How to Dance in a Club | 10 Club Dance Moves Anybody Can Use

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today I'm going to show you guys 10 simple club dance moves every man should know in 2023. first movie you want to learn ladies and gentlemen is a classic hip sway hey hey hey where I'm gonna teach you how to do it right now real call me real easy now I'm saying so you're gonna start with your right leg you're going to go right and you're gonna slightly left leg to the front left okay and then from here you're gonna come back to neutral this is start this is your starting position this is your foundation right here right if you ever lost in the club always come back here I promise you this is your base right so you got right slightly bring it to the front left come back now you're gonna do the same thing but starting with that left leg you know what I'm saying less slightly to the front right and then you come back so it's literally like a two-step but you slightly bringing that second leg to the front so again start with the right leg we going six seven eight right left right right left left right so this is the motion right here okay now the most important part is your your hips right here that's your hits right you don't know your body parts this is your hips you know what I'm saying so as you're doing the two steps so say if you start with that right leg right right you see how I bring my hips out and I'm bringing it in okay so I'm going counterclockwise when I start with my right leg so I'm going right last and then right here I'm bringing it back around left right okay so every time I'm stepping with that right leg first I'm going counterclockwise so I'm bringing my hips this way to the left so right left right left I said right left right left right left left right I'm so sorry he said right left left right so if you start with the right leg you do the left side you go to the left first with your hips okay opposition that's the key to this hip sway one more time five six seven eight and one hey hey and then when you get nice with it you can just hey you can add your own little swag to it and I'm saying next up the second dance move you want to get right and tight is a Little Rock You know I'm saying this one hey hey right it's similar to this two-step but you're doing it forward and backwards right so if you start with this right leg first you know I'm saying we love the right leg over here because I'm gonna write it you know what I'm saying so right now you're gonna go step down in the front and then you're gonna tap that left leg in the back whoa okay that's the essence of the step so you're going right left left right you see that that's your that's your motion the whole time right we're gonna get into the shoulders in a little bit right so you're going right left left right yo okay yeah okay easy that's light you should get that in like five seconds you know say if you don't pause the video rewind it again so again right left left okay when you right when you're going down with that right foot first you want to come in with that shoulder you're going left left left so it's going right oh right knocking that right shoulder back okay so I'm going right right if you want to choose the left shoulder that's up to you too right you just gotta switch your legs right so if your left leg is in front right leg I say right leg right arm is going to be knocking so you're going right right okay so if you have your right leg in front your left shoulder is going to be knocking okay so you're going left left left you can add a snap to it too right so you could go left snap left snap yeah call and I said you gotta clap hey it's whatever you want to do there's no rules to it you know say if you don't want to do a shoulder that's up to you too move number three ladies and gentlemen is a classic four step right it's a right left right hey left right left hey right left right hey right and the beautiful thing about this step is you could take it anywhere if you want to go up back Left Right diagonal you could do whatever you want with it no cap so with the four step if you're starting to the right you want to start with that right leg right so you're going right left right and on the fourth step it is always attack tap this is your reset to go in another Direction so if I'm starting here with a tap this is going to be my one two three four one two three four right with the fourth step you can add a little suede to it too you know what I'm saying don't just be like this that looks crazy you don't want to be that stiff out of the club add a little Little Rock hey you know what I say I had a little rock you know you want to add some all story too that's fine too hey hold on hey hey hey hey you can get low with it hey you know what I'm saying there's so many possibilities you want to go backwards hold on all I say what hold on hey it's so many things you could do with that one step like get creative use your mind creative juices you know what I'm saying the next move we got ladies and gentlemen the fifth move is the Big Daddy Kane the crisscross hey crisscross hey right that move is very simple it's really the rock that people mess up a lot but I got you you know I got you so for the Big Daddy cam right you're gonna start with this right leg at the front and this left leg is going to be in the back real cool so you're going Chris and then you're gonna jump out for the cross cross right when you land is where you're gonna start your rock so you're gonna go one two three four it's four rocks with each side right so we're going crisscross two three four right once you do that side you're gonna switch and put your left leg in front left right and rock two three four so remember every time you land when you open out that's one rock already you already start rocking immediately do not wait for the rock okay so again we're going with the right leg Crossing in front first we're going five six seven eight Chris one two three to the left crisscross two three four right cool call right you want to spice it up you can add some rolls you can add some of these and I'm saying some it's whatever you want to do make it look like you don't say whatever you would do in the crib you don't do it outside oh [Music] boom boom you don't say sauce it up make it look like something the next move you want to learn ladies and gentlemen is a classic Bop you know what I'm saying I don't know if this is the original name of the move but it goes something like this who hey whoa hey hey did I say I'm gonna teach you how to do it a lot of y'all like damn that looks Saucy I got you right now right so to start the Bop off you know I'm saying you want to lean you want to get this lean right okay the lean is very simple do not overthink it it will look crazy if you overthink it I promise you right so all you're doing you're gonna Bend this right leg in okay and your body is kind of going inwards too so your body is following your knees so you're going one okay look at my arms okay I'm going one okay and then I'm gonna switch two okay and then when I get here for two I'm doing two on the right side three and four so I'm going right left right right okay it's like a fake out right left right right okay and then what you do on that side right left right right you're gonna switch to do that left side left right left left call that's the step right there the arms is what really makes it look like something if you got your hands in your pocket hey hey hey hey hey hey you want to use your shoulders too hey hey just make it look make it look effortless you know say it takes time and practice the simplest things can look wrong if you don't practice it right so remember when you are leaning really get into it do not don't overdo it I'm saying you know when I overshoot just take your time hey hey hey hey hey right another tip I could give you is look at your heel right every time I bend my my knee in I'm kind of like pressing pressing press press press press press press press right but I'm making it really subtle so it doesn't look like a wall like this okay I'm just going one two three four see how ads will bounce hey okay now if you want to move over there you can just hey hey hey hey hey hey you know everything comes down to you at the end of the day the next dance move we got is the Skip to My Lou this is one of my favorite steps right here goes something like this right left right left right left right left right it's like a four step but you're adding a little tap and you're heating Each corner you know say I say heating hitting in each corner right so for the Skip to My Loop you know it's a reggae dance you're gonna start with your right leg you're gonna go right and when you bring that left leg to come to that right leg you're gonna tap tap okay so every time you step with that second leg it's always attack so if you start with that left leg you're going left tap okay two to the front two to the back that's the rule to remember so again we started with that right leg first we're going right tap left tap let's just get that five six seven eight right tap left tap okay so you're hitting the Four Corners you're going to the top right to the top left back right back left so those are the corners you're going do do do Doom it's like you're making a little X right but it's messed up okay so again so we go five six seven eight right tap left tap now from here you're going to the back right so you're gonna go right top left tap okay cool let's try that slow five six seven eight right tap left tap right tap left tap okay and you're just doing that motion over and over right so the first two that goes to the front you kind of want to dig in and then you want to come out for the last two in the back so you're going right less right last okay remember those Taps right tap left tap right tap left tap and when you put it all together you got one two three four one two three four one two three four the last two moves we got the second to last move is called the Reebok ladies and gentlemen so old school move right here we got I said right you could do it more aggressively but remember we're at a club you know what I'm saying if you have a drink in your hand you don't want to be like this because you're gonna spill that drink so you want to keep it calm hey hey hey hey hey hey hey all right let me show you how to do it I'm showing off now right so Reebok right you're gonna start with this right leg you're gonna go right left right left right okay just remember that so slow I'm gonna go a little slower so I'm going right left right left right okay cool let's try that one more time five six seven eight right left right left right okay cool that's nice right now when you come to this side it's the same thing but opposite so I'm going left right left right left okay see how I'm already lifted I'm ready to go to that side already this is gonna be right left right left right left right left right left you see how that it just goes right into each other you know I always I like doing that in my head because it makes me remember the the the the the the the the motion of the move or the the Cadence of the move and that was a moment so now the arms right you're going huh huh huh so you kind of bringing your left hand down first so you're going down up down up down down up down up down so when you start with that right leg first you're bringing that left hand down okay so you're going less right left right left and when you're starting with that left leg first you're bringing that right hand down and that left hand comes up so you're going huh oh so whatever leg you're starting with your right hand goes up and your left hand goes down so the opposite hand goes down and the corresponding arm goes up right you do not have to do these arms right it's really the footwork you can just kind of Swag It Out hey you don't have to do the arms right if you want to roll it hey it's whatever you want the arms are not mandatory but that's the standard RoboCop this is the standard but you don't always have to follow the standard you could sauce it up in your own way sauce it up in your own way hey the last move that we got is the Cabbage Patch ladies and gentlemen this wonderful move right here one hey hey reverse hey it's up to you right cool right so Cabbage Patch it's a real easy move right so if you're pushing your arms out counterclockwise which is like to the right going this way your body is going the opposite way so if I'm pushing my arms this way my body is going to go that way I'm pushing away from my arms okay so I'm just doing this the whole time okay and all my feet is doing is up left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right okay if you're pushing your arms this way where does your body go huh to the right so if it's going clockwise I'm pushing my body the opposite way right and I'm starting with my right leg now right left right left right left right left okay it doesn't really matter which leg you use but just for you know I'm saying tutorial Barbers is uh yeah you might get confused because it's like doing one of those little moves but stick to One Direction you don't want to switch in between because you're like oh what's going on you know what I'm saying you just wanna hey hey hey hey thank you guys for watching this video make sure to like comment and subscribe if you guys want to learn some more dancers if you got some tutorials over here pick one and I'm saying do it pick one pick one you know I'm saying I know you guys want to learn some more moves don't be stingy now and I'll say hey pick one pick one keep watching yes I'm talking to you yes pick one we out of here okay
Channel: Lord Hec
Views: 250,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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