How To Cut a Basic Bob Haircut | Full Step by Step Tutorial

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[Music] all right guys so i'm super excited to bring to you guys this bob haircut we're gonna cut a basic bob today i'm gonna walk you through it step by step uh there's gonna be a ton of techniques packed into this video so i can't wait to share it with you so to get everything started we took a right-hand side parting followed that through right down center back and then i sectioned off basically from underneath the crown down to behind the ear and then from the occipital bone or a little bit below occipital bone uh slight diagonal forward over and what i'm doing with the scissor now is i'm cutting a nice blunt line in the back to start my guide notice that i've got zero elevation happening uh with the hair so i comb it down i use the wide teeth of the comb as i work through it i clip everything away keep everything nice and clean using the wide teeth that comb but then i leave the comb out of it as i cut this blunt line so this blunt line is going to be my guideline and till i get to the occipital bone then i'm going to start to elevate the hair a little bit so another key thing here notice that i put the comb in the hair and i just pull it back because what a square bob is is cutting that square blunt line in the back of the head so i don't want to round off the corner i want to pull that corner back to me keep it nice horizontal flat i basically square with my shoulders as i cut through now what i want to show you guys is after the occipital bone notice how the head starts to peel away so that's going to change our elevation as we're cutting through this haircut so you want to be aware where that head starts to curve away and that's when you're going to start to elevate so i continue through doing the same thing right here and then we're going to start elevating as we work through the next sections so now i take slight diagonal forward partings we're going to be working vertical instead of horizontal elevating the hair right where the head starts to bend up and that's where we're going to start our graduation so i take that parting i pull the hair back into my hand i use the bottom part that i already cut as my guide and i start to create my elevated graduation you'll notice right around the tip of my fingers the hair is at a little bit above zero degrees uh almost at that zero between zero and 45 that's the easiest way to say it so as i'm lifting it up um i want to be aware that that top part of my finger i don't want it to be too heavy so keep that elevation between that 0 and 45 degrees so that you get a nice balanced graduation through it now here's something that a lot of us are going to want to do is follow um where they see that guide pulling away underneath i want to continue that line and not even worry about the bottom part and the inside of my finger i want to let that fall down so i'm going to show you guys as i cut it here and i let it go it's going to disconnect that disconnection is a great thing because that pushed weight behind the ear and then i can go through and just cut that weight off instead of following that line and then having um a hole which is where we never want to go when we're cutting these haircuts so you can see i check i do a little cross checking make sure i got a nice horizontal line still because even though we switch to our fingers we work traveling guide all the way across staying in that box cutting that square shape now we're going to do the same thing on the opposite side uh one thing i want you guys to notice here is how i backhand cut across the back to push that push the hair as i cut it from the center out so i did the same thing on the opposite side so i want to mimic it and do the same thing on the right side now as i continue up through that uh one thing i want to reach out to you guys as you're watching this i wanted to leave uh not speed anything up i really want you guys to to see exactly what i'm doing through it i don't need to talk through the whole thing but if you're enjoying this video definitely hit the like button uh and also share this on whatever platform you can because i really appreciate you guys watching this video and i'd love to share the love spread it out there uh get all of your colleagues watching this video so they can learn to cut a bob um with purpose and that's the point of this video here so still one length no um no tension that helps with any calyx that happen in the back a lot of questions that i get are how do i cut a bob if they have calyx well you just don't pull tension on it you let the hair do what it wants to do naturally and then that's how you cut it because that's how it's going to fall when you're not with them anyway so a golden rule to cutting a bob is your thumb is always pointing in the direction you're going so now that we're moving to the right my hand is now pointed down and that allows my comb to then take the new hair pull it to the guideline uh and then cut it at the guide so remember we're traveling across the back of the head um but think of it as a horizontal line even though you're holding it vertical you want that horizontal line to be flat and straight across the back um if you were standing looking at the head you want it to be balanced with your shoulders so just work your way through that back section over directing everything back when you get to behind the ear pull it straight back not over but straight back and pretend like you're in a box and that'll get you that square line in the [Music] back [Music] my giving you i'll pull it back do a little cross checking [Music] so what i'm doing now is i'm really working through the back of the head and i'm working until there's no longer hair that's going to fall to the back of the head if that makes sense so what i'm trying to do is just cut everything in that square back fashion bring everything back and then as soon as the hair is only going to fall on the side then i'll move to the side and i'll start cutting the side but until then i want to finish off this section so you can see that i bring everything back even though i'm going to cut this again it's over directing it it's pushing it forward we're going to cut all that weight off in the end but i'm focused on the back right now and that's what i want to do is just work my way through it so now i've finished the back sections so now i'm going to start focusing on the side so i take a horizontal section across comb everything up and away nice and clean clip it away and then i'm going to cut my blunt line starting on the bottom with no tension just like we did in the back so i connect those two points starting at the back point and then connect through to where i want that hair to lay so what i'm doing is mimicking the jaw as i cut through [Music] [Music] [Music] so you'll notice now that there's a slight elevation uh and the reason for that is as the head starts to move and kind of curve away that's when it will get heavier if i keep cutting it blunt in the bottom so what i do is i do a slight elevation just to take a little bit of that weight out soften the weight line a little bit uh in the outer perimeter so i just work through it again i'm not trying to elevate too high i'm not trying to layer the bob i just want to do a slight elevation throughout the top that's side one now what i'm going to do is continue uh to cut the back of the left hand side and i'll keep working through until none of the hair is going to fall into the back and then we'll move into the sides of the left side [Music] so i want to share with you guys a lot of you guys asked about my comb uh this is the limited edition pride comb from ys park it's a 339 comb whether it's the pride colors or not 339 comb is my favorite comb that i have and i use it a lot and we also sell it on our online shop so you can check any of the um the links in the description of this video to shop for those they're on our shop like i said you can pick it up on there for a limited time on this specific comb but if you're looking for a new comb something that fits perfect for precision cutting the ys part 339 is one of my favorites and then i'm also using mizutani scissors this is the matte back edition uh version one you can get that on our website as well we have payment plans available for scissors so if you're looking for upgrading any of your tools click combs clips scissors all that stuff we have it on [Music] so the overhead view really shows kind of uh how i'm over directing everything back but keeping it nice and square in the back so watch my finger angle shift so it stays flat stays parallel to the back of the head and works through it this view also really showcases how some of that hair is still falling over in the back so that's what i'll over direct back finish it off then move to the side now we're going to do the same thing on the left side that we did on the right so we take a horizontal line across i'll clip the rest away and then i'll work my guideline from the back graduation that we started and i'm just going to follow the jawline and cut a blunt line across no elevation no tension just working my way through [Music] [Music] also something interesting those you guys that don't watch um the live classes that we do this is actually a cut from a live class that we did uh which is cool because it's interactive and you can ask me questions it's totally free which is another great part and if you want to be a part of those classes all you got to do is text me 215-608-2612 again that's two one five 215-608-2612 just text me say hi or say i want i want to know about the classes you can say whatever you want and then i'll text you back and it'll get you a little bit more information and then i can text you whenever i go live so that you can be a part of those classes as well you can join the ones that you can but it's just as easy as clicking a link coming over joining us on youtube uh you know we have thousands of stylists watching these classes a week and i'd love for you to be a part of it kind of be a part of our community it makes it a little bit easier as i'm doing these you know they're maybe an hour hour and a half class but at least you can ask questions and i can answer them back it's a lot better communication which is really nice obviously these videos are great as well but if you get a chance to be a part of the live class it'd be awesome uh here's moroccan oil this is a smooth um blow dry serum i guess you could it's not really a serum it's a blow-dry concentrate uh but what i love about it and i'm testing out these moroccan oil products they sent me a big box of them and i'm really loving it so thank you to moroccan oil for that this is not a sponsored video at this point but what i would say is that every single product that i've touched from moroccan oil i absolutely love uh and i'm excited to continue working with the products discovering things about them uh this one i put in because i really wanted a nice smooth finish to the hair smooth shiny blow dry so um felt like it worked really well on the hair felt like my blow dry time went real fast um you know just felt like the hair was real healthy and shiny you can see the shine on it as i'm smoothing it out towards the end so i polish it to a flat wrap blow dry then i go through with the iron polish mid shaft to ends smooth it out and i'm going to show you guys a couple dry cutting techniques that really help finish off your graduated bobs so where a lot of people might say you know this is this looks good so um i want to go this step further i want to take it and share with you guys some techniques that'll really help finish it off so we're going to use moroccan oil finishing spray this is a trick that i would use just any hairspray that you have spray it through the hair get the hair laying exactly where you want it and then i'm going to go in with a clipper fully closed so as tight as the blade will go and i just dust off the ends and work that through just really fine tuning the outer perimeter and also the graduation just a little bit so it's such a cool technique to just soften uh lines and work your way through and you could do it with a scissor but for me in this day and age the way the industry is i'm all about using techniques that speed up the time it takes to do things in the salon because we can't take as many clients at this moment you know hopefully two years from now when this video is two years old it's not that way but for now we can take one client at a time and we work our way through so any techniques that we can do to save time in the salon i'm all about so i use the clipper through it use a trimmer through it and then detail it with my scissors so i use all the tools that i have in my toolbox to get this client as hair as beautiful as possible like you can see here and as fast as we can do it so hope you guys like this video if you did please hit the subscribe button uh make sure you join our community on fse now the app it's free so download that thank you guys so much for watching can't wait to share another video with you soon you
Channel: Free Salon Education
Views: 1,178,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Salon Education, Mizutani, Scissors, Haircutting Scissors, Hair Education, Hair Tool Reviews, Matt Beck, Christina Cavalcanti, Brian Haire, Drea Boland, Free Education For Hairstylists, Hairdresser Education, Hair Color, Balayage, Bob Haircut, Hair Cut, Haircut, Haircutting, How To, Step by step, Salon Reality, Salon Tools, Salon Education, Salon Marketing, Salon Business, New Hope, PA, Gratitude Salon, Salon Gratitude, Hair Styles
Id: z6RahuPx6vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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