspired, prophetic word, prophetic word for now, prophetic warning for now, midnight prayer against household enemies, prayer points against household enemies, prayer to destroy household enemies, household wickedness, spirit of jealousy, spirit of envy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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