How To Deal With Fruit Flies And Drain Flies

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well it's that time of year fruit flies drain flies even though you can get them any time of the year but because of the abundance of fresh fruit and veggies all of a sudden there actually are flying around right in here you can actually uh this is when they seem to to bother everyone so you think well what there goes another one this could be fun that's all I'm gonna do is just swing at them all right so where can they be the obvious is fruit and vegetables any anytime over ripened fruit or veggies or sitting around they can actually lay their eggs right there and they lay a ton of eggs I mean a ton and in seven days how about that figure that out and you can see you can have a problem well the other the other thing is in the drain and down in the drain you can either have fruit flies or drain flies and you might think well what's the difference it's like to us really nothing they're both annoying but you can actually see um there there's some differences in the drain fly is is kind of a mostly black sometimes Brown where the uh the other fly the fruit fly is more of a tannish looking and has red eyes all right so what do you do first of all you got to take care of the drains you get rid of any fruit that is sitting around that is that is overriding ripened putting in the fridge fridge can help but as far as the drain goes and it's and it's it's not a bad thing to get rid of because that organic matter that builds up inside the drain that's where they can lay their eggs especially obviously the drain flies but of course people not missing an opportunity you can see now they actually have fruit fly killer for grains that contain citronella so those if you're just after the the drain flies this is a thick and you do this at night and you just kind of you hope it coats the side put about eight ounces per grain per side but the thing I think I would and and that might be better on an immediate type use I think what I would like to do is to take care of that buildup now it's getting more prevalent Drano everybody has these buildup removers this is the one I've kind of used forever it's uh it's called drain defense and it's a little cheaper on the uh powder one so you put one scoop per eight ounce or per uh per pint so we're gonna and then the way I'm gonna do this I do it ignite again because I don't want to run water on top of it follow the instruction I think you do it run a little hot water on top and then you do that once a day for a week and then once a week for a month and then after that you do it monthly but if you can clean that up you're going to take care of some of those those areas now just the ones that are flying around you see these fruit fly traps everywhere and they're in the shape and they look like an apple that way they confuse the fruit fly they think that's an Apple so you put a little liquid in there and then they are drawn to that and out of there now you might think some people say well that's just vinegar it's just vinegar so you can actually just use vinegar as well put vinegar in a dish put a little bit of soap in there so that they drown when they kind of Drakes breaks the surface tension you can cover it with plastic pop some holes in it or just leave it open but it is a problem and it's annoying but you have to go after it and go after it before they become an issue fruit flies drain flies out
Channel: WTHR
Views: 481,891
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Keywords: home-garden, home-garden-pat-sullivan, life, fruit flies, how to deal with fruit flies, drain flies, how to, do it yourself, how to get rid of fruit flies, how to get rid of drain flies, pest control, drain flies in bathroom, how to get rid of drain flies fast, drain bugs, home improvement, drain flies infestation, drain fly, fruit fly
Id: 55-QkCrYjBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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