Beef Hanger Steak! (How to cut and cook)The Bearded Butchers

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it's time for the last cut of the day last carcass of the day and we want to show you a special cut today um this is called actually let's just follow along we're going to show you this is called the hanger steak also known as the butcher's cut or the hanging tenderloin um it's one uh basically one steak that attaches to the diaphragm or the upper belly and what this does similar the skirt steak is this is just a muscle that controls the diaphragm inside the animal's belly but the reason why it's known as a butcher's cut or a hanging tenderloin is very tender and a lot of butchers they simply wouldn't offer this for sale because it was so delicious they kept it for themselves so we're going to break this carcass that's going to take this out and trim it up and we're going to show you just actually one side's a little bit longer than the other side but we're going to trim it up it's got an inedible membrane in the middle we're going to show you how to trim that out of there and then of course we're going to cook it so but we wanted to show you as displayed right here in the carcass right from the butcher from the slaughter floor when we butchered this and this has been dry aging now for 13 days it's hanging right here literally the hanger steak the butcher's favorite cut very beefy flavor tender juicy steak so let's get it cut it's really important how this is cooked so we're of course going to take it through the cook process as well this is one of our 100 grass-fed carcasses raised locally just 12 miles down the road i think you can handle that big fat i think so let's get it out on the floor and we'll show you how to trim out a hanger steak scott showed you where the hanger steak was located i'm going to show you how we pull it and how we trim it so i'm just going to take my knife right here up against this vertebrae cutting that tendon that connective tissue and simply removing that hanger so now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to start trimming this up and as scott mentioned there's one side that's a little bit longer and thicker than the other but some of this stuff you can start by peeling with your with your fingers as well and keep in mind that we did leave this hanging inside the the animal for the duration of the dry aging which was about 13 days on this grass-fed beef so typically when you would buy this in the store it's not going to be dried out as much as this because it's going to have been in a vacuum sealed bag so just keep in mind that if this is you know looks a little bit more dried out than what you're used to seeing it's because it was hanging inside that half the entire time so the air had a chance to get to it and just dry this outside out a little bit but we think it'll enhance the flavor and that's what we want to do to achieve leaving it inside that animal so we could show you exactly where it came from so i'm just going to use my hands and usually when you buy this in the package it's still going to have all this membrane and connective tissue and use on there so pretty much the same principle when you go to trimming now you can you can certainly remove as much of this external fat and gristle as you wish just remember remember that when you try to bite through gristle it's not a very pleasant experience so we're going to try to remove as much of that external gristle as we can like mention most of it is just simply by pulling it off by hand grass fed beef it's not going to be super fat you can see that this does have some fat in it muscle fibers running this way this is what makes it such a very tasteful piece of meat since it does have that marbling inside those fibers so now that we have it to this point here what i'm going to do is i'm going to start up here at this end against this tendon it has this real thick piece of tendon that runs right through the center of this hanger stake so i'm just going to slowly work my knife down the center removing one side and then you can take this and you can flip this piece over using that sort of that fish filet method down this side real nice clean piece removing that gristle and that sinew right out of the center now what i will do is i'm going to go ahead and take these and like i said you can trim as much of this off here as you'd like the main thing is just getting that thick piece of gristle off there now what i'm going to do is simply cut this in half this one it has a kind of a natural separation right here on the end so i'm going to go ahead and remove that piece we'll make that a separate stake and then here again taking off just a little bit of fat we're going to go ahead and cut this one in half which this is going to leave us with real nice five steak pieces of hanger steak now keep in mind this is grass-fed beef like mentioned so these are smaller than you would normally see if you went to the grocery store you bought conventional grain-fed beef keep that in mind these are going to be smaller this is a smaller frame carcass that's why we have smaller pieces so very simple process you buy a hanger stake don't let it be intimidating a good knife use that practice right there to seam it out trim it up and i can guarantee you on the grill once you serve these you are going to be very very impressed with the flavor and the tenderness at this point we are going to get these seasoned up with uh some beer to butcher blend seasonings and we're going to get them on the grill and we're going to give them a sample so follow along i know if you guys have ever seen one of these it's called a loofed lighter you can find them on amazon we'll throw in a link pretty handy little tool just hold it down here by the charcoal push the button works like a um like a hair dryer ignites on the end and blows air into their charcoal and uh it's a pretty nifty way to light lightning poles we're about 40 seconds in coming up creeping up on maybe maybe 50 seconds to a minute and you can see we've already got fire i'm gonna use some hickory wood chunks to grill up these hanger steaks i'm just gonna get a couple nice chunks place them around the charcoal bed just like that doesn't take a lot we have about five of them in there and then didn't pre-soak them or anything like that we're just going to put them right on top of the coals get some of that nice hickory smoke flavor as we're grilling these hanger steaks up the smokes are rolling we're going to get our grate on there clean it off a bit so i want to get the temperature of this grill up to your normal uh like your steak grilling temperature so somewhere in that 350 range and then once we get it up to that temp we are going to grill these hanger steaks pretty much just like you would a rib eye or a strip along those lines what are we seasoning with today seth all right so we talked about this this morning and scott and i we decided we're like you know what let's use the black in the original this is our six bottle variety pack so it has original black chipotle cajun hollywood hot all in this variety pack however you can customize this however you want so if you find some that you like better than others that sort of thing you can customize it to your liking but today we're going to use the black the original it's going to be a pretty simple process i'm just going to use a little bit of extra virgin olive oil i'm just going to put it on top of these rub it in a little bit nice coating that seasoning to stick to that steak real nice now i need to mention that the other day we cut this hanger steak right here so you saw us cut the hanger steak you you saw us prep the hanger steak i decided to get a couple more just because i know we're gonna have some hungry mouths to feed around here and one simply wouldn't be enough gonna start with the original we're gonna want a nice liberal coating on all sides let's get these seasoned up real nice you can see the egg over here it's getting nice and hot i think by the time we get done seasoning these the temperature of our grill is going to be just about perfect to throw these on there and get them cooked up so a nice nice liberal coating like that i think those are ready now we're going to switch to the black our black has the coffee in it and molasses it's a little windy out here i have to make sure i don't lose most of it you can see the tint has a darker tint and the longer you leave this sit on here it's going to absorb some of that moisture out of the meat and it actually will turn slightly black and that's the reason why we named it black because of one the coffee but two when you use it it turns black and it creates a really really nice black bark on whatever you're smoking so whether you're doing briskets or pork butts or ribs or you know whatever you might be cooking it just makes a really nice bark on there so even though the seasoning doesn't come out of the bottle black that's why we named it black because of that coffee and the way it looks on the product big green egg is pegged right at 350 degrees before i put these steaks on i want to mention this just real quick we have the bucket available on our website so if you get the four pound bucket it comes with a free shaker it's on the website you use the bucket to fill the shaker also we now have the refill bag for the bucket as well on the website so just want to touch on that real quick now let's go ahead and let's just get the stakes on the grill got that nice smoke rolling got that hickory hickory wood chunks so let's just go ahead and place these right on our grill they're they're pretty thick so we're going to have to watch these real close we are going to want to flip them a decent amount and we only want to take these to an internal temp of about 125. so we certainly don't want to overcook these gotta keep my different flavors separate so you can see these are the black seasoned these over here are the original so let's go ahead and watch our temps and we're just going to cook these up like you would a ribeye or strip steak looking pretty tasty i'm just going to move these around so i can see where i have a hot spot on my grill so i'll just move them around a little bit [Music] making sure that i don't get the black and the original confused where they're placed smelling good we have met temp that one said 127. i don't want to go any more than that [Music] those the original these are the black those are smelling fantastic we're going to let them rest for a minute hey i've been working where have you been me too so original season black season no no no no no no we gotta let them rest so we gotta let these rest and then we're gonna slice them and sample them look at the window you're gonna you can always catch shawn peeking over your shoulder looking out a window those look delicious all right let's unload this truck and then we'll eat all right you got to tell me what we got or should i guess it's time to sample look at all that juice get in here dan someone asked in our mentioned our last youtube video when we introduced dan that they wanted more of dan so here's dan more dan more dan dan has got our knives coming back in stock very soon this knife the victorinox 6-inch semi-stiff dan has them ordered they will be in stock very very soon so and also the beef came from daniel's farm his childhood farm is where the beef tender came from so all true facts all true facts which one do you want to start with and can you can you pick which one is which well by flavor or speed or like what's that i can tell you that these got to be the grain fit correct these are the grass fed yeah i'm gonna have you decipher which flavor when you try it i can do that okay yeah all right so i'm just gonna go start with this one we're gonna go against the grain [Music] just like this looks pretty juicy to me [Music] so just go ahead and get one and give it a shot i'm telling you what beer to butcher flavors on yeah there you go dan original wow that's delicious so tender and juicy was that correct do you work correct ma'am nothing wrong there is that's extremely now tender we've sampled that one let's go with this one [Music] nice job on the cooking stuff thank you [Music] i tried really really hard to make sure that i didn't overcook it because i knew that with hanger steak you don't want to get it above 125 130 so this is black yep that's delicious these have like a really nice like look how we see those fibers in there and they're they would it would appear that it would be tough but it's not tough at all you've had hanger steak before right is this the best you've ever had yeah definitely if somebody didn't tell you there's only one answer to that question if somebody didn't tell you they could pass this off to you as brisket yeah with the texture is nearly nearly the same texture of brisket but the tenderness of tenderloin yeah texture texture brisket but the tenderness of fillet with with big time flavor you boys want a bite yeah yeah it says jump on in here hop on there and get some where's the rest of the gang it's a busy afternoon here at white feather we actually i was selling grill dan was coming in for a meeting we got a truck coming in but we wanted to get a hanger stick video done because people kept asking for it so we wanted to show you and we wanted to eat some of course we wanted to show you where on the carcass it comes from how you trim it and how we grill it so there you have it and i'd say it was definitely definitely a success smash it's a wonderful job on the cooking thank you hope you enjoyed the video as always we want to remind you for all your butchering and cooking tips come see the bearded butchers on youtube and other platforms don't forget to subscribe we just hit 600 000 subscribers on youtube appreciate every single one of you we've got a bunch more videos planned so you have to understand we're filming these videos during our processing days you know we're literally we process this morning we pop outside we do these videos in the afternoon so we we achieve that when we can so thanks for being patient with us and don't forget follow us on all the other social media channels that we have facebook instagram twitter you tic talk you know the deal and until next time see ya [Music] you
Channel: The Bearded Butchers
Views: 281,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bearded butchers, bearded butcher blend, big green egg, bge, ohio, Hanger Steak, Butcher's Steak
Id: WV3ujLb6how
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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