How to Cut Vinyl Fence to FIT Narrow Sections | Cutting Vinyl Fence to Size

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel today I'm gonna be showing you guys how to cut vinyl fence probably the most asked question I get is how do you cut the vinyl fence for the shorter sections and I'm showing you guys how to do that today so let's get started oftentimes when you're working with a vinyl fence you're going to come to an end where the corner post meets usually that section is going to be a little bit shorter as you can see on this section right here so you're going to need to cut it to the size to make it fit all right for the tools you're going to need a saw you can use a skill saw a handsaw a Sawzall any kind of saw with a fine-tooth blade I'm actually using a craftsman vinyl cutting blade also you may want to use some clamps what this is going to do is hold your panels to the table while you're cutting it so they're not sliding around also some masking tape what this is going to do is it's going to prevent you from scratching your vinyl a tape measure so you can measure the distance between the posts and eye protection for this vinyl panel kit you're actually going to need to cut the top and the bottom rail and you most likely will need to cut the panel itself along the way because there's usually a gap in between the panel and the post so I'll show you how to do that all right so when you go to cut your vinyl fence what you're going to do is you're going to measure from that post to that post and you're going to do this for the top and the bottom all right so it's at 83 inches so what you want to do is you want to allow for an inch on this side and an inch on that side to go inside the post so we're going to cut these at 85 inches for the bottom rail and you want to do the same thing for the top rail they should be the same if they're level but it's just a good practice to measure both sides all right and that's pretty close these haven't been concreted in and leveled yet so it's going to be around 83 so again we're going to cut these at 85. all right so we're going to start with the bottom rail first we're going to measure out the length all right so we said 85 inches for an inch on each side if you want to go about another half inch that's fine I'm gonna do 85 and a half I'm going to do a mark on the bottom and the top if you don't have a straight edge with you you can just use one of the panels to draw your line just like that all right again make sure you're wearing your eye protection you definitely don't want to get vinyl in your eyes just cut down the line so [Applause] and you're gonna repeat that for the top rail as well [Music] [Applause] all right so now it fits to size and they're gonna put your panel in it also something to note since you did cut off the tabs on the end of the rails it's a good idea to put a screw in here just so that the rail doesn't slide in and out just like that that's going to keep it from sliding out of the post [Music] all right after you get all the panels put in like i was saying you're gonna usually have to cut one of these to fit um see that's a little bit wider than the gap so what you're gonna do is measure the gap between here and here on the top and the bottom so also when you go to cut your panel you want to make sure you cut the right side so you got to make sure you cut from the female end towards the male end you want to cut from this side that way so they're different the way you want to make sure you cut it from the way that they connect together so you just want to measure it from the top to the inside so it's right at four and a half inches for the top and right at four and a half inches for the bottom [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right so once you get it cut the way you want it you can use the trim piece to cover up the jagged edges [Music] just like that just slide it on in just like that and then you put your top rail back on all right so once you get all the panels in now you're going to install your top rail foreign and there you have it that's how you do the shorter sections well that's how you cut a vinyl fence for the shorter sections i hope you found the video helpful and if you did please give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more how-to videos in the future feel free to hit that subscribe button as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: DeuceLiter
Views: 115,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to cut vinyl fence, how to install vinyl fence, how to cut vinyl, deuceliter, how to cut vinyl fence to size, how to cut vinyl fence for shorter sections
Id: ts0e_HNNwbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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