How to cut gemstones - Garnet

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] good David viewers my name is cliff and welcome to my channel called vintage time in today's episode of how to cut gemstones I'll be featuring garnet from the hearts range from the Northern Territory in Australia so this video will climb with two other videos one of made in the past called how to cut gemstones disaster the gem from hell and I'll throw in a photo of that video and it will link up with a forthcoming video that I've got all the footage for already and this is about azarkh on that I actually cut before this stone and we're going to be talking about filled gemstones so let's move on to cutting this and I'll explain a bit more about these videos later so the garner has been glued to the table stick which is placed in a transfer jig and I'll let that sit overnight so that Luke have properly bond to the garnet so the previous Gunnar die cut before which I called the gem from hell in the disaster video I became very suspicious later on that there was something terribly wrong affected gem we're little shards will just pop out of it when I'm cutting it like little pieces of glass fragmenting out of it now I've cut so many gems in my lifetime where they've had veils inclusions and cracks and usually you can cut through them and they polish up well and they can even look really good anyway I've just recently cut a zircon and I had issue after issue and both these gems came from the same source the garnet from hell and the zircon and from the same dealer [Music] [Music] [Music] so currently I'm rounding out the girdle and I'm just lowering the mast a little bit now to let you know this particular garnet does have inclusions in it and it also has provenance about it it was found by my father in the Harz range so both for garnet in the previous video and the zircon in the following video both of them was sourced from Africa both came from the same dealer and of Thailand and in my opinion both were filled with a product to hide the inclusions as you could not see them under a light or when oil was on them so the girdle of the garnet has been rounded out and the intent is to cut it in the same style as the zircon in the following video where in my opinion has been filled and you'll see how well it's been filled but this is also proved that you can actually color Jim with veils or inclusions with no hassle at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the first set of pavilion facets have been polished off perspex with a 14,000 grit diamond paste and this is really known to their commercial great polish so what you see me doing here I'm cleaning the side where I'll use a 14,000 grit commercial grade diamond polish and then I'm going to flip the disc over and go one step further and use 50,000 diamond paste now I'm very fastidious when it comes to cleaning and I'm cleaning it really properly making sure I don't get contamination and I always use on one side the 14,000 grit diamond piece and on the other side it will always be the 50,000 and by keeping the same disc it means I don't need to adjust any Heights on my mask or cheat I can just fly through all the indexes and polish really quickly it just makes sense but make sure you have clean tidy habits when you're faceting so perspex disk has been flipped over and to make sure that the 50 thousand grit diamond paste side is properly clean once again get out the tissue paper of toilet paper and give it another clean with the methylated spirits and then you're all set to go to polish so I'm about to smear some 50,000 red diamond paste on the perspex disc and between these transitions from the 40,000 to 50,000 bit diamond polishes I've actually cleaned my hands once again we're talking about contamination issues so it's important to wash your hands and make sure you don't have any of the previous diamond placed on your fingers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I'm going to cut the next set of pavilion facets interestingly enough the next set of pavilion facets I call them the main facets but many facet is like myself loved to cut the first 16 facets and then break those facets with next 8 [Music] [Music] so the next group of pavilion faces have been cut with very warm 3000 with dining discs and they're almost been cut down to the girdle line not quite now this is a continuous girdle so there are going to be no facets on the girdle so it's going to be a round girdle so like I did before I'm going to polish these facets with the 14,000 grit diamond taste and then I'm going to flip the disk over and polish the facets again with a 50,000 width diamond paste and it's also easy because I've just cut the facets I've selected a similar angle so I don't have the bauble with resetting angles and just put discs on polish flip polish all done very easy [Music] so in this section of the video I'll be cutting the crown and unfortunately this crown has a very low profile and sometimes that's the way it is you've just got to work with what you got also when you see this section of the video now you'll notice that the top of a crown is almost prated out so that means it's going to have quite a large table so we're getting closer to the end of the video and with the narration but I'll be adding subtitles and the whole point of this video was to prove that you can cut the gem with fractures or inclusions or veils without it disintegrating on you like the previous garnet also stand by for the next video where I'll be featuring a zircon that's filled with some sort of product from my perspective I won't be buying off eBay anymore or from any dealer that are unreliable I'll just stick with the dealers that are reliable all the time and also I'll be finding my own gems so stand by for another one of those videos where I go out prospecting and looking for gems also stand by for the final reveal where you get to see this gem and you'll see that it comes out pretty good it's not as perfect as I would like it but nonetheless I think it was ok for the type of issues I've had with this gem anyway it's over now for me and until next time take care everybody and spy for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vintage Time
Views: 125,253
Rating: 4.837472 out of 5
Keywords: Gem cutting, cutting gems, gems, gemstones, garnet, How to cut gems, faceting
Id: 0gIskfMknBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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